
1627 Results / Page 165 of 181

Ryan Newman


The Barrett Brief- Ryan Newman Crash Brings Out The Worst In Libs

Ryan Newman Crash Brings Out The Worst In Libs Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First the Ryan Newman crash exposes TDS in libs as they feel it is "karma" for endorsing the bad orange man. Second, What The AP Thinks You Should Know.  Third, we go across the interwebs. In the first place Boy Scouts Of America file for bankruptcy. Similarly Plymouth Rock spray-painted red, vandalized ahead […]

today02/18/2020 7

Daytona 500

The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – Sonic The Hedgehog Blast Past Daytona 500

Sonic The Hedgehog Blast Past Daytona 500 Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First POTUS reveals the elites true feelings towards middle America with Daytona 500 appearance. Second, What The AP Thinks You Should Know.  Third, we go across the interwebs. In the first place update on Coronavirus. Equally Sanders accuses Bloomberg of trying to "buy" the 2020 election. Likewise, Fears grow over potential Nevada caucus malfunction. Furthermore, Japan on […]

today02/17/2020 11

Covid Chronicles

Monday-Trump’s 747 Fly By Trolling of Lib Snobs

Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:03am cst Welcome to the Mike Church Show on www.crusadechannel.com Call the show            844-5CRUSADE   Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 - News of the Church and the World.   HEADLINE RUNDOWN -  President Tump at Daytona 500 Presidents Day Amy Klobuchar Pete Buttigieg punches back at Rush Limbaugh.   AUDIO: Fox News NASCAR - […]

today02/17/2020 108

Bill Barr

The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – Media Now Wants Bill Barr Vs Trump

Media Now Wants Bill Barr Vs Trump Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First media now wants Bill Barr Vs Trump. Second, What The AP Thinks You Should Know.  Third, we go across the interwebs. In the first place Former Trump aide Hicks to return to White House as election nears. Equally 66,000 marijuana convictions to be dismissed in LA. Similarly Valentine's Day free food, deals. Additionally, the nation's second-largest newspaper […]

today02/14/2020 114

Amy Klobuchar


The Barrett Brief – It’s Klobbering time W/ Amy Klobuchar!

It’s Klobbering time W/ Amy Klobuchar! Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First It’s Klobbering time W/ Amy Klobuchar!  Second, What The AP Thinks You Should Know.  Third, we go across the interwebs. In the first update on coronavirus. In addition Andrew Yang ends 2020 presidential campaign. Similarly, OU professor reportedly uses racial slur during class in comparison to 'OK, boomer' phrase. Equally important, Motorola Razr first […]

today02/13/2020 88

Wind Turbine Blades

The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – Green Activist Ignore Wind Turbine Blades Issue

Green Activist Ignore Wind Turbine Blades Issue Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First green activist are ignoring the wind turbine blade issue piling up in landfills. Second, What The AP Thinks You Should Know.  Third, we go across the interwebs. In the first VA joins National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. Equally, Cuomo to meet with Trump over New York Global Entry ban. Furthermore, Major teacher unions call for […]

today02/13/2020 68

Covid Chronicles

Thursday-Roger Stone Is Yet Another Innocent Victim of Trump Derangement Syndrome!

Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:03am cst Welcome to the Mike Church Show on www.crusadechannel.com Call the show            844-5CRUSADE   Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 - News of the Church and the World.   HEADLINE RUNDOWN -  BIG MEMBERSHIP SALE : you can get a yearly membership for $1/week! 20m             44m UKRAINE GATE […]

today02/13/2020 129

Bernie Sanders


The Barrett Brief – Bernie Sanders Looks For Blow Out In NH

 Bernie Sanders Looks For Blow Out In NH Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First Bernie Sanders looks for the blow out as New Hampshire primary voting kicks off. Second, What The AP Thinks You Should Know.  Third, we go across the interwebs. In the first update on coronavirus. In addition The Justice Department sues California and New Jersey to overcome enforcement roadblocks. Furthermore, Ban on treatments […]

today02/11/2020 68