
423 Results / Page 38 of 47



Reconquest Episode 112: Why Christian Zionism Is a Problem

Mandeville, LA - Episode 112 debuts on January 24, at 8:00 PM Eastern. Rebroadcasts will take place according to the Crusade Channel programming schedule (note: all times listed are Central time). My topic is Why Christian Zionism Is a Problem. [purchase_link id="49207" style="button" color="green" text="Non-Member Download" direct="true"] The Scofield Bible—The Book That Made Zionists of America’s Evangelical Christians — by Maidhc Ó Cathail at the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs Is Trump's Jerusalem Declaration […]

today01/25/2018 106

Epiphany Story


Reconquest Episode 111: Christian Zionism, Tracing the Lines of a Warmongering Heresy

>NON-MEMBER PAY PER DOWNLOAD< Mandeville, LA – Episode 111 debuts on January 17, at 8:00 PM Eastern. Rebroadcasts will take place according to the Crusade Channel programming schedule (note: all times listed are Central time). My topic is Christian Zionism, Tracing the Lines of a Warmongering Heresy. John Nelson Darby and Plymouth Brethren — Wikipedia articles on the man and the sect that invented premillennial dispensationalism and popularized the notion of "the rapture." True Torah […]

today01/17/2018 102 2


Reconquest Episode 110: The Grace of the Epiphany

>NON-MEMBER PAY PER DOWNLOAD< Mandeville, LA – Episode 110 debuts on January 10, at 8:00 PM Eastern. Rebroadcasts will take place according to the Crusade Channel programming schedule (note: all times listed are Central time). My topic is The Grace of the Epiphany. The Grace of the Epiphany — by Brother André Marie at Spoiling the Wine of Cana — by Brother André Marie at The Epiphany (1 A.D.) — brief explanation of feast at Blessing […]

today01/10/2018 121

Easter Meditation


Reconquest Episode 109: Catholic Considerations on ‘Baptism of Desire’

>NON-MEMBER PAY PER DOWNLOAD< Mandeville, LA – Episode 109 debuts on January 10, at 8:00 PM Eastern. Rebroadcasts will take place according to the Crusade Channel programming schedule (note: all times listed are Central time). My topic is Catholic Considerations on 'Baptism of Desire.' Outside the Church there is no Salvation — dogmatic definitions plus master list of links at Doctrinal Summary: ‘Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus’ (section on Baptism) — by Brother Thomas Mary, […]

today01/10/2018 382


Reconquest Episode 108: Is ‘Lead Us Not into Temptation’ a Bad Translation? Guest: Jonathan Arrington

EPISODE 108 >NON-MEMBER PAY PER DOWNLOAD<   Episode 108 debuts on January 3, at 8:00 PM Eastern. Rebroadcasts will take place according to the Crusade Channel programming schedule (note: all times listed are Central time). My topic: Is 'Lead Us Not into Temptation' a Bad Translation? Jonathan Arrington is my guest.   ‘Lead Us Not Into Temptation’ — What Does This Mean? — by Brian Kelly at Why I Oppose Changing the English Translation […]

today01/03/2018 682


Reconquest Episode 107: Battle Fatigue and Fighting the Lost Cause

Episode 107 debuts on December 20, at 8:00 PM Eastern. Rebroadcasts will take place according to the Crusade Channel programming schedule (note: all times listed are Central time). My topic is Battle Fatigue and Fighting the Lost Cause. The Only Way Out is Through — by Steve Skojec at Loving the Lost Cause — by Brother André Marie at Concerning Palantíri and Blogses: Technology without Grace — by Brother André Marie at Grow into Spiritual […]

today12/20/2017 40


Reconquest Episode 106: The ‘Little Way’ of Saint Thérèse. Guest: Sister Marie Gabrielle

>NON-MEMBER PAY PER DOWNLOAD<   Mandeville, LA – Episode 106 debuts on December 13, at 8:00 PM Eastern. Rebroadcasts will take place according to the Crusade Channel programming schedule (note: all times listed are Central time). My topic is The ‘Little Way’ of Saint Thérèse. My guest is Sister Marie Gabrielle, M.I.C.M. Saint Thérèse of Lisieux (1897) — brief bio at Saint Thérèse for President — by Brother André Marie at Censoring St. Thérèse: […]

today12/13/2017 108


Reconquest Episode 105: A Counter-Revolution for Christ the King. Guest: Braden N. Plyler

>NON-MEMBER PAY PER DOWNLOAD<     Mandeville, LA –  Episode 105 debuts on December 6, at 8:00 PM Eastern. Rebroadcasts will take place according to the Crusade Channel programming schedule (note: all times listed are Central time). My topic is Principles for the Counter-Revolution. My guest is Braden N. Plyler, of The Counter-Revolution. The Five Points of a Catholic Counter-Revolution — PDF file of The Counter-Revolution's platform, at Charlottesville and the Year of […]

today12/06/2017 86


Reconquest Episode 104: The Ends of the Mass and the Continuity of Religion

>NON-MEMBER PAY PER DOWNLOAD<     Mandeville, LA – Episode 104 debuts on November 29, at 8:00 PM Eastern. Rebroadcasts will take place according to the Crusade Channel programming schedule (note: all times listed are Central time). My topic is The Ends of the Mass and the Continuity of Religion. My guest is Sister Maria Philomena, M.I.C.M., director of the Saint Augustine Institute of Wisdom. The Four Ends of the Mass as Elements of Christian […]

today11/30/2017 31