
The Mid-Day Show

The Mid-Day Show-Defending Children From Cyber Bullies And Online Predators

micFiorella Nashtoday02/06/2024 3

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    The Mid-Day Show-Defending Children From Cyber Bullies And Online Predators Fiorella Nash

Parents should know how to defend their children from the cyber bullies and online predators.  This should be a part of their daily routines, and the best thing is it doesn’t take much.  Simple things like monitoring what your child watches on  YouTube, who they communicate with on Facebook and other social media platforms, which includes how they treat people online. These simple steps goes along way to avoiding the tragedies that befell children on Facebook and Instagram.  The ones that Meta CEO apologized to in front of Congress.  That is reason behind the internet security day.  This day raises awareness about the dangers of social media and Fiorella reveals how she manages her children’s online presence. She does this through the story of a 14-year-old girl who took her own life because of cyber bullies, and through the questions she asked her children when they wanted to create their Instagram accounts.  Fiorella discusses this issue and the toxic people she found in her own social media groups on this episode of the Mid-Day Show. Listen now and see how Fiorella handled a person she thought was her friend. 

The Mid-Day Show