They are going to convict Trump and they are going to use this Harlett to do it.
John Yoo said when the Judge allowed Stephanie Gregory Clifford aka Stormy Daniels, that was the play.
They didn’t care about Pecker, they didn’t care about the dude in prison they only cared about the testimony of the porn star.
The judge is allowing this even though it has nothing to do w/ the hush money, she is there for one reason and one reason only.
Why was this allowed?
Because the case is now about #MeToo.
There isn’t even an attempt to make this trial about the legal case.
Some of you may not care b/c it is Trump and I get that but we should always care about miscarriages of justice b/c they could happen to us or to someone we love.
I’m looking at the excerpts of the testimonies and I am still asking what this has to do w/ the actual trial.
This jury is hearing all of this about the ‘Playboy’ Trump and they are going to convict him.
They don’t seem to care they are doing this to a former president.
The Democrat party is making this woman out to be the a sexual saint.
As if she was fine until Orange Man Bad came into her life.
A grave in-justice is being done.
Judge Merchan has allowed all of this.
I feel for the family, I feel for Trump and this testimony from Stephanie Gregory Clifford was salacious.
At the end of the day I still think Biden loses.
Trump knows what impact this is having on his campaign.
Trump knows the value of the televised world.
The last time he spoke was 2 days ago.
I just watched an episode of Supernatural – this is taken right out of Penthouse Forum.