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The Mike Church Show-The Left Made It Legal For Men To Pummel Women At The Olympics

micMike Churchtoday08/02/2024 19 2

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    The Mike Church Show-The Left Made It Legal For Men To Pummel Women At The Olympics Mike Church


Time 6:03am cstWE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst.  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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Hostage Swap Between United States and Russia

  • Before the Americans landed here, the Russians that had been held were returned to Moscow.
  • Two interesting things about this, that I found.
  • 1. How did we obtain file footage of our hostages standing in glass cage cell in a Russian courtroom?
  • We somehow got video footage of  Evan Gershkovich and Paul Whelan?
  • 2. If the evil new Iron Curtain villain Putin, if they are so closed minded and evil, why did I watch Putin greet the Russian hostages returning? 
  • This doesn’t look formal and regal on the US side.
  • Long story short, why aren’t we having more negotiations w/ Russia if we can meet w/ them to exchange hostages?
  • Can we meet w/ him on Ukraine?
  • Are we meeting w/ him on Ukraine?
28mHEADLINE: Inside the tough childhood of ‘biologically male’ boxer Imane Khelif whose 46-second demolition of female rival sparked fury: How she sold bread on the street for cash and was told the sport was ‘only for men’ but wanted to ‘show what a brave woman I am’ by Arthur Parashar 

  • Olympic women’s boxer Imane Khelif, who triggered an international gender row by demolishing her opponent in 46 seconds yesterday, has spoken of her ‘bravery’ at overcoming a life of adversity to reach the top of her sport.
  • The ‘biologically male’ athlete told how she rose from selling bread on the streets of her Algerian village to become a sporting hero – after a coach turned her to the sport due to her ‘physical qualities’.
  • XY = male
  • XX = female
  • Khelif’s participation in the event has been a source of controversy after she was disqualified from the Women’s World Boxing Championships last year.
  • The Olympics website noted that Khelif had been disqualified hours before a gold medal bout against China’s Yang Liu in New Delhi after her elevated levels of testosterone failed to meet the eligibility criteria.
  • You can manipulate testosterone can you not?
  • Chromosomes don’t match the plumbing in other words.
  • It is now legal in international circle 
  • It is estimated that up to 1.7 % of the population are born with intersex traits. Intersex people may have any gender identity or sexual orientation.
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2
39mHEADLINE: Don Lemon sues Elon Musk for ‘humiliation, and mental and physical pain’ after canceled X contract by Hannah Nightingale 

  • In other words, Don Lemon is going broke.
  • He couldn’t make it as a journalist or w/ the MSM and Elon gave him a chance.
  • What did Lemon do w/ that opportunity? 
  • He was hostile to Elon in his first interview.
  • Don Lemon filed a lawsuit against Elon Musk as well as X Corp and X executives, accusing them of fraud, negligent misrepresentation, and breach of contract, among other things. The lawsuit claimed that Lemon suffered economic damages as well as “psychological and emotional distress, humiliation, and mental and physical pain and anguish.” He has demanded a jury trial in the case.
  • The lawsuit stated that Lemon received a one-year deal with the agreement that he would be paid $1,500,000, with the option to renew the deal two times, 60 percent of cross-advertising revenue that X received from Lemon’s content, gradually increasing payments for meeting follower thresholds, $500,000 in X advertising credits, and for a two-year period “10 percent of the net revenue that X receives once it exceeds $350,000 for content creators that Lemon referred to X.”
  • We go LIVE on X every weekday with this show.
  • I do not know of any of them that have an agreement with X other than we are allowed to broadcast.
  • They haven’t been known to censor us either. 
  • We didn’t sign an agreement.
  • We weren’t forced to sign anything either to broadcast live daily.
47mTitle IX

  • Don’t send your girls to any University that has a Title IX policy.
  • You are sending them into harms way.
  • Especially if they are in any type of athletics.
  • They put this into effect.
  • You will have leftist in standing on this now.
  • Trump will get sued when he goes in and tries to change this.
  • It will get tied up in courts and you can thank Kamala Harris and Joe Biden for this.
  • Once the left gains power in something like this, they never give it up.
  • Why do we allow this central form of government, whey do we allow them to bark policies out to higher learning institutions that are supposed to be private?
  • What do they know about higher education?
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Kamala Harris CNN 2020 – Kamala Harris’ Mother Influence  2020 CNN biography of then VP Candidate Kamala Harris, CNN profiled her civil-rights activist mom Shyamala Gopalan and former teacher who revealed Gopalan’s biggest influence to be the leftist pagan philosopher Karl Popper, a follower of the dreadful Emmanuel Kant. The piece then goes on to reveal that Harris still seeks her deceased mother’s advice.

  • Who is Karl Popper exactly?
  • His teenage flirtation with Marxism left him thoroughly familiar with the Marxian dialectical view of economics, class-war, and history. But he was appalled by the failure of the democratic parties to stem the rising tide of fascism in Austria in the 1920s and 1930s, and the effective welcome extended to it by the Marxists, who regarded fascism as a necessary dialectical step towards the implosion of capitalism and the ultimate victory of communism. The Poverty of Historicism (1944; 1957) and The Open Society and Its Enemies (1945), Popper’s most impassioned and influential social works, are powerful defences of democratic liberalism, and strident critiques of philosophical presuppositions underpinning all forms of totalitarianism.
  • The Holy Father [St Pope Pius X] lucidly resumed the Modernist doctrine in three essential points: 1) philosophical agnosticism (Kantianism), 2) vital immanence (or immanentism – from Kant and, especially, Schleiermacher), and 3) radical evolutionism.
  • By the first of these three errors, philosophical agnosticism, which is described by the pope as Modernism’s “negative” aspect, the partisans of error deny sound epistemology. They opt to follow Kant, who produced a philosophy that rejects man’s ability to know and reduces all sense impressions to mere “phenomena,” whereas the “neumena” or ding an zich, (“the thing in itself,” or reality as it is) are ever elusive of our intellectual grasp. Once this sort of philosophy is introduced into Catholic theology – fides quaerens intellectum – the faith cannot find understanding because the very criteria for so doing are rejected. Kantianism is fundamentally contraceptive of theology, as it is of all sound thought. Dogma, which is a divine revelation from God to the intellect of man, is, in the end, rendered meaningless, since the mind cannot really know anything external to itself. Thus, the pope laments the fact that “Natural Theology,…the motives of credibility, [and]… external revelation”[5] are all rendered impotent in the Modernist system. If man cannot know truth, it is the end of all revelation and, consequently, of all religion: “By [Agnosticism] every avenue that leads to God is barred.”
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7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
 Title IX 

  • Does it have to do with sports only?
  • No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation, in be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

















SOTU Address With Trump

  • He gave Rush Limbaugh the Medal of Freedom.
  • The following week is Daytona and this is the scenario in which we are all about to be made prisoners. 
  • Then in early March we get the COVID in an elderly facility in Seattle.
  • Then they just began spreading and spreading etc.
  • How did this COVID get to a retirement home?
  • These people aren’t international travelers. 
  • Then Trump gets the pressure to shut the economy down.
  • The Operation Warp Speed.
  • He was surrounded by people that wanted him to fail.
  • 15 Days to Slow the Spread.
  • 2 Weeks to Flatten the Curve.
  • This was the act the left had been preparing for.
  • Everyone felt terror, you felt the governmental authority stepping on your neck.
  • You were told to stand on circles, wear your mask and they told you Mass wasn’t important but liquor stores were.

COVID Did One of Two Things: 

  • 1. Made you a rebel.
  • OR
  • 2. Made you a sheep.
  • The nursing community never recovered from this.
  • The pilot industry never recovered either.
  • Did any of the people that were responsible for this have to pay a price for it?
  • Did Dr Fauci get any type of consequence for what he told the American people?
  • What he forced the American people to do?
  • What about the kids that were forced to wear masks and were told they were going to kill their grandparents? 
  • They still have PTSD about all of this.
  • This was all the set up folks and we need to remember this.
  • This was all a very well laid out plan.
  • They laid all their ducks in a row and executed the plan.
  • If they ordered the hit and tried to kill Trump, what makes you think they won’t try this again?
  • That all leads us to today.
  • The Biden’s didn’t choose to exit this race.
  • Lady McBiden was not going to give up this power.
  • So what happened?
  • They decided Biden could physically die before the election and they couldn’t allow that.
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
1h43mFormation In Thought

  • It is all that matters.
  • Your formation is all that matters.
  • It doesn’t matter what stage in life you are, you can always grow and strengthen your foundation and formation.
  • If you can’t state what is real and what is not, you cannot govern.
  • Just because your image of the new bridge is pretty, if it doesn’t stand up to engineering formations and foundations…it will collapse no matter how ‘pretty’ it is.
  • Trump thinks Vance is a good choice for the long haul.
  • Trump picked the only available devout Catholic that could assist him in what is going to be a spiritual battle royal.
  • Is that a coincidence? 
  • Why is Kamala Harris out there campaigning and wanting to debate Trump?
  • They are treating them both as enemies and I think that is significant. 
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Senator Ron Johnson New Butler PA VideoThis video is taken at 6:08 and it clearly shows Crooks on the roof. Shots were fired at 6:11. The SS Sniper received Crooks location and a photo at 5:45. We need to know what SS snipers saw and did during the 26 minute time period.  
1h50mAUDIO/VIDEO: WH Briefing 

Reporter – The NYC Firefighters Union put out a statement condemning the 9/11 plea deal. Does the administration have a message for them?

Karine Jean-Pierre – Our hearts go out to the families who lost a loved one. We didn’t have a role in this.

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2h17mJD Vance

  • The only platform the left doesn’t own is X at this point.
  • They own FB, they own Google, NYT, Washington Post, YouTube…the own all of it.
  • They also own the polling organizations too.
  • They all come from the sewers called Universities. 
  • They are stitching together this “Kamala is our savior” crap.
  • So forgive JD if he isn’t Ronald Reagan yet!
  • Orators – not every media entity has a voice and face that is a star performer.
  • I don’t expect JD Vance, a law school guy to have exemplary public speaking. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: JD Vance on Border – Kamala the Chameleon

Reporter – The former president comments yesterday to the NABJ where he said that VP Harris is all of the sudden black. As a father of 3 biracial children, did those comments give you pause?

JD Vance – They don’t give me pause. All he said was Harris is a chameleon. She goes to GA 2 days ago and puts on a fake southern accent. She is everything to everybody and she pretends to be something different w/ each audience she is in front of. Trump called it out and that’s all he did.

  • So why are they after JD Vance?
  • Because he is Catholic.
2h27mHEADLINE: What If We Lose? by Rod Dreher

  • In the lecture, Pageau said we shouldn’t be surprised by the Opening Ceremony, which is just a continuation of what has been going on in Western culture for the past two decades. He begins by laughing at the capacity of some Christians to accept gaslighting, in the sense of claiming that ackshually, it was not a parody of the Last Supper, but of a Dutch painting. (This doesn’t surprise me; again, I have found that the aversion to seeing what it plainly in front of one’s eyes is commonplace.)
  • Pageau says that the Last Supper, famously depicted by Leonardo, is a symbol of communion, of unity in Christ. Christians consider it to have been the first Eucharist. The multiplicity of the disciples came together at the table around the person of Christ, who gave us the Eucharist. This is my Body, this is my Blood, said Jesus. The disciples at that table “ate” their God — as do the Orthodox, the Catholics, and some Protestants every Sunday. This is a mystery that is at the heart of the Christian faith. And, as Pageau emphasizes, the Last Supper is a symbol of the faith that unified the West.
  • So, in the blasphemous parody, the god served at the queer banquet was Dionysus, the god of chaos and revelry. Note that the worship of Dionysus (Bacchus) was an orgy, the “Bacchanalia”; similarly, as Pageau notes, the god Dionysus served as the pseudo-eucharistic meal, sings of the virtue of “nakedness,” as the music becomes more sensual. Pageau points out that the scene then goes into a segment labeled “Darkness,” culminating in John Lennon’s nihilistic anthem, “Imagine.”
  • The long march through the institutions. 
  • I want you to understand and I want everyone to grasp they own it…it’s theirs.
  • How is it you remove the reason of existence from THE very thing that created you, God?
  • When you remove the Almighty, war ensues. 
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6














Mahgdalen Rose

Political Correspondent 

Follow Mahgdalen on X – @MahgdalenRose

  • JD Vance vs Youngkin
  • The wall is terrifying to the young conservatives.
  • JD was supposed to add the youth vote to the Trump ticket.
  • Charlie Kirk, and all are saying the same thing.
  • The strategy being deployed by the social media arm of the DNC is impressive.
  • This is a 30 year old woman that has less than 1,000 followers but she is in charge of the digital strategy work.
  • Alicia V Oken – @AliciaVOken
  • The American people – we tried this with Hunter Biden and people didn’t care.
  • They care about gas prices.
  • They don’t care about moral issues.
  • Young Conservatives believe that JD Vance was the wrong choice.
  • When it came down to it, Donald Trump Jr was behind this choice.
  • Trump liked JD Vance b/c he looks at him as another son.
  • That won’t win the election. 
  • Young Conservative 30 and under – 
  • Kamala Harris was positioned as the ‘tough on crime’ candidate.
  • She is running on that, she has decided to be that person, her campaign is smart enough to know she already has the liberal voters.
  • Trump needs to remind voters she is completely incompetent. 
  • She was just a prop at the prisoner swap.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Kamala Harris on Hostage SwapThis is just an extraordinary testament to the importance of having a president who understands the power of diplomacy and understands the strength that rests in understanding the significance of diplomacy.

  • Kamala Harris and her media operation keep twisting everything.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at or Candace her personal email or

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