Epic Fail: We Just Bombed The Great Syrian Dust Bowl of 2018

today04/17/2018 29

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Mandeville, LA – Mike reveals what he has theorized as being true: the alleged chemical weapons attack in Syria 2 weeks ago was a hoax perpetrated by the “moderate terrorists” John McCain and Lindsay Graham armed and became ISIL. Mike reveals a preview of his upcoming talk series “Civilization in Six Days.” Michael Hichborn of the Lepanto Institute joins Mike for his regular Tuesday update on  the expanding corruptions inside the Catholic Church.

Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines


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John Bombin’ Bolton

Someone must have said at some point, “Do we have confirmation?”

HEADLINE: Asteroid buzzed Earth this weekend by Eddie Irizarry

HEADLINE: NASA Overlooks Enormous Asteroid That Came Uncomfortably Close To Clipping Earth by Chris White

  • Do you think this is the Lord firing a shot across the bow?
  • The attack on the family is reaching epic proportions.



HEADLINE: American and British Reporters Reach Douma, Syria: Discover There Was NO Chemical Weapons Attack

  • News outlets everywhere have been playing that video of the large dust cloud in Syria.
  • That video of the kids being hosed off weren’t gassed, they were suffering from hypoxia. (insufficient oxygen)
  • The Bolton Youth and the war party have taken over the Trump Whitehouse.
  • VIDEO/AUDIO: OAN Investigation Finds No Evidence of Chemical Weapon Attack
  • The people of Syria are claiming it was all a set-up by the rebels/terrorists to get the US to attack.
  • The people of Syria were asked about President Assad – they LOVE him!
  • “Moderate Rebels”
  • Movie/Documentary Jim: The James Foley Story
  • All of this adds up to, we voted for President Trump and we got John Bombin’ Bolton. Nothing has changed, it is status quo.

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AUDIO: Nikki Haley from Face the Nation

HEADLINE: Trump puts the brakes on new Russian sanctions, reversing Haley’s announcement by Philip Rucker, Carol D. Leonnig, Anton Troianovski and Greg Jaffe

  • This is extortion by the US, you either do what we tell you or we will bomb you back to the stone age.
  • Does it sound like the Whitehouse and our foreign policy is being run by President Trump or someone else?

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Civilization in 6 Words – 21470 Mire Street in Abita Springs LA

FB Event Post

  • Open to taking this talk on the road. This talk isn’t radical so rest assured, it is safe for your community or group.
  • Restoring the Order – we live in an authoritarian society.
  • Last Wednesday’s True Money Show, David Simpson talked about how we are slaves, you think you are free…but you are not.
  • Story/example: downloading an app and the mandatory updates
  • Compliance (movie on what 100 years of listless obedience does to a population)
  • Email from listener on the movie Compliance



HEADLINE: Babies Make Families by Grace Emily Stark

When was the last time you watched a film that didn’t promote, hidden or otherwise, LGBTQ or the Liberal agenda?

A Quiet Place (movie trailer)

HEADLINE: Why ‘A Quite Place’ Might Be An Instant Classic by Aaron Gleason

  • Not only is the dad courageous and heroic, the actress that plays the mom is a wonderful mother.
  • This family loves one another, they care for each other and this is one movie to go see.
  • It shows the beauty and joy of FAMILY.

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HEADLINE: Bob Sullivan Lucifers Game

  • The root of today’s tragedy and horrors is….sin.
Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!


Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit: We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser.

Back to HEADLINE: Lucifers Game




 Special Guest: Michael Hichborn founder of the Lepanto Institute

  • Pope St. Pius V “If someone commits that nefarious crime against nature….he is to be given over to the secular arm of punishment [of death].
  • The Church has always held Sodomy to be among the greatest offenses to God. So horrible is this crime against God and nature, Pope St. Pius V established in no less than two Constitutions that anyone engaged in homosexual acts, whether priest, religious or lay, was to be turned over to the secular authorities for execution. Lepanto Institute FB post
  • About 16 or 17 years ago, I was on a very extended chatroom forum on sodomy. We were being hounded by a collection of sodomites. Telling us we were just filled with hate.
  • “The living will envy the dead!”
  • Benediction and Protection Scapular
  • Discussion on A Quiet Place movie

HEADLINE: There’s no ‘bridge’ between modernism and faithful Catholicism by Michael Hichborn

  • Building a bridge from the left to the left!
  • Father Martin – moonlights as a faithful Catholic
  • What is discussed at one is discussed at the other it makes it disgusting.

BBC The Social

Time For Love (sentence from the video – “It tastes like cardboard and it smells like hate”)

  • Sodomy is a disease and needs to be treated like a disease.
  • The suicide rate is 3 times higher for homosexual males vs heterosexual males.
  • Over 40% of the people that attempt transitioning will take their lives!
  • Here are some of the stats discussed on LGBTQ
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Meta-tags for show

Nikki Haley, John Bolton, NASA, Syria, chemical weapons, Russia, sanctions, James Foley, moderate rebels, John Paul II, Grace Emily Stark, True Money, Michael Hichborn, Lepanto Institute, Catholicism


Written by: candacechurch

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