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1948 Results / Page 116 of 217


The Mike Church Show

Mike Church Show-Live! Talk Radio-Is It Late Or Still Great? with KV Turley

KV Turley w/ Archangel Radio in Alabama QUESTION: How do you continue to stay on air after all these years? ANSWER: Entertain, Entertain and Entertain I came one host after Sean Hannity at that radio station. You can’t see the hand movements and eye squinting on radio. You can’t use any of those gimmicks so to speak w/ radio. What are basic rules you pass onto people interested in basic […]

today01/24/2023 140


Mike Church Show-Serving A Higher Power- The Life, Work, And Death Of George Neumayr with Michael Hichborn

Special Guest Michael Hichborn  Founder of the Lepanto Institute  Follow the Lepanto Institute on Twitter - @LepantoInst He feared nothing. George despite any circumstances was NEVER late w/ an article, no matter what. The guy never slept. He did have insomnia and he struggled w/ that but he was a prolific writer. He is irreplaceable w/ what we do. He was one of the last gum shoe investigative reporters. What […]

today01/23/2023 101 1

John Deere

Free Farm Friday

JohnDeere Surrenders But Most ‘Muricans remain Uninterested in WHERE Their Food Comes From!

Free Farm Friday  Brian and Melissa from Wild Aster Farm Brian K from Texas BRIAN AND MELISSA -  Wild and Free - New Segment on the Crusade Channel 1st Segment will be on Rose Hips - January/February and March one of the most available herbs during the dead of winter can still be found. You are both really great behind the microphone, I wouldn’t have guessed you have stage fright.  […]

today01/20/2023 187 1


Wisdom Wednesday: Yes Defending Holy Matrimony Is A Hill Worth Dying Upon, Are You In? with Brother Andre Marie

Special Guest Brother Andre Marie Host of ReConquest aired only on The Crusade Channel Follow Brother Andre on GAB and Twitter @Brother_Andre Truly enjoyed our Pecan Praline King Cake you sent us here at the Saint Benedict Center Saint Anthony the Great or Saint Anthony the Abbot -  HEADLINE: Saint Anthony the Abbot (356) by The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart  HEADLINE: Saint Prisca (270) by The Slaves of the […]

today01/18/2023 85 1


The Mike Church Show-Told Ya! Homosexuals Buying Children Is A Front For Pedos To Gain Access To Victims!

Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:03am cst Welcome to the Mike Church Show on www.crusadechannel.com Call the show  844-5CRUSADE   Glory and Shine to the Crusade Channel crusadechannel.com/glory   AUDIO/VIDEO: Sen Ron Johnson - lays out the importance of exposure before accountability. The reason the Neuremburg trials was made possible is b/c Eisenhower made sure the camps were revealed and there was exposure.  48m Pilots and the COVID mRNA […]

today01/18/2023 309

The Early Show

The Early Show- Popcorn and Police Corruption

Welcome to the Early Show with Fiorella Nash. It's not an episode if Fiorella doesn't discuss food. On today's episode she kicks off the show discussing popcorn. How do you eat your popcorn? Why did popcorn become the snack of choice for movie goers. Listen to today's episode and find out. You will also learn about the place Fiorella dreads the most, police corruption,  the death of the oldest person […]

today01/18/2023 20