Jeffery Epstein Was A Dead Man Walking – The Mike Church Show

today08/13/2019 77

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Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

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13mJefferey Epstein Suicide – 

HEADLINE: The Epstein Mystery by Paul Craig Roberts

  • So it is believed that Epstein was raised Jewish. What are the burial rituals for a Jewish person?
  • QUESTION: How can someone who was in the highest of all security prisons, that he was remanded to a room that had the infrastructure needed to aid in his hanging?

AUDIO/VIDEO: Barr “appalled” by Epstein’s death in jail – “Attorney General William Barr expressed outrage over the death of accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein in federal jail. The attorney general emphasized that any co-conspirators will still face justice, and the circumstances surrounding Epstein’s death will be thoroughly investigated.”

  • Social media is calling it #Clintoned

HEADLINE: Prince Andrew was with the Queen at Balmoral when news of Jeffrey Epstein’s suicide broke, a day after the royal was accused of being intimate with billionaire’s ‘sex slave’ in unsealed documents 

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7:12am cat

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

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HEADLINE: Drive-in sex booths proposed for Berlin’s historic Tempelhof airport by Matthew Robinson

  • You think the chastisement is coming soon for the Germans?
  • Why are we all of the sudden hearing this term “sex work”?
  • Kinda’ like the use of the word “choice” for abortion.
AUDIO/VIDEO: Impossible Burger bleeds The vegan burger that ‘bleeds’: We tried The Impossible Burger

  • They are going to put this crap into the public schools so these little brainwashed kids will come home and tell the parents how much better they are for the planet etc.
1h19mHEADLINE: Giving the Devil His Due by Paul Kengor

  • “It was clear that the vast majority came from broken families lacking a consistent biological father throughout their rearing and development. Very few had good, stable dads.”
  • “It’s also sad, I noted, that our culture’s fundamental transformers are dedicated to a new family structure that, by definition, deliberately excludes dads.”
Program Announcement – 

  • The One and Only Ralph Sarchie will be returning to the Crusade Channel.
  • He had some family issues he has been dealing with but with all the evil that is in the news lately, he has decided to come back.
1h35mHEADLINE: Is the ‘revolt’ against Gladys Berejiklian over the abortion bill real? by Anne Davies

  • The fact they actually PROPOSED this is alarming!
1h44mHEADLINE: $3,727,014,000,000: Federal Spending Sets Record Through July; Treasury Runs $866,812,000,000 Deficit by Terence P. Jeffrey 
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Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:12am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
2h2m BACK TO HEADLINE: Federal Spending Sets Record

  • You don’t have any right to “tax my wages”.
  • In 1913 there was the Industrial Revolution and the government wanted some of their investments.







Special Guest Michael Hichborn – founder of the Lepanto Institute

Follow Mr. Hichborn here: @MichaelHichborn @LepantoInst

The website is

  • Anti-Popes in the 3rd Century 

HEADLINE: Reverence and resistance in one of Portland’s oldest Catholic churches by Peter Talbot

  • If I would have been in that Church when they walked in protesting, I would have bounced some old ladies right up our of that Church.
  • We have a Black African Immigrant Priest that these White women parishioners.
  • They protested during Mass while singing “We Shall Overcome”.

A Call To Arms: Join Me In The Confraternity of The CRUSADER Knights of The Most Holy Rosary

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Meta-tags for show

 Michael Hichborn, Peter Talbot, Lepanto Institute, Portland, reverence, Immigrants, Federal spending, Federal debt, Jeffrey Epstein, Attorney General Barr, Hillary Clinton, suicide watch, Paul Craig Roberts, Matthew Robinson, Germany, sex drive-in, Impossible Burger, Anne Davies, Terence P. Jeffrey, Gladys Berejiklian, abortion, Ralph Sarchie, Paul Kengor, sex work

Written by: Corey Clark

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