
The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-If You’re Normal, White And Male, Welcome To The Most Wanted List

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    The Mike Church Show-If You’re Normal, White And Male, Welcome To The Most Wanted List Mike Church


Time 6:03am cstWE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst.  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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Kamala Harris

  • Does the Democrat party think this is a smart play?
  • The final demonization of white heterosexual men?
  • Do you think this pays political dividends? 
  • It literally stands for nothing.
  • It is the Jeff Bridges side, and they actually have the Dude now too.
  • Nihilism will destroy your cult. 
  • You won’t get the utopia you think you are going to get.
  • They are running on MSM w/ the narrative JD Vance is weird.
18mOlympic Opening Ceremony

  • It was an opening F you to 2.5 billion Christians.
  • There was nothing about it that was accidental.

Jillian Michaels on XDear fellow gays… We demand tolerance and respect but then make a mockery of something sacred for over 2 billion Christians.  This type of hypocrisy and lack of understanding is a bad look.  We get outraged when the extreme right bashes us, but then we do this shit. What kind of reaction do you think they will have towards the LGBTQ+ community after this.  This is NOT how we break down barriers it’s how you build them.

  • Look up, that is His institution that you made fun of.
  • God has smitten entire civilizations for less.
  • This isn’t a good look and it doesn’t bode well for your future Paris France.
  • You might want to anger someone else.
  • God can be angered. 





  • In an editorial piece, in the New York Times it discusses the ‘Big Reforms’.
  • These people are not serious about this.
  • It is a campaign ploy b/c Trump appointed 3 of the Justices.

HEADLINE: Five Takeaways From Biden’s Supreme Court Reform Proposal by Sam Dorman 

  • They consider the SCOTUS the MAGA court now.
  • If they can’t kick the current Justices out, they will add more of who THEY want to it.
  • They want to take the courts over and use it to get their way.
  • Here is the dirty stupid little secret though….
  • There does NOT HAVE TO BE 9 Supreme Court Justices.
  • The US Constitution actually says – 
  • One Supreme Court the Judges of both Supreme and Superior Courts….
  • The 1st Supreme Court had 3 Justices.
  • Then they added the 4th and 5th.
  • The impeachment clause – We have the make up of the court.
  • Inferior tribunals = 3 Judges
  • At the end of the day the US Constitution says there has to be THREE Judges.
  • That is all it says.
  • So where do we go from here?
  • You need to understand that the Constitution is not this thing that the Article III Judiciary, there only has to be 3 human beings in it to fulfill what the Constitution says it has to have.
  • All of this fodder from the right saying this is illegal to add more Justices, it is NOT!
  • So let’s not go down that path.
  • Stop funding the courts, Congress has that power given to it by the Constitution.
  • Congress can end that court that is recking havoc on all Jan 6thers they could just defund her court.
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2
41mCitizenship Clause

Emerald Robinson Interview – 

  • Had we gotten it right on Obama, perhaps you wouldn’t have to revisit all of this w/ Kamala now.
  • First she isn’t black.
  • Her father was Jamaican and her mother is Indian. 
  • Here is what you should have said about Obama – 

HEADLINE: Natural Born Citizen by Thomas H Lee 

In 1787 Natural Born was a Combination of 3 Things:

  1. Born on the soil
  2. Born by a naturalized citizen
  3. Naturalized citizen had to be a male
  • Everything came from the Father, Paternity.
  • We should lament the fact the SCOTUS has never heard a case about this.
  • There have been cases of CITIZENSHIP.
  • Those cases were about CHILDREN, not presidential eligibility, ever.
  • Those cases had to do w/ children and whether they were American citizens by virtue of where they have been born.
  • I think this case should be pursued right now.
  • It think the Trump Campaign should push this now w/ Kamala Harris.
  • We as a party are all about closing our borders and exporting the ones that came in, we should take this issue very seriously.
  • Why don’t people want Natural Born Citizens in this highest office?
  • You want a Carpet Bagging Yankee becoming the Governor of Texas?
  • I think this should apply to the states as well.
  • We don’t need citizenship now for mercantile purposes.
  • That is why they made the rule.
  • I don’t think Harris should get away with this.
50mJD Vance is Weird

  • That is the new MSM company line.
  • The 39 year old man working w/ Peter Thiel, the well groomed bead, has 3 beautiful children and a lovely wife…he is weird?
  • What is weird about him?

HEADLINE: Harris Shares Old Federalist Podcast Clip To Claim Vance Supports Project That Didn’t Exist Yet by Tristan Justice 

  • The Harris campaign published an interview between Vance with then-Federalist Publisher Ben Domenech and then-Editor Chris Bedford to allege the Republican senator from Ohio “completely endorses Project 2025.” The podcast, however, was taped and published before Vance had even launched his Senate candidacy and almost a year before the Heritage Foundation unveiled its project.
  • The clip promoted by the Harris team features Vance, then a venture capitalist, speaking in 2021 about the need for conservatives to escalate their tactics to exercise power. The businessman-turned-turned lawmaker referenced efforts to expand the Supreme Court and the number of members in the Senate as examples where incumbent Democrats are ruthlessly eager to maintain their grip on the country.
  • Vance hammered identity politics in the same interview, admonishing politicians like Vice President Kamala Harris who lecture white Americans dying of opioid overdoses as “privileged.”
  • They don’t care this is a lie.
  • Logical, sane people are coming to the conclusion that the Secret Service was in on the hit.
  • They let that security breech so wide open they did it intentionally. 
  • George Webb has his own theory completely and he will be on tomorrow to discuss.
  • They found bombs in Crooks car.
  • He had the detonation in his hands.
  • It is not known if that was supposed to be a distraction or what.
  • Did you know there was a white van in the area too?
  • He supposedly drove his car and this panel van on the same day.
  • I would like to know what the problem is with the Heritage Foundation writing this?
  • Project 2025 was written b/c they think their country is in trouble.
  • There is nothing wrong w/ that we wrote the Covington Compact.
  • We didn’t draft it as a document to take over the world.
  • We drafted it as an option or suggestions for our government.
  • It identified a wrong and we created proposals to make it right, to turn things around.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at or Candace her personal email
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7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.





AUDIO/VIDEO: MSM Supercut on JD Vance is Weird 

  • They are on the side that says men can be women.
  • They are on the side that says men can menstrate and have babies.
  • They are the party that says gender is fluid and there are more than 2 genders.
  • They can’t tell the difference b/w a man and a woman!
  • Can you just look and sit in this hypocrisy. 
  • Remember this is the party that had a homo got to the White House and be an intern for a day w/ long nails and he wore a skirt?
  • But WE are the weird ones?
  • Is weird supposed to be an insult? 
  • Hasn’t the entire party been built on being your ‘authentic’ self?
  • Wouldn’t they embrace the label ‘weird’? 
  • Take something, blue sky and turn it upside down…orange sky.
  • This is jut another inversion.
  • Take something and reverse it.
  • Then project out what it is you really think.
  • They think middle aged white married men are weird.
  • It is just another assault on the Patriarchy. 
  • You wanna run a Republic going in by telling people if you are straight, married and want children we will do everything in our power to make your life miserable.

AUDIO/VIDEO: MSNBC 4 Black Men PanelHow many of you know someone that is going to vote for Donald Trump? With the entrance of Kamala Harris will they change that vote?

  • Kamala is the ruling Queen of the Cat Ladies!
  • She has birthed no children and have you seen her step-daughter? 
  • The left doesn’t want you to know what they are doing.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlson Encryption – Privacy is the point. With no privacy there is no freedom. You know where there is privacy and secrecy? The Federal Government. This is our government and they keep key decisions from us. So to take a lecture from them b/c I want privacy? Really F you!

  • When Snowdan can return to the United States and be readmitted into polite society, then you live in a free country.
  • Until then…no…they are running the show.
 Timothy Treadwell 

HEADLINE: Night of the GrizzlyA True Story Of Love And Death In The Wilderness

He thought he could live among Grizzly bears because they were nice things not the vicious beasts people made him out to be.

7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 Rayssa Leal – Catholic skater who won a Bronze medalSigned ‘Jesus is the way, the truth and the life’ after the Paris World Olympics said she couldn’t praise Jesus Christ.

  • Let’s just low ball this and say there are 10 million new illegals here due to Joe Biden.
  • It is really more like 30 million but we will use 10 million for this example.
1h49mSurrendering Power

  • Interview w/ Donald Trump and Laura Ingraham.
  • They constantly say that Trump won’t leave the WH if he gets in again.

Eric Sammons on XWe all know our country’s current trajectory isn’t going to end well, but what can we do about it? We need to consider a national divorce, i.e., secession. A few thoughts about the growing divide in our country…

  • When you have mild mannered Christians like Sammons talking about secession, then there is a major problem w/ these Untied States of America.
  • What does the average Kamala Harris voter have in common with the average Donald Trump supporter? 
  • NOTHING, absolutely nothing!
  • Is there any other way out of this?
  • Will either side actually accept the results of this election?
  • If Kamala wins Trump supporters won’t accept it.
  • If Trump wins Kamala supporters won’t accept it.
  • There is no other way than to break this union of states up at this point.
 TKD Story of Greenwich Village – 
1h55mHEADLINE: The grizzly truth about the West. We have forgotten the basic principles of civilisation by Jacob Howland

  • Unfortunately, Western democracies require high levels of trust to survive. It’s what distinguishes us from, say, Somalia, where warring clans settle disputes by bloodshed. But we seem to be devolving rapidly into our own warring clans. Trump’s opponents have worked for years to paint him as a racist, a bigot, an antisemite, and a Nazi. They’ve slandered and libelled his supporters, too, and the poisonous fruit of these concerted efforts is now ripe for picking. What is more, the opaque machinations of the Democrats to remove Biden from the ticket are strongly reminiscent of Shakespearean hugger-mugger, with Kamala Harris playing a wheedling Regan or Goneril to Biden’s King Lear.
  • Witnessing the ongoing collapse of the American polity, one tries to find words for what is happening. The catastrophic error of our time goes beyond nasty political partisanship, and is not confined to our shores. It is easily described, but almost impossible to fix. Put simply, we’ve forgotten what civilisation is, and who we are without its distinctions and proscriptions: wild and vicious animals.
  • So compelling was Treadwell’s long-running drama that the ending wrote itself. One wind-whipped October night in 2003, battened down at their campsite against the storm, he and his girlfriend Amie Huguenard were killed and eaten by an ursine stranger, a hungry interloper from the park’s interior. That bear was later shot, and his corpse was eaten by other bears. (Cannibalism is a common practice among grizzlies, who will eat their cubs when other sources of food dry up.) Having failed at comedy and achieved modest success in action-adventure, Treadwell is remembered almost entirely for his role as the tragic protagonist of Herzog’s documentary.
  • This guy was denying reality.
  • The reality is grizzly bears are dangerous.
  • They aren’t humans in bear costumes.
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2h10mCivilization – Christianity 

  • When you tell 330 million people their God is stupid and not wanted, this is what happens.
  • LGBTQ telling people that God made a mistake with your gender.
  • That God makes mistakes, you can’t have peace with people like that.
  • These things all point to something.







Back to UnHerd Article 

  • Treadwell, Herzog says in the course of his film, died “fighting civilisation itself” — something many people are now doing in many different ways, all of which involve transgressing what used to be cultural red lines. Their error, like his, is one of egoistic projection, in which the laziness of beautiful, self-promoting wishes substitutes for concentrated thought about hard truths. Herzog observes that Treadwell believed he and the grizzlies, apex predators that bring down moose and elk, “would bond as children of the universe”. Mistaking the unforgiving Alaskan wilderness for a paradise of natural goodness and concord, he allowed a quasi-religious fantasy to obscure a harsh reality. “[He] reached out seeking a primordial encounter,” Herzog says, “but in doing so he crossed an invisible borderline.” Others in Grizzly Man echo this assessment. A helicopter pilot who helped to recover Treadwell’s remains thinks he acted “like he was working with people wearing bear costumes”, while a curator of the Alutiiq Museum remarks that he “crossed a boundary [between man and bear] that we [the Alutiiq] have lived with for 7,000 years”.
  • Herzog himself displays what it means to be civilised in filming Grizzly Man, discreetly suppressing an audio recording of the fatal attack and refusing to air Treadwell’s obscene rant against named employees of the Park Service — “a line… which we will not cross”. He blames Treadwell’s death on his “sentimentalised view that everything out there was good and the universe in balance and in harmony”. In the blank eyes of a grizzly that Treadwell captured on video just days before his death — possibly the very one that killed him and his girlfriend — Herzog sees “only the overwhelming indifference of nature”. What is more, he remarks, “I believe the common denominator of the universe is not harmony, but chaos, hostility, and murder”. Herzog seems to be describing not just nature but human nature, whose ferocious depths are easily forgotten in times of prosperity and stability.
  • Euripides’s Bacchae – In doing so, he lives up to his reputation of being the absolute Other, a paradoxical god who scrambles all that should be separated and defies the laws of logic. An immortal who appears in the disguise of a young man, Dionysus is, in effect, a grizzly bear in human costume. He is ambiguously masculine and effeminate, Theban and foreign, Greek and barbarian, tame and wild. Present everywhere yet nowhere, he is sober, cruel, and, like nature itself, “most terrible, yet most gentle, to mankind”. By the end of the play, the complete collapse of the civilisational matrix is visible onstage, where a palace lies in ruins and the mother of young King Pentheus cradles his decapitated head.
2h26mAUDIO/VIDEO: Arielle Fodor Zoom CallAs White Women, we need to use our privilege to get the message out. 

  • What are we seeing here?
  • That generation was ruined by Taylor Swift, prove me wrong.
 National Debt 

HEADLINE: US National Debt Hits $35 Trillion Milestone by Andrew Moran 

  • We talk about moral debt all the time but what about our financial debt as a country?
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6
2h38mBack to UnHerd Article

  • Grizzly Man is in essential respects a postmodern reprise of the Bacchae. In one scene, a seaplane pilot remembers the horror that awaited him when he arrived to fly Treadwell and Huguenard out of the wilderness. As a thick swarm of flies and mosquitoes buzz around him, the pilot recalls finding “what was left of Tim’s body, his head, and a little bit of backbone attached, and we found a hand, arm, wristwatch still attached”. Treadwell’s grisly end makes his very name sound like a warning. One is reminded of Pentheus’s murder, when crazed females shout in triumph while he shrieks in terror. “One tore off an arm, / another a foot still warm in its shoe.” This, Euripides suggests, is what happens when fundamental differences are erased and clear thinking gives way to labile sentiment and emotion.
2h44mAUDIO/VIDEO: Pete Buttigieg on Kamala Harris – Abortion FreedomWhat is filling my cells right now, is the reminder of what we are for. I am so happy that Kamala is out there fighting for freedom. Yes women’s freedom is exhibit A but of course men are also more free when we have a country w/ the president that stands up for a woman’s right to an abortion.

  • This is a revolutionary moment.
  • These people who are barely humans don’t want future humans.
  • He just said the only good man that is a free man that doesn’t have to worry about children.
  • He has used women as a surrogate to buy children from.
  • Let’s cut to the chase here, are you going to be governed by him?
  • If they win will they be coming after Governors like mine?
  • States like mine that made abortion illegal?
  • Could it also be a sense of resentment from Little Pettie?
  • Knowing he will never have his own children so he in turn wants to ensure YOU heterosexual male doesn’t have your own either?
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Attempted Trump Assassination ABC News – 10 Members of Beaver County SWAT Team – We had no communication w/ the Secret Service at all, not until after the shooting. 





HEADLINE: Even When Blaspheming At The Olympics, Queer Activists Reinforce Christianity by Joy Pullmann

  • The show also backfired symbolically. In their attempts to slime what they see as their enemies, queer activists reinforced things they’re trying to destroy.
  • The most obvious demonstration of this is the derivative nature of the “art.” The best the queer Paris Olympics “artistic director” and sex performers could come up with is badly deforming others’ artistic triumphs. They didn’t think up their own world, symbols, and referents, they just sabotaged others’ then pretended what any three-year-old can do is brilliant. This doesn’t compete with or replace Christianity and its symbols, it reinforces them.
  • When you are jealous of someone or something how do you show it?
  • You mock it.
  • Pagans – 
  • Freedom to this group means freedom to sin.
  • They are in fact manipulating the use of free will.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump w/ Laura Ingraham Fox News – Threat to Democracy – Look they are the ones that are a threat to Democracy. She is more liberal than Bernie Sanders. He is a major lunatic okay. She is trying to come back, she got rid of that crazy laugh, I noticed she isn’t using the laugh anymore.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at or Candace her personal email or

The Mike Church Show
