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The Mike Church Show PREVIEW-Demoncrat Party’s Guilty Of Treason For Levying War Against Them

micMike Churchtoday02/29/2024 14

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    The Mike Church Show PREVIEW-Demoncrat Party’s Guilty Of Treason For Levying War Against Them Mike Church

Article 3 Section III of the Constitution 

Treason Against the United States

  • What was the intent of opening the Southern border of the United States?
  • The Biden Regime was dropping leaflets in other countries to make their way to America that the border was open.
  • They need to fill their cities and states back up that the white people have been leaving in droves. 
  • Like California, like New York and so on.
  • You show up and you are admitted.
  • QUESTION: What is the 2nd thing you need?
  • ANSWER: Willfully commit the act.
  • They have motive, the ability and then they committed the act.
  • The Mayor of Athens had a press conference yesterday.
  • He blamed Trump, he stood behind his ‘sanctuary city’ status and it didn’t go well for him.
  • Where are all the Christian Nationalist?
  • Where are all the White Supremacist?
  • Sanctuary City Map –

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