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1945 Results / Page 33 of 217



Parrott Talk-The Diddy Jackson Conspiracy

A new conspiracy theory regarding Michael Jackson's death has emerged.  Details from the P Diddy sexual assault trial reveal that Michael Jackson may have been murdered.  Candace Owens reported on these details, which shows Jackson's head of security may have been a clean up man for Mossad or the CIA.  P Diddy is accused of  sexual assault which includes running a blackmail sex ring, which may have been blackmailing the […]

today03/08/2024 206 3


Parrott Talk-All ABOARD! Next Stop Screeching Halt.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have hit terminal velocity.  The only thing left is the screeching halt of our once great civilization.  Mike Parrott breaks down the latest events from across America. He and Alberto take a look at the Regime leader's primary performance, discuss Nikki Haley and they reveal how white women are now the target of the Alphabet Mafia.  Learn how the next stop on this crazy train is […]

today03/07/2024 104 16

The Fiorella Files

Fiorella Files-Dicey, Lewis and Hewitt

Welcome to the Fiorella Files.  On this episode Fiorella reviews books from Allan Carr and John Dicey, C.S. Lewis and Kate Hewitt.  The first book Fiorella reviews is Smart Phone, Dumb Phone: Free Yourself From Digital Addiction.  This book applies Carr's techniques on overcoming addiction to digital addiction.   The next book is hard to find book from C.S. Lewis. The Discarded Image is a collection of Lewis' essays and if you're […]

today03/07/2024 16

The Mike Church Show

No Businesses Did Not Cause Inflation, Biden’s Government Did.

SPECIAL GUEST Andy Shectman Miles Franklin: Precious Metals  BRICS They make promises that try to get them re-elected and then that creates an environment that is difficult to live in. Never-ending deficits and growing at a pace of $1 trillion every 100 days. We must begin things in and make the difficult decisions. Main topic for almost 4 years, I’ve done 4,000 podcasts on this.  Brazil, Russia, India, China and […]

today03/06/2024 98 9 2


Parrott Talk-A Pill For Every Ill

If you are feeling sick, depressed, anxious, pregnant or like you are in the wrong body, do not fret because a pill will make it all go away.  That's right in America you can be a shiny happy communist thanks to Big Pharma.  Mike Parrott reveals how young couples don't want to be parents until later in life so they seek out birth control pills.  Mike also exposes the doctors […]

today03/06/2024 110 1


Parrott Talk-Luxury Communism, The Dream Of Every Senior Living The Crazy Life.

Communism is alive and well in Florida.  The Villages, America's number one retirement area, is luxury communism at it's finest.  Everyone drives a golf cart, their homes are identical, there's forced socialization and a party every night of the week.  This quaint little community is perfect for the senior that is seeking to escape familial responsibilities and for those looking to reconnect with their younger versions.  Mike Parrott had the […]

today03/05/2024 91 2

The Early Show

The Mid-Day Show-Escape From The Tower Bathroom

Who has escape from a medieval tower bathroom on their bucket list? Cambridge academic, Dr. Krisztina Ilko found herself in this exact predicament when she accidentally locked herself in the bathroom.  Ilko could not call for help, so like MacGyver she improvised her escape. Fiorella reveals this strange tale of ingenuity. She reveals what Ilko used to escape the bathroom, and who broke the lock.  Fiorella also reveals how long […]

today03/04/2024 47


Parrott Talk-It Is Putin’s Fault…Again

Experts blame the rise on deep fake political pornography on Russian President Putin. Mike Parrott does not agree with these so called experts.  Mike could reveal all the reasons why Putin is not the mastermind behind this disgusting form of entertainment.  Instead Mike reveals who has used porn as a weapon of mass destruction. He exposes how porn was used in Iraq in to destabilize the country and weaken the […]

today03/04/2024 97 2

The Early Show

The Mid-Day Show- Don’t Take Your Citizenship For Granted

Shamima Begum has learned a valuable lesson about citizenship. Nine years ago she ran away to become an Isis bride.  She would learn that her decision had dire consequences and when she discovered her mistake it was too late.  When she finally escaped she learned she could not return home, because her English citizenship was revoked.  Since then she has fought to regain her citizenship, but to no avail.  Fiorella […]

today03/01/2024 16