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The Mike Church Show-Trump And Musk Fight Agent Harris And The Hatrix

micMike Churchtoday08/13/2024 18

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    The Mike Church Show-Trump And Musk Fight Agent Harris And The Hatrix Mike Church


Time 6:03am cstWE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst.  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows on
12mElon Musk and Donald Trump Interview

  • I was going to broadcast this live but I couldn’t get it pulled up on X.
  • It didn’t look like it was going to load so I didn’t get to listen to it.
  • 120 million plays
  • The podcast has been received pretty well.
  • This was all after the EU issued a warning to Elon that you shouldn’t do this interview w/ Trump due to ‘misinformation’. 
  • These evil people love their power.
  • They have this thing called the DSA – Digital Service Act.
  • This is a simple good ole fashioned radio interview.
  • This is how misinformation works for the MSM on No Tax On Tips:
  • CBS News – Former President Donald Trump’s vow to stop taxing tips would cost the federal government up to $250 billion over 10 years, according to a nonpartisan watchdog group.
  • CBS News – Vice President Kamala Harris is rolling out a new policy position, saying she’ll fight to end taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers.
  • How do you combat this?
  • How can they call themselves journalist?
26mAUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump at a restaurant signing a portrait drawn of a Medal of Honor recipient. 

  • Contrast that video w/ the Lebron video of him pushing the kid out of the way while wearing his gold medal.
  • Trump is genuinely interested in other human beings.
  • You can’t teach that. 
  • At the end of the day I will take the guy, the intelligent guy that is an actual member of the human race over anyone else.
  • There is no evidence Trump is the evil person the MSM and left make him out to be.
  • We don’t want leaders that are people persons, we want arrogant stuck up snobs like Lebron and Kamala and Obama.
  • The ones that have ZERO desire to mingle w/ us common folk.
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2
 Governor of Louisiana Jeff Landry

  • Good things seem to be happening here in the great state of Louisiana.
  • We are in the middle, maybe the southern middle but the middle.

Fêté-Dieu Du Teche –

 UK Censorship


 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at or Candace her personal email
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 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.


AUDIO/VIDEO: Mike Benz @MikeBenzCyber – EU NATO Censorship Law – I hope folks can now appreciate why for the past 2 years I’ve been screaming the greatest threat to free speech in the US is the EU Digital Services Act (aka, the NATO censorship law), which was pushed by the US State Dept’s Blob network to boomerang back on populist Americans.
 Time Magazine 

Her Moment – w/ Kamala Harris on the cover.








Wall Street Journal & CBS – Tax on Tips

  • #1 occupation for females high school educated or less.
  • Highest vocation for men of the same age and education but the women still dominate.
  • What kind of effort is it to tax tips?
  • If you were to ask me I’d say this is a mortal sin.
  • You cannot deprive a man of a living wage.
  • Trump should eliminate the income tax.
  • I can hear you all saying, well you idiot that will increase the cost of everything!
  • That is a ZERO SUM game.
  • A regressive tax is a sin.
  • When Trump says it it will cost the federal government too much.
  • When Kamala says it, it is the best thing since sliced bread.
  • Apparently we people out here that are ‘threats to Democracy’ have great ideas.
  • Imitation is the sincerest form of plagiarism not flattery. 
  • This is what I don’t get – 
  • The Harris campaign is not a campaign.
  • This is the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton people using Kamala as a mere figurehead.
  • This is the most protected and guarded candidate in history.
  • We are on day 24 and she still hasn’t sat down w/ media or Americans.
  • There are 3 polling groups on the last 4 presidential cycles that have been better than their margin of error.
  • They beat their own margin of error.
  • Rasmussen – Kamala Harris was ahead for ONE day.
  • The Democrats are in big trouble.
  • What you are seeing and hearing on MSM is political CPR.
  • The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that, in a two-way matchup, 49% of Likely U.S. Voters would vote for Trump, while 44% would vote for Harris. Four percent (4%) say they’d vote for some other candidate and three percent (3%) are undecided. These findings are nearly unchanged from a week ago, which was the second survey since President Joe Biden announced he would withdraw his reelection bid.


Trump/Elon Interview 

  • This was audio only. 
  • Talk radio is NOT dead yet is it?

AUDIO/VIDEO: Elon Musk w/ Donald Trump – Sniper in Butler – The number one spot for a sniper, the goals to assassinate, would be that building. 

  • Let’s also get out of the way the MSM saying Trump had a lisp.
  • This is compression audio.
  • It is a digital artifact, a product of compression.
  • Whoever was at the recording source, they were getting a version that is compressed down b/c in real time the computer or transmitting device can’t get the HD sound but there is enough data to give you the audio but quality will fade.
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at


AUDIO/VIDEO: Nicolle Wallace on MSNBC – Trump Flew in Plane Previously Owned by Jeffrey Epstein – Former president Donald Trump’s campaign flew to campaign events on a plane that was once owned by Jeffrey Epstein. A Trump spokesperson told the Miami Herald the campaign had no awareness that the charter plane had been owned by Mr. Epstein.

  • So what?!
  • A plane is a plane.
  • Was Epstein on it?
  • Did the plane have children on it?
  • Then it doesn’t matter, this is an AOC nothing burger.
  • As if the Trump campaign said we don’t want any plane to rent in this time of need, we want a former Epstein plane or nothing at all.
  • They are manufacturing news at this point.
  • Just like they are manufacturing this candidate Kamala Harris.


AUDIO/VIDEO: Elon Musk w/ Donald Trump – Fight, Fight, Fight – 

Elon – When you got up and said fight, fight, fight…that is America. That is why I decided to endorse you. Your actions after that assassination attempt were inspiring. What was that event like for you?

Trump – Not pleasant. You have instances similar to this but I knew immediately it was a bullet and at the ear. It hit very hard but it hit the ear. I heard people shout bullets, get down. The miracle is I was looking in the direction of the shooter. For those people that don’t belive in God, those people need to start thinking about that. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Elon Musk w/ Donald Trump – Immigration vs Illegal Immigration –

Elon – There has to be solid vetting at the border.

Trump – They have to come in legally, they have to be checked. Kamala was in charge of the border and still is. she is now saying close the border and no tax on tips. She hired 187,000 IRS agents and they were really going to go after you. These people are fake. I belive it is over 20 million people have come into this country.

  • I think this speaks to the fact she hasn’t had anything to do w/ this administration. 
  • Saying day one, she is acting as if this is a new job for her.
  • Proving Joe and herself were not running anything.
  • Maybe if she does get elected it will be her day one b/c Obama has been running the show.
  • At the end of the day this whole thing comes down to how big the cheat operation is in swing states.
  • Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Ohio.
  • I’m not of the view the Federal Union will be preserved longterm as it is completely out of scale.
  • The Fourth Turning from yesterdays show – 
  • The number of young men out there that are being so suppressed and told they have no type of future is growing.
  • What happens when that number is 100%?
 The Last Exit – from Cultural Husbandry @APhilosophae

  • What causes revolutions? When does the violence start? To find the answer, study one group: Dissatisfied, angry young men. Nearly every revolution in human history was started by this cohort, and if you want to know how likely you are to have a revolution, ignore everything else and study the angry young men in your society. Why are they angry? How many of them are there? Do they communicate regularly? Do they have weapons? Are there political movements that address their grievances and defuse their anger, or are they mocked and shamed and at the point of boiling? Do they have a stake in society, and do they have incentives to maintain stability and keep things as they are or are they wholly disincentivized? These are the questions you have to ask to know if landlords are about to get dragged out of their houses and shot. These are the questions you have to ask if you want to know if aristocrats, celebrities, academics, journalists, and politicians are about to be beaten, killed, and paraded through the streets. These are the questions you have to ask if you want to know when the next genocide is going to occur. It’s happened hundreds of times, dozens in the 20th century alone, and it could be about to happen again, in the USA. We are coming up on the final chance for a political solution to the USA’s problems before we could enter a full-blown, violent revolution. We have had multiple missed exits to political solutions to violence, which I will describe below.
  • Missed Exit 1: the 99% and Occupy Wall Street The first missed exit was in 2008-10, in the form of Occupy Wall Street. Young millennials protested the banking system and their exclusion from the normal avenues of building wealth and buying property. The OWS protesters didn’t want handouts. They weren’t calling for UBI or more welfare. They didn’t want Latin American Venezosocialism. They simply wanted wages commensurate to the value of their labor, and a chance to buy and own a share of America: A slice of American land and a stake in American businesses. Millennials were the first American generation in living memory to have little hope whatsoever to own land and build wealth, and they knew it, and they protested. They wanted dignity. They wanted those responsible for the financial collapse to be held accountable. Instead, the banks got bailed out, the already broke 99% were saddled with the bill, and one of the largest wealth transfers from the middle class to the hyperwealthy took place. OWS was not identitarian: It cut across lines of race, gender, etc., and it dissolved along these lines, as identity politics emerged to dismantle the movement. Current Progressivism, social justice, restorative justice, and white guilt were introduced: the 99% died immediately after, and actual class politics have never come back to mainstream discourse here in the US.
  • Missed Exit 2:  #MeToo The next large left-wing movement was #MeToo, borne from GamerGate. Angry, dissatisfied young men of the millennial and zoomer generation, sick of being perpetually demonized as the villains of identity politics in their heretofore male spheres of gaming, as well as mainstream culture and (for zoomers) in classrooms and colleges started voicing their anger. #MeToo was the elite response, a broadside of thinly veiled managerial supremacism under the guise of feminism. #MeToo was exclusively bourgeois, exclusively moneyed, and incredibly politically influential. From 2015-2018, #MeToo accelerated the reconfiguration of American politics, journalism, media, culture, and the overton window of mainstream discourse. Identity politics was no longer just an obscure instrument to destroy class solidarity in OWS: It was now the official civil religion of the USA, a replacement for Christianity. No aspect of #MeToo addressed any kind of material inequality, wealth inequality, property ownership, land ownership, or other traditional popular concerns. Around this time, the word ‘populist’ became a pejorative: a perfect summation of the total capture of leftwing politics by wealthy, whitecollar, sanctimonious, and overwhelmingly female managers.
 Missed Exit 3:  #BLM BLM is the largest social movement in postwar American history and THE largest “charity drive” in American history – although the billions of dollars raised went to ACT Blue, numerous mansions for its leadership, and interracial trust is at a historic low since the Civil Rights era. If #MeToo approximated a civil religion, BLM codified its doctrines in Critical Race Theory, complete with foreign missions (European football players kneeling to the new American God), prophets (Robin DiAngelo, Ibram Kendi, etc.), martyr saints (George Floyd, whose image is painted on the walls of every American city) and had a funeral which brought together world leaders who bowed before a golden casket, castes (blacks at the top, whites and Asians at the bottom), and a motivated political party (the Biden administration, the DOJ/FBI, and the Bureaucratic State). BLM’s sister doctrine, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is a tithe that every organization, public and private, pays to the new religion. As with #MeToo before it, BLM is only nominally leftist, and as with #MeToo, it’s overwhelmingly bourgeois, openly disdainful of the productive classes such as manual laborers, farmers, etc., who it openly mocks and despises. Cultural workers, teachers, and government or corporate bureaucrats are the heroes of BLM: farmers, oil field workers, and bricklayers are its deadly enemies.
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2h13mDonald Trump Attempted Assassination

Butler PA

  • I don’t think they want it revealed when those men exited the building.
  • There were too many men running around in uniform with body cameras.
  • He wasn’t talking about the 2nd story windows, he meant there should have been guys on the roof where Crooks was.
  • What can you take away from this?
  • I think it was all staged. 
  • This is WORSE than the Kennedy assassination. 
  • Roscoe White – I think was the guy that actually shot JFK that day.
  • The Commission that has been brought together by Grassley just isn’t moving fast enough.
  • At this time after January 6th, they were already arresting grandma’s.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Tulsi Gabbard – Quiet Skies ListMy own government, my president, my commander-in-chief is targeting me as a potential domestic terrorist, the closest word that comes to mind is a complete sense of betrayal. They’re using people like the air marshals as weapons and pawns to target their political opponents. 


BACK to Cultural Husbandry on X – 

  • Increasingly, young men in the USA don’t marry, don’t have sex, and don’t have girlfriends. Over 40% of zoomer males have never had sexual intercourse. The median age of the cohort is 21. This is historically unprecedented. Women have a calming and pacifying effect on males, even on the biological level; cohabiting with a partner lowers your testosterone and drastically decreases your violent crime rate. But young men in the USA aren’t doing that. Settling down with a woman requires resources. It requires a stake in society. It requires a slice of American land. For millennials and zoomers, this is close to impossible. The chance that you marry increases massively if you own property. The chance that you have children increases massively too. The inability of young men to buy property is directly causing their failure to have long-term partners and children. Guys who 40 years ago would have been doing DIY, building a front porch, volunteering at the local church, and helping raise their kids, are today spending their nights ranting about the Jews on 4Chan or are gaming until 4am – they’ve given up on a promise that largely doesn’t exist anymore. If you are concerned about the possibility of a violent revolution, this development should alarm you. OWS touched on this issue, but the two major “leftist” political movements, #MeToo and #BLM, have not even obliquely addressed this problem. In the case of #MeToo, male success and well-being is probably directly antithetical to the movement’s stated objectives (inasmuch as they ever relate to material reality, which is rare).
  • Because no one wants to do anything about this we are heading to a horrible, horrible war.
  • Where have the people that were listening to Rush Limbaugh gone?
  • Have they just walked into that good night and given up?
  • Who are the young men that are leaders out there right now?
  • Would you call them masculine?
  • They aren’t Trump.
  • Trump is ‘toxically masculine’. 
  • There is something else that is dangerous out there.
2h25mAlgorithm and Shadow Banning 

  • You guys have known me for years or if you have known me for only 2 days, this goes out to you.
  • You guys have to do the work.
  • You guys have to help us grow this community.
  • Only you can prevent censorship.
  • Personal interaction is how we win this war.
  • Share the Crusade Radio Network today.
  • Media is important.
  • Media does have an impact.
  • We talk all the time about how the MSM is evil and they produce harm and misinformation so why not promote something, a station that is giving the truth?
  • We provide you with the news, the solutions and we can’t seem to get traction on social media.
  • Can we count on you?


Back to Cultural Husbandry on X – 

  • The USA has developed a new solution to pacifying young men that does not depend on marriage, children, love, community, business ownership, or ownership of a little plot of land to call their own. The new solution is drugs, pornography, videogames, junk food, social media, and the now ever popular gender transition. So far, it appears to have worked to sedate the young men. Even the angriest young men are so physically unfit from their sedentary lifestyles and corn-syrup diets that the chances of them forming a cohort of red guards and door-to-door murdering landlords is vanishingly slim. They’re much more likely to smoke a blunt, eat some fruit loops, watch Rick and Morty, or dress up as their favorite female anime character for other lonely guys online. But how long can this passivity last? Are we kicking the can down the road, or have we finally found a way to permanently stop violent revolutions? Is this what Francis Fukuyama called the ‘end of history’? Will Zoomer males, totally iced out of land ownership and business ownership be content with subscription-service *everything*, spending their lives as perpetual, sexless tenants, receiving government UBI stipends which get funneled instantly into the pockets of a hedge fund megalandlord like BLACKROCK and online pornography purveyors of OnlyFans? Is Ready Player One the perfect image of the immediate future? Are corn syrup, Nintendo, porn, and weed the ultimate technology in preventing Mao Zedong or Adolf Hitler from rising again? It’s very hard to tell, not least because exactly 0 good-faith sociologists are examining what is going on in all-male spaces and male culture. We simply have no idea how close we are to a Bolshevik revolution. It might happen tomorrow. Or, it may never happen again in the West.
  • Where have you heard all of this before?
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6

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HEADLINE: Culinary Union Endorses Harris’s Proposal to End Tax on Tips, Weeks After Trump Proposed It by Joseph Lord

  • The Culinary Workers Union in Nevada endorsed a plan by Vice President Kamala Harris to end taxes on tips for service workers two months after former President Donald Trump proposed the same plan.
  • Culinary Workers Union Local 226, which oversees a crucial voting bloc in the battleground state of Nevada, was quick to endorse the plan.
  • The MSM is out there acting as if this is some global or national union.
  • It is one union in one state.
 HEADLINE: Democrats Go Long on ‘Tampon Tim’ and Transing the Kids by William Sullivan
 HEADLINE: The Tragedy of Kamala Harris by Collin Pruett 

  • Do you believe she will win Texas?
  • Do you belive she will win Louisiana?
  • Do you believe she will win Florida?
  • Those are nationwide polls that don’t mean anything.
  • There is nothing left in the quiver, no other arrows.
  • They have all the Hollywood elites in their bag, they already had the donors come to her aid…there is nothing more to do.
  • The Tory Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli remarked that “assassination has never changed the history of the world” after the slaying of Tsar Alexander II in 1881. His party, which abandoned his wisdom in countless ways, ignored this advice in 1990. The story of Margaret Thatcher’s downfall is well known, and, in many ways, the accounts of political savagery aimed at Thatcher seem quaint. But the process by which Thatcher was dethroned, and the seeds of euroskepticism planted by her dramatic downfall, are not dissimilar to what’s unfolding in the American body politic.
































George Webb

Follow George Webb on X – @RealGeorgeWebb1

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HEADLINE: Second Shooter Bloody Bathroom Metadata Reveals All by George Webb

  • You have to scale the building in order to get to the shooter position.
  • My theory one shooter and one spotter.
  • Yearick injured hand on the dry run.
  • Yearick then re-injures the hand on the day of the shooting.
  • He re-injured that hand and there is blood in the sink in the building.
  • The body cam doesn’t give us a picture of where the shooter Crooks is at.
  • He is going to stop where he sees the gun right?
  • There is less than a second when he sees and drops backwards.
  • So pop-up cop places right foot into his fellow cops hands and is hoisted up over the roofline.
  • The body cam is a foot below his eyes. 
  • Crooks is at a 4ft higher roof.
  • There is no way the pop-up cop saw Crooks and came back down.
  • He saw the backpack yes.
  • But the shooter? 
  • No
  • Then he ‘falls’ backwards and gives a description of Crooks or who he saw up there.
  • When this cop recognizes Crooks isn’t one of them there should have been warning shots fired, a whistle blown, hell anything!
  • Anything to let the SS and President know there is a possibility of an active shooter.
  • “He is laying down,” the officer says as a tactical unit prepares to climb on the roof. “He’s got glasses, long hair.”
  • Where are all the shell casings?
  • The whole shooter/spotter theory.
  • I got proof he was at the shooters club and the DHS all going out there.
  • There are about 20 guys The White Man – that is the shooting teams white van going to Clariton.
  • They practiced Rally Shooters at this range.
  • Crooks dies in the spotter position.
  • He doens’t die in the shooter position.

AUDIO: STEWART – Heard the cops and their radios, Blood in the Bathroom, shooter one down shooter two on the run.

  • You are the only one that keeps reporting about this white van.
  • Why do we keep talking about this?
  • Because if they tried once and failed, they will try it again.
  • What prevents DJT from becoming POTUS again?
  • I’m not trying to be paranoid, I want Trump to remain safe.
  • We have followed Yearick for a while now.
  • He is a big ANTIFA guy and he is not a guy that is going to stop.
  • Rally Shooter – this exercise has been around since before 9/11.
  • This has been a shooting range since before Dick Cheney.
  • We need to subpoena that pop-up cop.
  • Yearick’s retreat – there is no audio on that camera then.
  • He is protecting Yearick’s retreat is what I believe.
  • We have evidence being removed right before our very eyes.
  • The backpack is taken from the location and it is in the videos we have had access to.
  • The cop talking about “I Fing told them” he is right field telling the pitcher not to pitch a slider to Babe Ruth.
  • He should have been responsible for that roof.
  • It wasn’t necessarily the SS responsibility.
  • Why didn’t they have someone up there?
  • They could have put grandma in a lawn chair up there. 
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at or Candace her personal email or

LIVE Show PodcastsThe Mike Church Show
