
“Midder” Church You & Veritas MUST Stay The Course!

today04/06/2016 27

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Mandeville, LA – We thank listener Nicholas D. for his prayers, his Founders Pass Membership and his efforts to spread the Truth heard here daily on the Veritas Radio Network.

“Midder” Church,

I hath heeded thy request for someone to pen you a nice little email. Ha!

Seriously though, It’s been great listening to you these past few months. I actually found you on the sensus fidelium youtube page. One of your discussions had been posted alongside the always fantastic sermons from the likes of Father Wolfe, Father Petrus, and Father Ripp among others, and since then i have been listening with fascination. Your conversion story is touching and encouraging and I thank God that there is a voice that correctly places everything into the true and only perspective which is that of the supreme God and His truth as taught by Holy Catholic Church. Hearing you is such a wonderful reprieve from the experiences of my daily life. I am a college student, and as I college student, i am forced to wade through the garbage that satan has vomitted out of his mouth and into the souls of those around me. All around me is love of fornication, love of money, and love of self. I don’t say this to self ingratiate or act like I am holier than everyone else. God knows I struggle in my own ways, and am perhaps more guilty as I may know better and still I choose sin. But I honestly weep at the indifference and ignorance that surround me, and the cold hardheartedness that seems to permeate everything. Everything has gone pagan. I have to make trips into NYC everyday, and the things I see are unbelievable. Swimsuit models in softcore porn magazines line newstands. Advertisements for the museum of Sex line subway cars ( yes they really made a museum of sex. They should have called it the temple to the god of sex). Everywhere there is filthy vulgarity in speech, and violations of the second commandment…

Finding you and sensus fidelium has been my reprieve from all this, and I can honestly say i learned more in 1 year from researching the Truth and listening to your show on my own than 12 years of Catholic education ever taught me.

Please keep your show going strong (and before you claim i am feelin the bern, I donated, so im not just rooting from afar).

As a bit of encouragement I’d like to remind you that St. Francis de Sales trudged through frozen wilderness for three years barefooted without making a single convert from the heresy of Protestantism. He didn’t however loose his patience. He kept the faith and eventually converted thousands. I know growth has been slow for the channel, but please remember the patience of St.Francis. i will do my best on my end to spread your show. Please pray for me, especially that I may pass through the narrow gate one day.



Written by: MikeChurch

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