There Can’t Be A Saint Patrick’s Day Without The “Saint” Part – Mike Church Show

today03/18/2019 136

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Caroline Farrow with her very first edition of the Farrow File

Joseph Doyle

Andrew Bieszad

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Slaves of the Immaculate Heart 

AUDIO/VIDEO: The Leaving of Boston 

Here are the lyrics:

Fare thee well, Saint Patrick’s Day Parade,

South Boston, fare thee well!

We are standing for our Catholic Faith, 

And the Saint that we love so well.



So, fare thee well, the time has come,

We will now defend one so great as he.

It’s not the leaving of Boston that grieves me,

But Saint Patrick when I think of thee.


We have marched there for over twenty years,

“Keep the Faith” did we proudly display,

And though the foes of God may try,

They will never take this Faith away! – Chorus


Remember, Holy Youth, how long ago,

You brought the Faith to Erin’s shore.

Through the strength and the might of the Trinity,

Bring the Irish back to Christ once more! – Chorus













Christchurch Massacre

  • QUESTION: Why this town?
  • ANSWER: the town is called CHRISTchurch
  • QUESTION: Why this mosque?
  • ANSWER: The why to the mosque is b/c THAT building was once a consecrated Catholic Church.
  • QUESTION: Why did he do it on Friday?
  • ANSWER: The meaning associated with Good Friday
  • Remember on last Friday’s show I mentioned I thought the black thing in the center image looked like a Swastica. It is called THE BLACK SUN. It IS in fact a swastica. 

HEADLINE: The Terrorist Who Did The Mosque Massacre In New Zealand Is Likely Part Of Something Much Larger by Andrew Bieszad

  • Tradition and the return to it is winning.
  • This is an effort to stop it.
  • They can claim they are going after Muslims but that isn’t the end game here.
  • Muslims are a defended and protected MINORITY all over the world.
  • You know Ilhan Omar, you saw what happened to Nancy Pelosi when she correctly called her out.
  • You can read the FULL manifesto here: The Great Replacement
  • New Knights Templar – this shooter was part of this organization.







HEADLINE: The Christchurch Killer and Cardinal Danneels: Two Traitors to Christendom by John Zmirak

  • They attacked Chelsea Clinton, woke peeps, they apparently didn’t realize she has always been on their side.
  • If you haven’t studied the Qua-ran, pipe down. They are by affirmation Jew Haters! It is part of who they are. They are also Christian Haters.
  • Papa Francis is not really on the side of the Catholic faith. It is telling in the places he choses to go and NOT to go. He is promoting a revolution in the Church.
  • What did Michael Whitcraft discuss last Thursday?
  • QUESTION: What did he say we would see?
  • ANSWER: An increase in CHAOS. 

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 Special Guest Andrew Bieszad –

Follow Andrew via his website:

Pursuing a PhD in the future for sure.

Islamic Theology 

Lions of the Faith – Saints, Blesseds, and Heroes of the Catholic Faith in the Struggle with Islam.

  • Slavic swastica used by Pagans
  • The Black Sun – meant to be a literal sun disc.
  • I think there is a Masonic feel to this. I cannot prove it 100% but it strongly feels Masonic.
  • From what I am seeing there is like a Pagan/Muslim alliance against the Church.
  • This is just a really strong feeling I have on this.
  • Glorified people like Zeus.
  • Neo-paganism, it specifically involves the rejection of Christianity and Christ.
  • That is the main distinction b/w pagans today and pagans of the past.
  • The largest promoter of drugs in Iceland, an open pagan, tales on his website about Satanism.
  • He promotes this anti-Islam, he is tied to the NEW pagans.
  • The story from Iceland is part of the New Zealand piece you wrote correct?
  • QUESTION: What is the SIOE?
  • ANSWER: Stop Islamization of Europe
  • You can’t fight evil with evil…the saints of the Catholic past, they also went to northern Europe and fought the pagans.
  • Islam is the greatest heresy of all heresies. 
  • Pagan Masons would absolutely make an allegiance. 
  • Blew a mosque up then went on a rampage on a train.
  • Brevik – does this group actually exist or not?

HEADLINE: What did St. Pius X mean when he called Modernism “the synthesis of all heresies”? by Brother Andre Marie

  • Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism: A Translation from the French of the Abbe Barruel.
  • Theologically Islam is an absolute mess!
  • The fact is, b/c of this it makes the Muslim people great pawns int he hands of person that has NO morals.
  • They can easily become great foot soldiers for their “religion” at the hands of a very evil leader. All in the name of their FAITH.
  • Contraception and Abortion – people talk about well you are being invaded by this country through immigration, this doesn’t even include that immigration laws have been used in many Darwinist people.
  • These people then in turn will not have children! 
  • The European people aren’t having kids. The Muslims in Europe are having 2 or more.
  • So who is at fault here with the reproduction rate?
  • Muslims – 
  • “Unity in faith and diversity in culture”
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1:03Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at

























 Special Guest C.J. Doyle

Follow C.J. Doyle -Catholic Action League

617-524-6309 give us a call if you have any questions or want more information about this parade and the progress. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Leaving Boston Slaves of the Immaculate Heart from NJ : This song is based on the old Irish song – The Leaving of Liverpool 

You can follow the Sisters here:

  • They used to have a float in the parade in Boston. They had to withdraw b/c of the LGBTQ showcased in the parade. They simply couldn’t stand for it.
  • They had no interest in the culture of St. Patrick and what the parade stood for. It showed a complete lack of respect for the Catholic faith and Catholics.
  • Boston media urging a boycott of the parade.
  • These Irish Catholic politicians leaned on these journalist.
  • The Archdiocese said they had “no comment”.
  • THAT is the support the Catholic church gave.
  • 2015 the homosexuals have been marching in this parade.
  • Why do they want to march in a parade that celebrates a Catholic Saint when they despise everything associated with the Catholic Church.
  • We get nothing but silence from the Catholic Church. 
  • 2 guys holding a banner and 4 guys behind them. Phony contrived organization formed to force entry to a parade that highlights a Catholic Saint.
  • There were more sisters signing the Leaving Boston song than in that LGBTQ group.
  • QUESTION: Do the crowds still come out for this?
  • ANSWER: YES, b/c there is no controversy anymore. The media speaks about inclusion and diversity now so people attend in the thousands. People shy away from controversy which is why it used to be under attended.

HEADLINE: St. Patrick’s Day: Religious Holy Day or Ethnic Holiday? by John P. McCarthy

  • We have secular carnival with a Catholic theme.
  • Totalitarian aspect of LGBTQ. 
  • The parade is now run by a homosexual outfit.
  • Amazon is now the prime promoter of this parade. 
  • Catholic Italians and Catholics – St. Patrick’s Day parade here in New Orleans.
  • Book : Faithful Departed by Phil Lawler

HEADLINE: Review of The Faithful Departed: The Collapse of Boston’s Catholic Culture by Philip Lawler by Brian Kelly

1:45 Tomorrow is the Feast of St. Joseph

I have a BIG surprise for you people. 

LIVE – the founder of the Irish ProLife Party will be on the Mike Church Show tomorrow.








 HEADLINE: Meteor blast over Bering Sea was 10 times size of Hiroshima by Ian Sample

  • I think this is God sending warning shots. He is shooting over our bow!
  • It released energy equivalent to 173 kilotons of TNT.
  • QUESTION: Where are we seeing all these meteors?
  • ANSWER: Russia
  • QUESTION: Why is this important?
  • ANSWER: Our Lady of Fatima
  • Imagine the size of this meteor.
  • Let’s say one of these meteors hit the Pacific Ocean, 3-500 feet tall Tsunami.
  • What would that mean for us in the United States?


























Special Guest now the Special UK Correspondent Caroline Farrow

  • Telethon affairs called Comic Relief – phone in and they do comedy and all the money goes to starving kids in Africa.
  • Most of the money in the UK goes to sexual/reproductive health which we all know is abortion and contraception.
  • They updated 4 weddings and a funeral.

HEADLINE: MUM APPROVED: Mums make porn film for their kids to watch after witnessing rape-based internet sex as part of new TV show by Fay Strang

  • Instead of looking at the porn and say, this is terrible stuff and we should try to end it…they say…let’s do it BETTER!
  • That’s like saying, I think my son may become an alcoholic b/c this brand of vodka so you make your very own vodka for him!
  • Porn is ruining peoples lives just like alcohol.
  • It interferes with the hardwiring of their brains.
  • We don’t need the state trying to clinicalize sex.
  • Why don’t they teach WAIT UNTIL YOUR MARRIED? 
  • He wants us to use our free will to love Him but He also wants us to use our free will to ask for Grace.
  • God left us all the materials needed to get to Heaven.

HEADLINE: Social services threaten to take autistic boy into care after his parents refuse to let doctors give him powerful sex-change drugs by Sanchez Manning and Holly Bancroft

  • Autistic girls still want to be popular and all but they don’t have the social skills required to be popular.
  • There is a link b/w anorexia and transgenderism in the Autistic community.
  • Trans kids are like the new cool!
  • Autistic girls are showing 1,000% increase with gender dysphoria.

HEADLINE:  I Was America’s First ‘Nonbinary’ Person. It Was All a Sham by Jamie Shupe

  • There is an abortion industry, there is a trans industry, and a contraception industry. They are doing all of this for profit.
  • Women do not need abortion.
  • How do we treat people with anorexia?
  • Do we tell them, yes we agree with you, you are fat and we think you should continue on the non-eating regime?
  • NO of course we don’t! We try to help them with the MENTAL disorder they have.
  • 4th Wave – Tweet Storm
  • Straight up pedophilia! 
  • What parent gives his little 6 year old  a plastic penis and says yes pretend you’re a little boy.

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Meta-tags for show

Caroline Farrow, Sanchez Manning, Holly Bancroft, non-binary,LGBTQ, transgender, Jamie Shupe, Fay Strang, Ian Sample, Our Lady of Fatima, C.J. Doyle, Bering Sea, Russia, Communism, Slaves of the Immaculate Heart, St. Patrick, Boston, Catholic Church, New Zealand, John P. McCarthy, Brian Kelly, Phillip Lawler, Catholic Action League, Andrew Bieszad, Islam, Muslims, John Zmirak, SIOE, pagans, Masons

Written by: candacechurch

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