The Covington Compact


The momentous gravity of the American state of public affairs, now occurring, fills every mind with painful apprehension; wise men who should be discussing it alongside practical men who should propose solutions are presently silent; popular meetings and legislatures are devoid of proposed solutions while there are no questions which should more importantly possess the public and private minds of men. A decent respect for the Rights of God and the future of His people and our progeny upon this continent, impel decent men to act; we therefore, the undersigned, in Congress assembled on the 5th and 6th day of April in the Year of Our Lord, anno domini, 2024, in the village of Covington, Louisiana, do solemnly declare.

Article 1. The Family
  1. WHEREAS God has ordained the Family as the basic unit of society as evident in the Natural Law, and ordered to man’s final end, his Salvation.
  2. WHEREAS Sovereigns are established for the Common Good and order of society.
  3. WHEREAS the Sovereignty has a duty to pledge itself to guard with special care the institution of Marriage, on which the family, as defined as one biological man and woman, on which the family is formed, and protect it against dissolution.
  4. WHEREAS Ancient Societies that had allowed divorce found that it proved to be a detriment to society.  That marriage has always been taught to be indissoluble until death.  Accordingly, to safeguard and promote the good of Families, and in turn Society as a whole, requires The Sovereignty to prohibit divorce.
  5. WHEREAS the Sovereignty recognizes that by her life within the home, a woman gives to the Sovereignty a support without which the common good cannot be achieved; thus the Sovereignty will endeavor to ensure that mothers shall not be obligated by economic necessity to engage in labor outside the home to the neglect of their duties in the home.
  6. WHEREAS the Sovereignty also recognizes the father as the head of the household, and provider and defender of the family.  The Sovereignty endeavors to ensure that the father can maintain these by responsibilities unencumbered by undue burdens placed upon him, or his vocation.
  7. WHEREAS the Sovereignty recognizes the responsibility of Parents to raise and educate their children and instruct them in the Faith.  The Sovereignty will place no restrictions or requirements on Parents regarding these responsibilities.
  8. WHEREAS the Sovereignty shall prohibit all vices opposed to Christian Marriage.  These would include, but not be limited to, the vices of pornography, sodomy, obscenity, all unnatural sexual acts, contraception in any form, abortion, and adultery.
  9. WHEREAS the Sovereignty recognizes that its authority flows directly from God, and is subject to His Divine Institution, the Church;  the Sovereignty will not encumber, or infringe, on its citizens right to the free exercise of Religion. 
Article 2. The Sovereignty i.e. Government
  1. WHEREAS there are two Perfect Societies, The Church and The State, hereafter referred to herein as The Sovereignty; that whenever the two are in conflict deference shall be given to The Church.
  2. WHEREAS a Sovereignty is instituted for the common good of all men.
  3. WHEREAS the legitimate Sovereignty shall guarantee to every citizen a subsidiary form.
  4. WHEREAS the legitimate Sovereign is male.
  5. WHEREAS subsidiary is defined as a government by its citizens acting in mass directly and personally according to rules established by The One True Christian God.
  6. WHEREAS The Sovereignty shall protect and defend the basic unit of society, the family.
  7. WHEREAS the Sovereign has a duty to pledge itself to guard, with special care, the institution of Marriage, on which the family, as defined as one biological man and woman, is formed, and protect it against dissolution.  
  8. WHEREAS the Sovereignty has no authority to grant or repeal Holy Matrimony.
  9. WHEREAS the Sovereign shall have had ownership of land and had citizenship thereof for a minimum of two consecutive generations.
  10. WHEREAS a Sovereignty shall not exceed 100,000 families.
  11. WHEREAS when a family’s head shall have entered into a state of society, shall be granted the opportunity to participate.
  12. WHEREAS Sovereignties may enter into treaties or alliances, when necessary, when Sovereigns enter into such agreements in unanimity; that guilds and associations may propose or concur in amendments thereto. 
  13. WHEREAS the Sovereigns shall establish the boundaries mutually agreed upon and with all other adjacent Sovereignties.
  14. WHEREAS the Sovereign or Sovereignties in alliance shall have full power to levy war, conclude peace, establish commerce, and do all other acts and things which independent Sovereigns may of right to do for the common good.
  15. WHEREAS the unanimous ratification by Sovereigns shall be sufficient for the establishment of this compact between the Sovereigns so ratifying the same.
Article 3. Commerce
  1. WHEREAS commerce shall be conducted in a manner that supports families and members of the Sovereignty.
  2. WHEREAS commerce shall provide skilled services and quality goods to the sovereignty.  That commerce will be conducted through the establishment of guilds and associations for each craft and skill needed in society.  Each guild will develop a structured hierarchy of leadership and create apprenticeship programs to ensure the generational continuity of skills.
  3. WHEREAS Guilds & Associations shall be formed under principles of subsidiarity.
  4. WHEREAS these Guilds and Associations shall develop ethical standards and practices that their Members shall follow in their respective crafts.
  5. WHEREAS commerce shall focus on the religious needs of it’s Members by developing educational practices within a Christian culture to raise children with the mindset, ethics, and morals that support the local guilds. and associations
  6. WHEREAS commerce shall be conducted such that profits are reinvested into the guilds and associations for the good of Members,their  families and the Sovereignty.
  7. WHEREAS the guilds and associations shall be responsible to scale the size of commerce not to exceed the needs of its own sovereign territory and those other sovereignties with which it might establish trade.   
  8. WHEREAS commerce shall balance the needs of the family within the sovereign realm so that commerce does not overwhelm the mental and physical well-being of its owners and employees.
  9. WHEREAS commerce shall support other members of guilds and associations through acts of charity when unfortunate events and tragedies occur.
  10. WHEREAS commerce shall develop practices that encourage the trade and barter of goods and services with other guilds, associations and sovereignties that have resources and expertise beyond those that are locally available; the guilds and associations shall propose and or concur with the Sovereignty in treaties and amendments thereto.
  11. WHEREAS commerce shall work with the Sovereignty to establish practices that eliminate usury, unfair competition, or hazards that harm the family, guilds and associations and work against the Common Good.
  12. WHEREAS commerce shall develop ownership structures that are inclusive of the family and sovereignty.  
  13. WHEREAS commerce shall be subservient to the moral direction and control of the Church.
  14. WHEREAS Guilds and Associations shall work with the Sovereignty and the Church, to resolve issues and conflicts in a just manner without inflicting onerous financial and regulatory penalties that harm families and their guilds and associations.
  15. WHEREAS commerce shall be structured so that everyone can enjoy the fruits of their labor; nurture and educate their children; care for the elderly and devote their time to prayer and the needed works of charity for the good of Church and Sovereignty.
Article 4. Amendments
  1. WHEREAS this compact may from time to time may require Amendment, may call a convention composed of not less than three fourths of the original Sovereigns, or their rightful heirs, so ratifying same; and other Sovereigns, having entered into this Compact since its ratification. 
  2. WHEREAS said Convention shall propose Amendments, which, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Compact, when ratified by the unanimous vote of all Sovereigns subject to the jurisdiction thereof.
Article 5. Ratification

WHEREAS the foregoing, having been done, in convention, by the unanimous consent of the Sovereigns present on the seventh day of April in the Year of Our Lord, anno domini,  two thousand twenty-four, in the Village of Covington, Louisiana, in witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names and sacred honor to a watching world.

Mr. Richard Barrett

Mr. Joseph Beeman

Mr. Frederick Michael Church

Mr. Thomas Dolan

Mrs. Ashley Durand

Mr. Robert Kopka

Mr. “Rusty” LaMotte

Mr. Robert Maness

Mr Daniel Mundy

Mr. Johnathan Murphy

Mr. Richard Ondracek

Mr William Payne

Mr. Michael Parrott

Mr. Scott Resnik

Mr. Michael Riopole

Mr. Stephen Smart

Mr. Johnathan Soileau

Mrs. Kathleen Winchester

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