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The Mike Church Show-Harris Is The First Woman To Demolish The Global Economy

micMike Churchtoday08/06/2024 13

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    The Mike Church Show-Harris Is The First Woman To Demolish The Global Economy Mike Church


Time 6:03am cstWE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst.  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows on
13mKamala Harris VP Choice 

Pete Buttigieg

Josh Shapiro

Tim Walz

Mark Kelly

  • There are things happening out there and I honestly can’t even explain.
  • You can’t continue to run the Wall Street and UN etc and not have it catch up to you.
  • There will be a reckoning. 
  • They were panicking yesterday and this morning they are claiming all is well.
 HEADLINE: The McKelvey (Sahm) Unemployment Rate Recession Rule Just Triggered by Mish Shedlock 

  • Weak Data says a recession has already started and it started in June.
  • Small business employment growth is now negative and have been negative.
  • ADP data shows year-over-year payroll growth is negative 88,000 for small corporations sized 20-49.
  • Commercial construction spending is down 9 consecutive months. 



HEADLINE: The states with the highest energy bills might shock you into moving by Jennifer Kelly Geddes 

States With Highest Monthly Energy Costs:

  1. Wyoming
  2. North Dakota
  3. Iowa
  4. Montana 
  5. Minnesota
  6. California 
  • The relief everyone is looking for isn’t in the pipeline.
  • The American people are suffering under all this debt weight.
 Immigration & Sanctuary Cities

  • Louisiana passed a bill stating there was not one single sanctuary city in the state of Louisiana.
  • The way you keep the things happening in the UK from happening here is this.
  • You make it illegal for any company in your state to hire an illegal.
  • Make the fines so high there is NO incentive to hire an illegal.
  • The videos coming from the UK are horrible.
  • Muslims running around w/ machetes and knives screaming Allah Akbar.
  • Taqiyya = is an Islamic practice of concealing one’s religious beliefs and duties when faced with the threat of injury or death. It can also involve committing a sinful act to achieve a pious goal. The practice is based on several Koranic verses, and has been a part of Islam since its inception, with the Prophet Muhammad and the fourth caliph, Ali, both using it to strengthen the religion.
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2




Federal Reserve

  • What will your options be?
  • In August of 2024 there aren’t any options.
  • Why the rush to off load?
  • Despite the fact it will have almost NO impact whatsoever.
  • You can’t go to the Feds, they can’t fix this.
  • Next stop…Congress.
  • Okay well what will you do there?
  • QUESTION: What is going to be their tendency?
  • ANSWER: A Stimulus Bill 
  • It would have short term impact b/c you will have people that would go out and blow it immediately.
  • What happens when it runs out?
  • So eliminate the Fed and Congress from this equation.
  • Congress could just shutdown the government for a month or two.
  • So how else could you address this?
  • There could be an act of God, a meteor hitting the ocean.
  • QUESTION: Who can fix this?
  • ANSWER: You!
  • The fix is long term productivity.
  • An ownership society is the fix.
  • Cheap labor from foreigners across the world is always our ruling elites answer.
  • The way out of this is the way less traveled and the road not even talked about.
  • Which candidate would allow the society to fix this?
  • Capital formation – 
  • It isn’t capital if it isn’t yours, it’s debt.
  • The best economy is the one that works for the family.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Fox News Charles Payne – Stock Market Sell-Off What you’re using right now in the stock market is what Americans have been feeling for the last 3 years. It’s just a manifestation of it right now.

53mAUDIO/VIDEO: Greg Gutfeld on The Five – Kamala and the Machine – Kamala Harris is an amorphous creature that conforms to whatever environment that best suits her. She can help release criminals and then claim she was a hard AG. She has no beliefs to begin with. She can just slide into this machine and do exactly what they want her to do. She is having fun b/c she knows everything is being taken care of.

  • She was absolutely in on this Biden coup and coverup of his deterioration. 
  • There were people all over and around him that knew he wasn’t fit for this job and did nothing.
  • The Coup that took Joe Biden out was at the very least, Kamala Harris knew of it.
  • There is no way she had no idea it was going to happen.
  • She had to have been in on it b/c she would have known she was going to benefit from it.
  • What happened to the DNC Chairman Jamie Harrison?
  • What has been revolved this summer is truly shocking but the MSM isn’t telling the American people.
  • The people at the top of the DNC do not run it.
  • We know this b/c of the leak on Sunday that said Biden was stepping down and that Kamala wasn’t guaranteed the nominee. 
  • He was thrown under the bus and the decision was made w/o him.
  • So who is in charge in the Democratic party exactly?
  • The top of the Dem party is not run by the DNC.
  • ANSWER: Obama and Hillary Clinton
 HEADLINE: Why Do Our Rulers Hate Us? by William M Briggs 

  • Rulers there, as here and elsewhere across the West, have concocted the idea that importing great masses of people, wholly unlike the natives, must be official policy. The numbers of imported persons is already large, growing larger, and shows only signs of accelerating. Here in the USA, for example, rulers announced they would “only” allow some two million more official aliens to cross the borders illegally each and every year. How many more on top the official number is a number no one knows.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at or Candace her personal email
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 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.


Joe Biden 

  • Where is Biden’s reign at the top of the party?
  • It’s all over.
  • When you no longer serve the party you get consumed.
  • You become dead weight, you will be removed and/or eaten.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Nancy Pelosi on CNN – Spoken with Biden – I have not, I do hope to. You’d have to ask him if everything is okay w/ our relationship. I think he has made one of the biggest contributions to our country in the shortest period of time. 

  • When the party is done with you, you are done with the party.
  • This just proves it.
  • Biden’s BFF hasn’t spoken to him since the Kamala Coup.

Stock Market Sell-Off

  • Where was the leader of the country yesterday?
  • Where is the calming voice stating all is well don’t panic?
1h24mAUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Jamie Raskin – Section 3 of the 14th Amendment – It couldn’t be more clear. It is up to us on January 6, 2025. Congress will tell Trump and his mob, that he’s disqualified and then we need bodyguards for everyone and this will ignite a Civil War. 

  • He says they are going to say Trump is ineligible. 
  • Then he makes a thinly veiled threat to the SCOTUS.
  • Remember when Pelosi came out in September and said Trump will not be President again, he won’t be in the Office on January 21st 2021?
  • She knew that the coup and installation was in and a go.
  • It didn’t matter if he actually won the election, they already made the preparations so she stated w/ certainty that Trump wouldn’t be the president.
  • This is Pelosi 2019 basically.

14th Amendment – Equal Protection and Other Rights

Section 3 Disqualification from Holding Office

  • No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
  • Who was the last person to get expelled using Article 1 Section 5?
  • Congressman Raskin needs to be expelled.
  • Then he should be brought up on treason.
  • These people don’t want YOUR type of world they want you living in the world THEY want, the one THEY deem acceptable for you.
  • Can you imagine if Donald J Trump said this?
  • Can you imagine if he said we will have a Civil War?
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Keir Starmer – Riots in the UK – Those that have participated in this violence, will face the full force of the law. I guarantee you will regret taking part in this disorder whether directly or by online. This is not protest, it is organized violent thuggery and has no place on our streets or online. There is no justice in taking this action. All right minded people should be condemning this. People in this country have a right to be safe and yet we have seen Muslim communities attacked and Mosques defaced. This is Far-Right thuggery. To those that are being targeted b/c of the color of your skin, I apologize. 
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at





















Frank Wright

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AUDIO/VIDEO: Morrissey – Nobody Loves Us

AUDIO/VIDEO: Keir Starmer – UK Riots – Those that have participated in this violence, will face the full force of the law. I guarantee you will regret taking part in this disorder whether directly or by online. This is not protest, it is organized violent thuggery and has no place on our streets or online. There is no justice in taking this action. All right minded people should be condemning this. People in this country have a right to be safe and yet we have seen Muslim communities attacked and Mosques defaced. This is Far-Right thuggery. To those that are being targeted b/c of the color of your skin, I apologize. 

  • So the white people the UK are the thugs and the innocent Muslims are the shining beacon of the country?
  • Police refuse to arrest the attackers and are asking the Muslims to store their knives and other weapons in the Mosque for later.
  • He will not protect the white community.
  • Low level state of emergency – 
  • He was Rowandan and he is 17 years old, he went to a community center and took out a kitchen knife stabbed 11 girls. 
  • What happened after that was a vigil called for by the parents.
  • This is important, what happened then was that a masked man appeared at the vigil and was clearly of Muslim faith.
  • There is no mention of this fact in the media and he leaves it out completely.
  • Where does the misinformation come from?
  • If the public had been told at the time he was Rowandan, there would have been no opportunity to mobilize the Muslim class against the citizens of UK.
  • They refuse to admit these crimes are committed by people of migrant backgrounds.
  • Then the crime becomes that of the UK citizen posting outrage about the incident.
  • The Liberal state is directly responsible.
  • The line is always – that online outrage is fueling violence on the streets.
  • Act of vengeance on the natural order – 
  • If you get angry about this, you are discarded into prison w/o rights!
  • UK Minister of State – 
  • 1 million children raped since the 1990’s.
  • It has gone on since then. 
  • Children were left at the mercy of these rapists and they are known to the state police.
  • The leader states he will protect people w/ brown skin not me.
  • I am classified as a thug when I’ve had enough of our children being raped and murdered.
  • Muslim anger against white people so they can do wide spread facial recognition.
  • A Digital Identity System – 
  • They claim this will help with Migrant crime and influx.
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2h12mJUST IN – Kamala Harris VP Pick – Tim Walz

  • He is the Governor of Minnesota.
  • He helped ignite the George Floyd riots, the worst the country had seen in decades. While Minneapolis burned, you stalled on deploying the National Guard for an entire day, blaming the city for not submitting the right paperwork. You let your daughter leak the Guard’s deployment plans online, so that rioters would know how long they had to loot the city with impunity. Minneapolis is a war zone because of you.
  • Just days after the attempted murder of Donald Trump, you called him and his supporters “fascists,” egging on the same rhetoric that led to him being shot in the first place. 
  • He has overseen some of the most radical youth trans surgery laws in the country. Under your leadership teenagers can get their breast chopped off and get sterilized, and your government calls it “healthcare.”
  • The Harris/Waltz campaign is you have no future, no more babies and if there is a population they will be imported from another country.
  • So the Democrat party is all in on the suicide of a nation.
  • You have white hats and witch hats at this point.

Frank Wright

  • This is what is happening in my country now yours.
  • You are seeing the mobilization of the state against its own people.
  • The Rainbow Banner of Satan.
  • It is an act of vengeance on the entire Natural Order.
  • He will probably have a trial date when or if he returns.
  • Why has the cabal chosen middle eastern men?
  • There is no life for Europe.
  • Rebalancing of diplomatic relationships.
  • It is either reason or death.
  • Sanity for Survival.
 Tim Walz as VP Choice

  • A progressives progressive.
  • You have an America last ticket.
  • That is if they survive the nomination process.
  • What the Republicans should do is just tell their story.
  • You don’t need to attack appearance or race.
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Governor Tim Walz on the BLM Riots 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Governor Tim Walz on Socialism 

 ADUIO/VIDEO: Rep Jamie Raskin – Section 3 of the 14th Amendment – It couldn’t be more clear. It is up to us on January 6, 2025. Congress will tell Trump and his mob, that he’s disqualified and then we need bodyguards for everyone and this will ignite a Civil War. 

  • This won’t lead to Civil War Sir, this will lead to states seceding from the Union.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Tabitha St Bernard-Jacobs Author of ‘Raising Anti-Racist Kids’ – Kids for Kamala Call – My kids go to marches w/ me, they volunteer with me, they make posters with me. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Kamala Harris – Everybody Needs to Be Woke – Like everybody needs to be woke, to stay woke to be woker.

AUDIO/VIDEO: FLASHBACK Kamala Harris – The Power I Have As A Prosecutor – I can charge someone with a misdemeanor the lowest level offense possible, and by virtue of the swipe of my pen, you will have to go to the courthouse, you have to hire an attorney, you will be arrested, you will miss time at work all because I have the power as prosecutor. Which I may choose to dismiss 2 weeks later.



AUDIO/VIDEO: Tulsi Gabbard – President Biden Hasn’t Been Calling The Shots – He wasn’t the guy running things, he wasn’t calling the shots and if Kamala gets in she won’t be calling the shots either. It will be the woke warmongers. Those in the National Security state, their friends in media who all derive their power from having a figure head they can essentially control.  

CIVICS 101 – The Founding Fathers – They didn’t want a functioning democracy. 

  • They created a functioning REPUBLIC!
  • You couldn’t vote for your Senator in the beginning.
  • If we have a functioning Democracy, why is it left to Congress to expel a member of Congress?
  • Why don’t the PEOPLE have the right to expel a member?
  • Congress has to have a 2/3 majority to expel a member.
  • This is happening in the chambers.
  • We suffer from an excess of FAKE Democracy.
  • How to we fix the economic crisis covered in hour one – 
  • Who is responsible?
  • The out of scale monster.
  • The creature that sits in Mordor.
  • The solution here is ownership.
  • Men owning the means of production.
  • Trump kinda’ pushes for that but he still thinks there should be some National Economic Policy.
  • This addition of Walz to the Harris ticket seals the deal.
  • Produce nothing, spend anything you can, no more population and just death and despair. 
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at or Candace her personal email or

LIVE Show PodcastsThe Mike Church Show
