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The Mike Church Show-Immigrant Invasion Created 17 Congressional Seats Out Of Thin Mexican Air.

micMike Churchtoday03/12/2024 19

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    The Mike Church Show-Immigrant Invasion Created 17 Congressional Seats Out Of Thin Mexican Air. Mike Church

TimeWE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-11am!
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
 Influx Of Illegal Immigrants

  • This influx is going to be used for congressional seats.
  • We’ve spoken about this topic often and wondered why would this Regime allow so many illegals into our country.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlson w/ Chris Cuomo – Why Did He Reach Out – You have to know what other people are feeling when they go through something. Just because we went at each other doesn’t mean you don’t like them. Everyone is against one another for the same kind of reasons. Why wouldn’t I reach out to someone that has a family & following to see what they are about. As you say, there’s such tremendous power in conversation. We only know what we are told about people. What is lost by doing this? How can this not be helpful?




Illegal Immigration 

  • Why are they sending them to sanctuary states?
  • They will be allowed to register to vote.
  • They will move the illegals into purple in an attempt to turn it blue.
  • You will start to see congressional areas flip.

HEADLINE: Illegal Aliens Buying Fake Green Cards and Social Security Cards from New York Gangs by Eric Lendrum 

  • Why are the Ghost Flights only flying into Dulles and Chicago?
  • Can this ever be undone?
  • Police sources have acknowledged that some of the likely culprits in the fake ID ring include the 18th Street Gang and MS-13, with New York’s Roosevelt Avenue becoming known as the “East Coast Epicenter” for this particular black market.
  • This will allow them to work, vote, travel and do all the things you do as a citizen.


HEADLINE: Surge Pricing Is Coming to More Menus Near You by Heather Haddon 

  • Restaurants experiment with technology that can move prices up and down based on demand and staffing; ‘a little sales boost to offset our costs’. 
  • So if they can’t staff the building w/ employees on a Friday afternoon and you want a fish sandwich you could pay upwards of $23 for two combo meals.
  • The only way to increase inflation is to spend money you don’t have and print money out of thin air.
  • If you are printing more money than you are taking in…you will see inflation.
  • Even though the Congress is in the hands of the stupid party, they have done NOTHING about this.
  • It all comes down to Congress and the power of the purse. 
  • Now they are talking about bailing Haiti out again!

HEADLINE: US will contribute $300 million to Haiti’s multinational security mission by Jennifer Hansler and Tara John 

  • The United States will contribute $300 million to the Kenyan-led multinational security mission to Haiti, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Monday, as the situation on the ground continues to deteriorate.
38mHEADLINE: Long Island dismemberment victims whose remains were scattered in a park for children to find – as two more suspects are released under NY’s soft bail laws to the dismay of victims’ families by Ruth Bashinsky 

  • So there have been 4 people arrested for dismembering 2 people and they are ALL out on bail in New York.
  • ‘This whole bail reform law something has to change. Two people were murdered. One of them was my brother. My little brother, Malcolm Craig Brown,’ Bullock said. ‘There’s no words.’
  • Here in Louisiana they will lock you up for a DUI for 5 years.
  • If you can’t find a bondsman, they will hold you until your court date!
  • The attorney said not to worry, ‘all four suspects have been released w/ ankle monitors’. 
  • The victims’ remains were found after a girl stumbled upon a heavily tattooed human arm in a Babylon park on her way to school the week before.
  • Following the first horrific discovery, police uncovered more body parts including two severed heads in the same park along with nearby Bethpage State Park and West Babylon woodland.
  • How horrific is it to dismember a human being?
  • What motivates someone to do something like this?
  • Crimes of passion – not necessary premeditated.
  • What about a crime of convenience? 
  • The two people murdered where not known by the killers so why?
  • What is the motivation to something like this?
  • The motivation is just Satanic.
  • The good seems to be in retreat.
  • Error cannot resolve itself. 
51mHEADLINE: Pete Buttigieg’s husband goes to war with Libs of TikTok founder over her appointment to school library panel – as she claps back with video showing him getting kids to pledge allegiance to LGBTQ pride flag by James Gordon 

  • This is a radical known homosexual that has a room full of conquests. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Chasten Buttigieg “married” to Transportation Sec Pete ButtigiegInstructing children to pledge allegiance to the Pride flag.

  • The video clip, which is from an Amazon Prime documentary, Mayor Pete, and sees Buttigieg in a classroom full of teenagers at Iowa’s Safe Schools Pride Camp in 2019.
  • Would you send your child to hetero-camp?
  • Then why would you send them to gay camp?
  • Would you send your daughter to ‘slut camp’?
  • Would you send your 14 year old daughter to a pole dancing camp?
  • Would you send your son to Ron Jeremey porn acting camp?
  • I’m not trying to offend here just trying to rationally think through this whole Pride Camp thing.
  • This is actually child abuse, you know it, I know it and these monsters know it.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at or Candace her personal email
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 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
1h09mCrusade Radio Network App

  • The way this station runs, and the way we want the app to run was the hardest part.
  • I had to personally get involved to direct what going on because it was just taking too long.
  • I can give you that app today and you could use it but there are a few little punch list things that need to be fixed.
  • The farther away from Steve Jobs the worse Apple gets.
  • If you are mobile in the morning and you aren’t in Atlanta – 
  • You have to acknowledge as either a guest or member.
  • The pages that it loads to you, depending on what you chose at log in, is what will load for you.
  • It has all the bells and whistles you have come to love w/ podcast apps.
  • This stuff is not easy to do and it costs a lot of money.
1h15mViolence and Evil on Twitter

  • Shouldn’t there be a ban on violent videos being posted to Twitter.
  • It is teenage torture porn.
  • You can find a video like that every single day.
  • A white child getting beaten by a black child.
  • She was beaten upside her head, she had her head bashed into the concrete several times.

HEADLINE: Teen girl is left in critical condition after high school mob beatdown in Missouri – as shocking footage shows her head being repeatedly slammed against concrete until she blacks out by Mackenzie Tatananni 

  • Why do we see videos like this daily?
  • Why are we seeing so much violence at all ages?









AUDIO/VIDEO: Senator Bill Hagerty on ImmigrationDemocrats want these illegal migrants in here to create more electoral power. Since Joe Biden came into office, the estimates are as high as 10 million  people that have come in here, that would be 13 extra congressional districts. 

TRIVIA QUESTION: How does one determine who wins the Presidency ever 4 years?

ANSWER: What is the electoral college.

  • Since Gary Johnson of New Mexico – there will always be a Democrat.
  • They did the opposite of what they tried in New Hampshire.
  • They moved communist into Denver, Bolder, Colorado Springs and Fort Collins – that is how they did it.
  • Now Colorado and New Mexico are blue states.
  • They are going to try to do this to other states.
  • You have a United States Senator blowing the whistle on this and it failed.
  • So now we know the motivation, here is a question – are they able to cease some of that power for this years election?
  • QUESTION: What is plan B?
  • QUESTION: How easy is it to make a fake ID?
  • There is still identity theft out there!
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Thomas Massie & Rep Jaypal on Immigration 

Rep Thomas Massie – We should accept illegal immigration b/c their climate is changing?

Rep Jayapal – There are different categories for people to come here. There are a number of reasons that drive them to come here. I don’t think that people are breaking into the country illegally. I may be the only person in this room that has gone through the immigration system. It took me 17 years to go through the legal system.

  • Here come some radical statements – the United States doesn’t need any new citizens.
  • The United States needs its citizens to create more citizens!
  • The idea we have to import people that don’t like us to save our country.
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 CRUSADER CONGRESS DATES – April 5-7th in Covington, Louisiana



HEADLINE: Technical Proposal: Myocarditis Outcomes after mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination Investigation, United States 

  • So what was the results?
  • They redacted the whole 148 pages!
  • Scrolling through the pages and there are few short email messages that aren’t redacted but everything else is redacted. 
  • This is a crime that was perpetrated on the American people and they have to keep it all hush hush.
  • Page 423 – it just a message string with greetings of meetings and times.
  • Everything else is redacted.
  • This is after they filed a FOIA request!
  • The criminal organization known as the CDC knew that there was something wrong w/ the vaccine being administered to young people.
  • The government of the U.S. participated in this.
  • Let me just add one more to this, even Donald Trump is still boasting and bragging about the vaccine.
  • Just shut up about it already.
  • Someone in his campaign needs to tell him to just shut up about it.
  • He could say he did what the CDC asked him to do and leave it at that!
  • He is reminding people like us that he did in-fact start all of this.
  • We all know people that were injured or died due to this COVID vaccine.



AUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlson w/ Chris Cuomo – Why Did He Reach Out – You have to know what other people are feeling when they go through something. Just because we went at each other doesn’t mean you don’t like them. Everyone is against one another for the same kind of reasons. Why wouldn’t I reach out to someone that has a family & following to see what they are about. As you say, there’s such tremendous power in conversation. We only know what we are told about people. What is lost by doing this? How can this not be helpful?

  • Note that because they are in the same room, things don’t happen when you are just able to click something and just send something?
  • I think that is something worth pondering.
  • Most communication doesn’t happen w/ people sitting in the same room.
  • Dialogue has always been the winning option.
  • Richard Barrett says it all the time, Twitter is not reality.
  • This interview is proof of it right there.
  • One more thing on this, it might allow you to do something that is bad about it.
 You should all be getting the Premium Stream now, exclusively. If you ever lost it, and believe me you will notice that, that means you’re logged out. So, just login and all will be right with Earth.
 Eric Carmen – died at the age of 74

  • He was the lead singer of the Raspberries.
  • He is responsible for the song Hungry Eyes and All By Myself.
  • He passed away in his sleep two days ago.
 Social Media 

  • If you were born after 2005, you have not lived in a world w/o social media.
2h19mAUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlson w/ Chris Cuomo on Gender Distinction –

Cuomo – I don’t make gender distinctions b/c I know many women that can beat me up.

Carlson – You know that isn’t true, you know in your heart that there isn’t a single woman that can beat you up. We spend all our time on races but there is not difference b/w races but physical differences?!

  • When was the age of Chivalry? 
  • Christianity!
  • No Christianity, no Chivalry…end of story!
  • Why does this matter? 
  • We are told by members of the feminist party that the patriarchy is bad.
  • The Patriarchy is your friend.
  • Women had no rights under the Jews.
  • The sexes are complimentary.
  • Our daughters – we want them to live in a world w/ chivalrous men.
  • I see gender differences. 
  • I would treat my son different than I would my daughters when it comes to a flat tire.
  • We all would!
  • They are different and should be treated different.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Chasten Buttigieg “married” to Transportation Sec Pete ButtigiegInstructing children to pledge allegiance to the Pride flag.

  • What is not so practical ‘Gay Camp’? 
  • They broadcasted this on Amazon!
  • To make the point, make the comparison w/ slut camp.
  • Would you send your sons to porn camp?
  • Who is the model for today’s Priests?











  • Does immigration truly make us stronger?
  • I just don’t buy this argument.
  • Importing people that don’t look like us, don’t use the same language, don’t really like us and that is going to be good for us?
  • Where did most of the Muslims that came here move to?
  • They segregated themselves into Michigan.
  • They elected Ilhan Omar.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Regime Leader on SOTU Using Term Illegal I shouldn’t have used illegal, I should have used undocumented. What I won’t do is treat any of these people w/ disrespect, they built the country. 

  • The President of the United States is now carrying water for an accused murderer.
  • This guy did have documents, we know exactly who he is.
  • He was arrested twice in the U.S. but he is illegal!
  • This is what they do, its called nominalism.
  • Lets say 10 year olds are stuck in the wrong bodies.
  • Then lets call it gender-affirming care.
  • Criminal Trespassers is the most accurate way to describe them!
  • They are running on all things death.
  • We don’t call it baby murder anymore they call it choice.
  • I don’t care if their feelings get hurt when I say it is murder. 
2h49mHEADLINE: New York City’s Woke Fire Chief Launches Effort to ‘Hunt Down’ Firefighters Who Booed Letitia James by Debra Heine

  • If you are a man of God, why do I need to know what color you are?
  • Why are we still separating people into color?
  • I don’t say my black Priest friend Father Glodd.
  • What is our obsession w/ color?
  • I’m never going to say ‘female’ Priest b/c that will never happen.
  • They lecture US about inclusivity but they constantly use color as a divider.
 HEADLINE: Surge Pricing Is Coming to More Menus Near You by Heather Haddon 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Speaker Mike Johnson on the EconomyFamilies are hurting, inflation is like 17.9% right now. The average American household is spending $11,400 more annually. The debt in US households is at an all time high. The border is open. Everything Biden has touched is a disaster. 

  • You have the power of the purse, you can fix this.
  • With all due respect, you and the Republicans have the power of the purse.
  • Look back in 2020 – WE can go back to 2020 revenue spending.
  • We could spend $4 trillion w/ a hiring freeze, we will gradually start shrinking government agencies and start paying the debt down.
  • You have the power Sir.
  • The Democrats want the power of the purse back so badly they are willing to import illegals to do so!
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Meta-tags for showSpeaker Mike Johnson, Heather Haddon, Debra Heine, Letitia James, Father Taj Glodd, SOTU, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, gender-affirming care, Pete Buttigieg, Chasten Buttigieg, LGBTQ, Queer Camp, Rep Ilhan Omar, Tucker Carlson, Chris Cuomo, CNN, MSM, illegal immigration, border crisis, Jennifer Hansler, Tara John, Eric Lendrum, MS-13, Rep Thomas Massie, Eric Carmen, COVID, CDC, vaccinations, mRNA, Senator Bill Hagerty, Mackenzie Tatananni, James Gordon, Ruth Bashinsky

LIVE Show PodcastsThe Mike Church Show
