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The Mike Church Show-Biden Frees Assange To Bring Down Killary And Obama

micMike Churchtoday06/25/2024 49

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    The Mike Church Show-Biden Frees Assange To Bring Down Killary And Obama Mike Church


Time 6:03am cstWE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst. 

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Julian Assange Is Free

  • He did nothing wrong.
  • His mistake was releasing information about the wrong people.
  • Hillary Clinton – 
  • Remember Seth Rich?
  • 1. The emails from John Podesta and his brother that provides the details of what we call PizzaGate.
  • 2. The emails b/w Podesta and the leaders of Saudi Arabia and by extension Hillary Clinton. The Clinton Global Initiative was helping Saudi Arabia fund this thing called ISIL.
  • Why would she want to do this?
  • Now Saudi Arabia citizens are Sunni Muslims. 
  • This web is so intricate.
  • The people inside of government are capable of horrific things.

HEADLINE: Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange Reaches Plea Deal to Avoid Further Prison Time by Tom Ozimek 

  • Why would the Biden’s allow Julian Assange to be released?
  • What is behind this move by the DOJ?
  • I’m wondering if this is some Deep State sub plot to get rid of Creepy Joe and to neutralize Hillary Clinton. 
  • She is always in the wings lurking waiting for her name to be called up to bat.
  • She is the only arrow they have honestly.
  • Kamala Harris just can’t do it and they know it.
  • Gavin Newsom loses in a head to head.
  • The plea agreement, filed at the U.S. District Court for the Northern Mariana Islands, a commonwealth of the United States in the western Pacific Ocean, indicates that Mr. Assange was charged with one count of conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defense information. 
  • Under the terms of the plea deal, Mr. Assange will serve no additional time than the 62 months that he’s already served in a British prison.
  • He spent 5 years and 2 months there.
  • Before spending five years in a prison in the UK, Mr. Assange spent seven years at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, where he was granted refuge until his asylum was revoked and he was carried out of the embassy and arrested.
  • Mr. Assange has been fighting extradition to the United States for over 10 years.
  • This goes all the way back to Obama.
  • Why would Biden allow this deal to be made now this close to an election?
  • Something is bubbling up to the surface here.
  • It doesn’t seem to me Assange release – Cgi bono?
  • Assange was asked in 2015 about getting dirt on Donald Trump and he said, we tried but we couldn’t find anything worse than what comes out of his mouth.
  • In other words, Trump is an open book.
  • This can’t be out of the kindness of Joe Biden’s little heart b/c he can’t even show compassion to his own grandchild.
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2









REEL 49m

AUDIO/VIDEO: Jocelyn’s Mother Alexis NungarayIt is up to the justice system now and I pray they do the right thing. I hope they will feel Gods wrath. She will never be a teenager. She loved animals, she was bubbly and she was a nurturer. She was amazing and all I have now are memories. This has to stop. We have to stop losing our kids. Kids don’t think you’re invincible. 

  • Venezuelan illegal immigrants who are accused of kill*ng 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray, lured her under a bridge where they took her clothes off & r*ped her for 2 hours.
  • The men tied her hands behind her back while they did the unthinkable.
  • After they were done, the men choked her and dumped her body in a bayou.
  • One of the men, Franklin Jose Pena Ramos, then allegedly asked his employer for extra money to leave town.
  • Pena Ramos crossed through Biden’s open border at El Paso last month.
  • Both Pena Ramos and Johan Jose Rangel are set to appear in immigration court this August.
  • When they were finished raping her, they strangled her and threw her body into the water…this is animalistic behavior.
  • There is no other way to state it.
  • When President Trump calls them animals, it is justified and appropriate.
  • They are Illegal Alien Criminal Trespassers and they are Murderers!
  • The Judge that the first animal went in front of yesterday is notorious for letting violent offenders go.
  • There was a fear that the Judge was going to go easy on this guy.
  • The pressure is now building and the Judges can feel the anger and vitriol and in some cases desperation and they have lost their appetite to do Soros bidding. 
  • His previous records shows this Judge was one of those Soros Judges.
  • The mother had Jocelyn when she was 15, she stated she had to fight for her then. 
  • So that tells me she fought to keep her and not abort her. 
  • Young American girls dead are starting to pile up.
  • You will hear her mother state, this isn’t supposed to happen here.
  • An eye for an eye is the only thing these people understand.
  • They act like an animal, they should be treated as such.
  • That is when this will change.
  • It is time to pull the red carpet up and deny anyone entry.
  • Forever 12 – she will never become a teenager.
  • There is a lot to be said here, there is a woman that fears God, she states God is real.
  • Most children don’t think that when they go out someone is going to sexually assault them and murder them.
  • There was a time in our countries history when murderers were kept behind bars.
  • You have a political class that talks to you in slogans and they call that liberty or Democratic values.
  • They have been selling you wars, they have to sell you the idea wars are just and good b/c they profit off them.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at or Candace her personal email
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7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.



Julian Assange Is A Free Man

AUDIO/VIDEO: Julian AssangeEarly 2014 email from Hillary Clinton to her campaign manager, that email states ISIL is funded by Saudi Arabia. This is the most significant email in the whole collection. That email says it is the governments that was funding ISIS. 

  • The snake is there and it is ready to bite you Joe Biden!
  • You better make a move against Mrs. Clinton or she is going to take you out.
  • I don’t think Hillary Clinton cares about what Julian Assange said in this interview.
  • John Podesta is working right now as a debate coach for Joe Biden at Camp David.
  • Why let Assange free now?
  • What else does Assange have on the Clintons?
  • The office of the Presidency – Bill Clinton didn’t care about that office, he only cared about having his sexual needs fulfilled.
  • What we should really focus on is 

AUDIO/VIDEO: FLASHBACK 2016 Julian AssangeI would like to belive that no media organization in the US would not have published the DNC emails. But I don’t think that’s true actually. I think MSNBC wouldn’t have published them. I think the New York Times wouldn’t have published most of them. And that’s sad. It’s an incredible politicization in this election of the media, and it is a bit concerning that the allegations by Clinton campaign, that every is a Russian agent are really disturbing. People ask about Trump. It is hard for us to release anything worse than what comes out of Donald Trumps mouth every day, he speaks off the cuff.

  • So what did they know about Donald Trump?
  • They knew he wasn’t a Russian asset.
  • They knew he and his campaign was all on the up and up.
1h25mHEADLINE: You Have No Idea How Soviet We Really Are by Helen Andrews 

  • Ferguson’s points of similarity between modern America and late Soviet Russia are—to condense a column of substance to a bare list—gerontocratic leadership; bloated government; lack of trust in institutions; high death rates; and “a bizarre ideology that no one really believes in.” 
  • In the case of the economy, for example, is the most Soviet thing about America really that our projected federal deficits exceed 5 percent of GDP, as Ferguson notes? Ferguson bemoans that the “insertion of the central government into the investment decision-making process” represented by “the Biden administration’s ‘industrial policy.’”
  • Surely that’s small potatoes compared to the fact that one sixth of the American economy is devoted to health care, a sector where, the numbers are all fake.
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at













You Are A Threat To Humanity

  • What did I tell you the Biden Regime was going to run on?
  • DEATH!
  • That is all they have, killing babies.
  • Imagine the campaign that promotes the fact in 2 generations there won’t be any people left to govern? 
  • Apparently according to the Biden Regime, most women die in child birth.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Abortion Activist Hadley Duvall on MSNBC – If you have a woman in your life, her life is at stake during this election. If there is woman in that reproductive age, she is in trouble. Get off your high horse, women don’t get to chose a whole lot but you can choose who you vote for.  At the very least we could do this. I’m pro-minding your own business. 

  • You don’t get to choose much in your life?
  • You are sitting next to the FEMALE Vice President girl!

QUESTION: What is the percentage of male vs female in college, or higher education?

ANSWER: 58% of all people attending college in the US are women.

  • She says I don’t believe the God I worship would wish this on me.
  • God wouldn’t wish you to have premarital sex to be able to produce the child that He created.
  • You are created Imago Dei, what does your god say?
  • You are created in HIS image.
  • She is the end result of 2+ decades of this nonsense being pumped into her head.
  • That the ideal female life is having sex w/ whomever you want and having the ‘right’ to kill the baby you will ultimately create!

HEADLINE: ‘Everybody’s daughter’: The rape victim behind Kentucky’s viral abortion ad by Caroline Kitchener 

1h52mAUDIO/VIDEO: Dr Ben Carson on Communism  They don’t care whether you are Dem or Rep they just want to control you. 45 goals of Communism in America. You can see all of that happening now and that was over 60 years ago. Infiltrating teachers unions, new media and Hollywood so you can manipulate the populous. Denigrating the family, make sexual perversion…right down the line you can check them all off. If America goes, what happens to everybody else?
 Back to Helen Andrews – 

  • The amount of money sloshing around insurers and hospitals is absolutely massive, yet the prices involved bear no relation to utility or even reality. In exchange for devoting such a big chunk of our economy to medicine, what do we get in exchange? The occasional miracle, and a lot of overtreated octogenarians and routine care at inflated costs.
  • I just happen to know a drug that costs $5,000 a month it is called Otezla. 
  • TKD has plaque psoriasis.
  • Who develops a drug that would cost the average American $60,000/year unless you know the price  you will get is baked into the insurance scam of it?
  • Risk Mitigation or Risk Distribution 
  • This is where you con all Americans into thinking they are going to have death issues at an early age so you need platinum insurance to cover it all… know just in case.
  • The medical profession and hospitalization is all a racket.
  • How can the insurance companies pay this?
  • They are banking on you never needing to use the insurance.
  • It is wealth redistribution in the form of ‘healthcare’.
  • Higher education is another incubus sitting atop the American economy. It employs 4 million people and is responsible for $1.6 trillion in student loan debt, yet a layman struggles to see where any value is being created at all, much less value proportionate to the expense. As with health care, higher ed produces a small number of genuine miracles—groundbreaking research or brilliant scholarship—dwarfed by a vast army of functionaries whose net value to society is, frankly, negative. Everyone can tell that the system is rotten, yet schools still have the power to squeeze middle-class parents for every penny they’re worth.
 Presidential Debate Thursday

  • The event starts at 9 p.m. ET and will run for 90 minutes. It will be moderated by CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash and take place at the network’s studios in Atlanta.
2h15mAUDIO/VIDEO: CNN host Jake Tapper Montage – Comparing Trump To Hitler

  • The idea here that just b/c he said something that someone else said doesn’t mean you ARE that person.
  • How does Jake know all these Hitler quotes is my first question.
  • Hitler said poisoning the blood of our country.
  • Trump said poisoning the blood of our country.
  • “Rain is wet the ground it wet outside therefore it is raining.”
  • Is this 100% true?
  • The ground could be wet for many different reasons it doesn’t have to be rain.
  • The implication that Tapper is making is libel.



AUDIO/VIDEO: CNN host Kasie Hunt w/ Karoline Leavitt – Cuts Her Microphone Off During Interview – 

Karoline – It takes 5 minutes to Google Donald Trump and Jake Tapper. 

Katie – You will not speak about my colleagues that way. She is welcome to comeback when she speaks about Donald Trump.

Does it matter who the moderators are?

He is on your network you can’t defend him?

AUDIO/VIDEO: Karoline Leavitt on the War Room – Fake Tapper – I thought it was fair game to bring up past statements that Jake Tapper has made about Donald Trump in the past. Jake Tapper was one of the lead voices pushing Russia, Russia, Russia. He allowed Joe Biden to lie on CNN. 

Fun Fact: All airports play CNN on all their TV’s 24/7.

  • Each one of those televisions will count as a Neilson view.
  • Neilson breaks all of this down too so w/o airports playing CNN around the clock, CNN wouldn’t have any viewership. 
  • CBS, World Nightly News, NBC etc most Americans have a local news cast at around 5pm and at 5:30 they will take the network, national feed.
  • Most people don’t read the newspaper or even read the news online anymore.
  • No one can possibly know what is going on each day b/c there is too much competition out there.
  • You are competing w/ everyone for eyeballs and ears.
  • You’re average YouTuber isn’t giving any retractions and they aren’t using their actual names either!
  • We back up everything we say and do here.
  • If we have to retract something, we do so and let our listeners know the error. 
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6




















Frank Wright

Follow Frank on Twitter – @frankwrighter 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Scott Ritter – Russia/Ukraine – Ukrainian attack on Crimea and a terrorist attack in Dagestan. Let there be no doubt these are 2 direct attacks against Russia by proxies of the US and NATO. It is more than just a proxy engagement. 

Factism makes you Hitler.

  • The reality of this situation is obvious.
  • Backing Ukrainian Nationalist, the US has backed Ukraine for years for this very reason.
  • There are several reasons for this.
  • Weaponizing Ukrainian Nationalist to destabilize Russia.
  • The sanctions on Russia have caused trouble in Europe and Germany but not Russia.
  • Russia is doing just fine.
  • Their policies, those of the liberal Globalist, they have lost the confidence of the people and the only thing they can do now is war w/ Russia. 
  • Russia has unlimited wealth in natural resources. 
  • How to contain Russian influence to balance the power w/ Russia and the United States.
  • Looks like we are going into the hot war now.
  • Will we face extinction or will the leaders face extinction? 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Tulsi Gabbard – Ukraine and Democracy – Since our government is taking billions from our pockets to ‘protect democracy’, shouldn’t the country we are supposedly protecting (while destroying it) actually be a democracy? Zelensky said they are in the middle of a war so he suspended elections. What if our rulers did that here? Would they suspend our elections and our Constitution since we are at war w/ Russia?

  • The more you look into these things, the less convincing the story is.
  • The first wave of color revolutions – 
  • Many oligarchs formally threatened to overthrow the state.
  • There is a long murky history of the corrupt Ukraine. 
  • 21 years ago we toppled the Ukrainian government. 
  • The coup took place b/c of what?
  • Crimea – 
  • They voted to leave – annexation – they always omit several important details.
  • Crimea is 97% speaking Russian and over 85% identify as Russian.
  • The Regime in 2014 in Ukraine was anti-Russian.
  • These people preferred to be w/ people like them instead of people that detested them.
  • Stalin launched a campaign to kill Ukrainians and takeover Ukraine so there is some animosity there.
  • Stalin succeeded in killing a great deal of Ukrainians. 
  • Crimea has only been Ukrainian for about 70 years but from the time it seceded is 60 years. 
  • What is the purpose of the narrative?
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at or Candace her personal email or

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