What if Donald Trump says go pound sand I’m not paying it?
Will they just attempt to confiscate his assets?
What is going to happen w/ his tower and other things that he isn’t the sole owner of?
What about the other investors?
AUDIO/VIDEO:AOC on State of the Union – Donald Trump Bond – This is not about party or politics. We are talking about an individual who ordered, essentially, a terrorist attack on the Capitol of the United States in order to retain power.
This is the problem here, there is no way anyone is this dense.
She stated this is corruption and criminality.
She was just in front of Bobulinski and heard what he had to say about the criminality of the Biden family but she refuses to believe him!
They hate Donald so much because he is an achiever.
They hate him b/c Hispanic businessmen love him.
They hate him b/c his children still love him and want to spend time w/ him.
Go all the way back to Coolidge, maybe you could say Eisenhower, b/c at least he was a military man, that still really isn’t producing things…you might have to go back all the way to…..well…this is a tough one.
(A president that actually did or produced something.)
Maybe Herbert Hoover?
Remember the ruling elites don’t like us, the average American.
They despise us.
Donald Trump made things and they hate him for it.