The Mike Church Show

Mike Church Show-July 4th Weekend: The Last Independence Day For The Current ‘Murican Union!?

today07/02/2021 13

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    Mike Church Show-July 4th Weekend: The Last Independence Day For The Current ‘Murican Union!? LoneRhody

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

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 HEADLINE: America’s New Political Prisoners by Lee Smith

  • They are detaining these people on American soil, held in prison w/o bail for MONTHS!
  • This isn’t what a FREE country does, this is what Communist countries do.
  • There have been ‘pre-trial’ hearings but nothing more.
  • The detainees don’t believe Biden was legitimately elected, they are being kept b/c that makes them a danger to society. 
  • Julie Kelly – “Judges are signing off on the detentions, contending that because the detainees don’t believe Biden was legitimately elected, they therefore won’t follow U.S. law or obey its court system, and that makes them a danger to society.”
  • That is pretty much our entire audience right here!
  • FBI illegal spying – we know they have been doing this, they did it to Trump and his campaign.
  • It is your Sheriff they will send to put you down.
  • Without your Sheriff they are powerless, they can’t do any of this.
50m HEADLINE: Facebook Now Sending Messages to Some Users Asking About Potentially ‘Extremist’ Friends by Jack Phillips
 AUDIO/VIDEO: The Pharmaceutical Companies have created their own industry – Pfizer vaccine has been found to reduce the effectiveness of people’s own natural immune system & they now have 5-6 times fewer antibodies as a result.

  • The Pfizer vaccine has been found to reduce the effectiveness of people’s own natural immune systems and that they have five to six times fewer antibodies as a result. Weakening the immune system makes people reliant on further vaccines. A nice little money earner for big Pharma.
Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
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7:15am cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

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1h24m Chinese Communist Party 100th Anniversary

HEADLINE: The Chinese Communist Party Has Destroyed the Best of China by The Editorial Board 

  • All Communist countries have experienced famine. 
  • It is common in all Communist countries. 
  • This coming winter is going to be bad for a lot of people.
  • YOU and I the consumer will see this at the grocery store.
  • Rent the movie MR JONES – this movie is about Stalin starving the Ukrainians to death.
  • This is what happens with Communism. 
  • More than 1,000 teachers were beaten to death by their students.
AUDIO/VIDEO: Ohio Democrats furiously pound their desks and yell as Rep. Jena Powell proposes an amendment to add a bill banning biological males from female sports teams to the “Name, Image, Likeness Bill.”
1h41mHEADLINE: California Begs For More Electricity As Shift To Renewable Power Leaves State In The Dark by ZeroHedge 

  • Folks this happens every single year and every single year the ruling elite in California are shocked by it.
HEADLINE: War of All Against All by Paul Gottfried 

White House Tweet – on July 4th backyard BBQ and prices

HEADLINE: Emails: Judicial Watch YouTube Video Censored at Request of California Government Officials
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8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
Bee Gees Super Medley – each and every Friday on the Crusade Channel
HEADLINE: 1787: Mason: Objections to the Proposed Constitution (Letter) 

Standing Army Clause – 

Article 1 Section 8 

He didn’t think this was a sufficient guard against the standing army.

TRIVIA QUESTION: Who was the shadow author of the Bill of Rights?

ANSWER: Patrick Henry

  • Who voted on this legislature in Virginia? 
  • This was supposed to be a safeguard against a standing army.
  • This is why they added the militia clause in there.


AUDIO/VIDEO: Fauci on vaccination rates: It’s almost like there’s two Americas on CNN with Don LemonsDr. Anthony Fauci says the rise in coronavirus from the Delta variant in certain part of the US “is entirely avoidable, entirely preventable” if more people in those areas would get the Covid-19 vaccination.

Farmer Mundy from NJ

Farmer Koch from TX

  • The liberty to or omit that which has no relationship to salvation.
  • Companion planting
  • Lettuce – flowering then seeds 
 BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit: We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser.
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Meta-tags for show

 Farmer Koch, Farmer Mundy, Free Farm Friday, Don Lemons, Anthony Fauci, CNN, vaccines, Patrick Henry, COVID-19, July 4th, Bill of Rights, Bee Gees, Paul Gottfried, Lee Smith, Communism, Chinese, Julie Kelly, Jack Phillips, Donald Trump, SCOTUS, Judicial Watch, YouTube, electric cars, inflation, Rep Jena Powell, LGBTQI, Delta variant, Pfizer, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, renewable energy, electric cars, Green New Deal, extremism, FaceBook

Written by: LoneRhody

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