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Mandeville, LA – Founding Father Films and the Founder’s Pass present the first in a series of FREE eBook downloads for Founder’s Pass members: Arthur Stansbury’s Elementary Catechism On The Constitution of The United States! An 1826 classic that has been edited, digitized and made for modern readers by editor Mike Church! From the book’s Preface:
“That a people living under a free government which they have themselves originated should be well acquainted with the instrument which contains it, needs not to be proved. Were the system, indeed, very cumbrous and ex- tensive, running into minute detail, and hard to be retained in the memory, even this would be no good reason why pains should not be taken to understand and to imprint it upon the mind; but when its principles are simple, its fea- tures plain and obvious, and its brevity surpassing all example, it is certainly a most reprehensible negligence to remain in ignorance of it.— Yet how small a portion of the citizens of this Republic have even a tolerable ac- quaintance with their own Constitution? It has appeared to the author of the following sheets that this culpable want of acquaintance with what is of such deep interest to us all, is to be traced to the omission of an important part of what ought to be an American education, viz, the study of the civil institutions of our country.— We prize them, it is
true, and are quite enough in the habit of boasting about them: would it not be well to teach their elements to those whose best inheritance they are?
The following work has been prepared with a view to such an experiment. It is, written expressly for the use of boys, and it has been the aim and effort of the writer to bring down the subject completely to a level with their ca- pacity to understand it. Whether he has succeeded the trial must show. He has purposely avoided all abstruse ques- tions, and has confined himself to a simple, common- sense explanation of each article. It is very possible some inaccuracies may be discovered; and should this be the case, they shall be carefully corrected, should the work be so far approved as to reach another edition.
In the mean time he cannot but indulge the hope, that in laying this little offering upon the altar of our country, he has rendered her an acceptable service.”
Written by: MikeChurch
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
The Mike Church Show's 2020 Episodes
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Copyright BlackHat Studios 2024 dba The CRUSADE Channel, All Rights Reserved
Logged in as a Founders Pass Member and I still don’t see a download for the Catechism. Nothing I click generates a download to my computer.
Rich Sofinowski
As previously stated, there WAS NO download option. There is now if you refresh the page.
I have logged in and refreshed the page. I still only seem to get cover page only.
Then there must be an issue with your browser or the devices configuration OR you are simply not getting the version of the page that is updated. This is what the latest post looks like in our test browsers using an iMac and Safari 9.1.1. It looks EXACTLY the same on our iPhone 6 and our Samsung Galaxy 6 test devices. Try another browser and if you get the same result then there may be an issue with your iOS that we cannot solve.
There’s another possible issue … Thankfully you guys have allowed members to sign into the website after our membership has expired. However, this allows us to see ‘premium’ content, but not download it. I too do not have the PDF option in the top of the image (in chrome on PC, logged in).
DOH — You have to mouse over the document/image link to get the controls to show. Otherwise it just looks like an image … Not (too) obvious