
Parrott Talk-Now Here’s A Word From Our World War III Sponsor, The C.I.A.

today02/26/2024 120 5

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The next President of the United States will not start World War III, that privilege belongs to the C.I.A.  The secretive intelligence agency is once again the middle of a controversy.  A new report shows they have 12 bases in Ukraine, and the bases have been there since 2014.  Mike Parrott breaks down this report and he exposes why the bases are there. He also reveals why people like Lindsey Graham love to push for war in Russia and he may have something to do with those bases.  But what else are we hiding in the Ukraine.  There are reports of secret bio-labs, so Mike Parrott will give you his prediction on who will start World War III.  It won’t be Trump, Biden or Putin, listen to this episode of Parrott Talk and find out. 



Written by: Justin Redman
