
1627 Results / Page 143 of 181


Covid Chronicles

Wednesday-The DNC Party of Death For Babies Has Become The Party of Death, Cradle To Grave

Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:03am cst Welcome to the Mike Church Show on www.crusadechannel.com Call the show            844-5CRUSADE   Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 - News of the Church and the World.   Topic Rundown -  15m AUDIO/VIDEO: Joe Biden on the Economy Was this a Freudian slip?  What does he mean by “getting our kids to market”? […]

today07/15/2020 10


The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief- Don’t Like The Surge In COVID19? It’s Because Your A Cranky Merican!

Don't Like The Surge In COVID19? It's Because Your A Cranky Merican! Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First impatient Americans don't respond well to the "surge" in COVID19 na Don't Forget Senator Ted Harvey joins us to talk about their new ad.  Furthermore Blame game? Cuomo takes heat over NY nursing home study. Likewise Governor shuts bars, dining as virus hits California hard. Texas Teachers Writing Their Wills […]

today07/14/2020 17


Covid Chronicles

Tuesday- Time’s Up: The “New Normal” The Globalist Cabal Promised Us Is Here!

Time's Up: The "New Normal" The Globalist Cabal Promised Us Is Here! Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:03am cst Welcome to the Mike Church Show on www.crusadechannel.com Call the show            844-5CRUSADE   Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 - News of the Church and the World.   Topic Rundown -  22m HEADLINE: California Governor Closes Indoor Dining Statewide, and Salons, […]

today07/14/2020 56


Covid Chronicles

Monday-For Conservatism To Ascend Homes Must Be Rebuilt And MEN Must Swing the Hammers

Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:03am cst Welcome to the Mike Church Show on www.crusadechannel.com Call the show            844-5CRUSADE   Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 - News of the Church and the World.   Topic Rundown -     Dr Fauci and the White House The MSM is all a buzz saying that President Trump is going to let Dr. […]

today07/13/2020 11



The Barrett Brief- COVID19 Has Successfully Separated People From God

COVID19 Has Successfully Separated People From God Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First the significant digit is 51% don't want to go back to God. na Second, Daneil Savackis joins the show.  Don't Forget New Hampshire Senate approves “red flag law” allowing temporary firearm confiscation. Furthermore More than 1,000 federal TSA workers have tested positive for coronavirus. Together with Big Ten scraps nonconference football games due to pandemic. Likewise U.S. […]

today07/10/2020 6


Covid Chronicles

Confederacy Derangement Syndrome: If The Confederacy Was Destroyed Why Are “Cancel Cultists” Falling Over Themselves To Cancel It!?

Confederacy Derangement Syndrome: If The Confederacy Was Destroyed Why Are "Cancel Cultists" Falling Over Themselves To Cancel It!?   What Is The Crusade Channel? The CRUSADE Channel, The Last LIVE! Radio Station Standing begins our LIVE programming with our all original CRUSADE Channel News hosted by 28 year radio ace, Stacey Cohen. Coupled with Mike “The King Dude” Church entertaining you during your morning drive and Rick Barrett giving you the news of the […]

today07/10/2020 10

Kanye West

The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief Wonders-Would He Vote Kanye West For POTUS?

Would He Vote Kanye West For POTUS? Rick Barrett wonders out loud...could he pull the lever for Kanye West for POTUS? After reading the Forbes interview, his answer may surprise you!      What Is The Crusade Channel? The CRUSADE Channel, The Last LIVE! Radio Station Standing begins our LIVE programming with our all original CRUSADE Channel News hosted by 28 year radio ace, Stacey Cohen. Coupled with Mike “The King […]

today07/09/2020 22


The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief- Half Of America Is Bracing For A Coup, but is it too late?

The Barrett Brief- Half Of America Is Bracing For A Coup, but is it too late? Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First Half Of America Is Bracing For A Coup, but is it too late?  na Together with AN SUV driver who "plowed" through Black Lives Matter protesters. Don't Forget Court: Some employers can refuse to offer free birth control. Harvard, MIT sue Trump administration over ICE foreign-student rule, […]

today07/09/2020 6

Cancel Culture

Covid Chronicles

Thursday-There Is No “Cancel Culture” There’s Anti-christ’s Waging War On What Remains of Christianity!

Thursday-There Is No " Cancel Culture " There's Anti-christ's Waging War On What Remains of Christianity! Mike Church talks about how cancel culture is a front for the Anti-christ's war on the remains of Christianity!  What Is The Crusade Channel? The CRUSADE Channel, The Last LIVE! Radio Station Standing begins our LIVE programming with our all original CRUSADE Channel News hosted by 28 year radio ace, Stacey Cohen. Coupled with Mike […]

today07/09/2020 3