My Latest At Daily Caller-Coronavirus ‘Lockdowns’ Are Ultimately Assaults On Freedom

today03/19/2020 5

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Coronavirus ‘Lockdowns’ Are Ultimately Assaults On Freedom

 It was shortly after 1 p.m. on Monday, 16 March, 2020, a date which shall live in infamy in the minds of millions of Louisianians and citizens of several other states. John Bel Edwards, governor of my home state of Louisiana, issued an executive order that effectively unemployed, for at least 30 days, 213,000 of my fellow citizens.

These souls had done no wrong save choose to work in Louisiana’s top industry: making visitors and regular folks feel at home and loved in our famous restaurants, taverns and music houses. Edwards, along with a dozen other spineless governors, characterized their decision as “necessary…to save lives,” yet what consideration was given to the 233,000 and their freedom to responsibly pursue their “lives?” What of the impact this action would have on them and their families, including tens of thousands of children who were fed, clothed and nurtured by their restaurant & service industry-working parents? Thus, this “assault on the virus” is just as easily, nay more easily, seen as an assault on reason, and on their liberties.

The political class has all but admitted this by doing what they do best: propose to throw money at the problem. The Trump Administration is contemplating an incomprehensibly gargantuan, $1.2 TRILLION “stimulus” act, ostensibly to undo the fiscal damage wrought by the panicked reaction to the coronavirus COVID-19 “pandemic.” Damage that was at least partially avoidable…

(click to continue reading at Daily Caller!)

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Written by: LoneRhody

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