
1854 Results / Page 33 of 206



Parrott Talk-Obama’s New Movie Is A Weapon

An extra audio layer was uncovered in the latest movie produced by President Obama.  A "film" guru revealed the extra layer after he opened the movie in a video editing program.  Mike Parrott exposes what this layer is and how it could be used against the people.  Mike is again joined by Bug Hall and they break down how movies are made, and how Hollyweird only needs one or two […]

today01/03/2024 191 4

The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show- The Media Is Asking The Wrong Question Regarding The Epstein List with guest host Rick Barrett

A judge ordered the names on the Epstein List to be released to the public.  This order has the media in a frenzy, and all the usual talking heads are speculating who is on the list.  It is not just media talking heads, but other celebrities like Aaron Rodgers are accusing other celebrities of being a frequent flier to Epstein Island.  Rick Barrett says the media is asking the wrong […]

today01/03/2024 130

The Early Show

The Early Show- The Past Is A Foreign Country.

Antiques give us more than just a glimpse at how things were made in the past. They give us a personal connection with our ancestors who passed the antique on to the next generation.  When we hold an antique we get to picture the events that transpired during that time, and we get to imagine the stories the item can tell us.  Stories of who owned the item, how did […]

today01/03/2024 24

The Early Show

The Early Show-Spirit Airlines Ends The Year By Recreating Home Alone

A six-year-old boy was placed on the wrong flight and sent to the wrong airport.  The young boy was flying unaccompanied from Philadelphia to Fort Meyers, Florida over the Christmas holidays. Instead of landing in Fort Meyers, he landed in Orlando, which is a four hour drive.  The six-year-old boy was able to call his panicked Grandmother who drove to pick the boy up.  Flying unaccompanied is nothing new to […]

today01/03/2024 44


Parrott Talk- Extremism In 2024

Mike Parrott and Bug Hall take a look at what radical extremism should be in 2024.  Radical extremism is not rioting, burning cars and looting stores.  It is not sticking it to the patriarchy or voting for Trump.  Mike and Bug reveal that radical extremism is about becoming ungovernable. Learn how you can be a radical extremist without looking like a libtard, and they predict what we can expect from […]

today01/02/2024 173 3

The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show- Resolve To Make Enemies with Guest Host Rick Barrett

A writer at the Imaginative Conservative said his resolution for the year is to make enemies. David Deavel did not say that you should make more enemies in the year, but he said you have more of them.  Rick Barrett, filling in for Mike Church, breaks down David's essay on why you should have enemies.  Barrett reveals how this benefits Catholics, and Barrett also breaks down Calendar gate, and the […]

today01/02/2024 122 2


Parrott Talk-The Gifts Of The Henchman, A Regime Christmas Story.

This Christmas, Mike Parrott shares his favorite Christmas story, The Gifts of the Henchman.  Three henchman arrived in DC and they delivered miraculous gifts to the Savior of Democracy. The first henchman removed the savior's opponent from the election.  Through bogus charges and ballot removal, they ensured the former President would not dethrone the Savior of Democracy. The second henchman gave the regime leader war. Israel and Ukraine are keeping […]

today12/22/2023 197 5
