
LIVE Show Previews

The Mid-Day Show PREVIEWS-The Real Reason Why ProLifers Fail In England

micFiorella Nashtoday06/24/2024 31

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    The Mid-Day Show PREVIEWS-The Real Reason Why ProLifers Fail In England Fiorella Nash

The lack of ProLife MPs in the English Parliament is the real reason why English abortion laws are still in place. Unfortunately, there are not a lot of candidates willing to run as a ProLife candidate either, which makes winning the war for the unborn that much more difficult.  Fiorella reveals why fewer and fewer candidates are willing to fight for the unborn, as she ponders who will get her vote this election cycle.  She tells the story of another English couple to fight the English Health System and the English legal system.  Find out why this couple wants a change to abortion laws in this episode of the Mid-Day show. 

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