
Justin Redman

Justin Redman

The only voice of Tommy. Justin won an Emmy for a gumbo commercial. He is a Marine Veteran, photographer, cinematographer, and freelance journalist. He is a graduate of Southeastern Louisiana University with a bachelor’s in communication, (print and broadcast journalism.) He was president of Southeastern Louisiana University’s Press Club, runner up in the 2016  Southeast Journalism Conference media ethics competition, and a member of the Society for Collegiate Journalists honor society. 

Justin has been in and out of radio since 1999, and in 2013 he finally committed to a life in the media. He’s been an on-air personality, a producer, a crime reporter, and a creative content creator. As a producer at the CRUSADE Channel, he gets to combine his journalism skills with his production skills, and most importantly he is gaining a deeper understanding of the radio industry.  

When Justin is not in the CRUSADE Channel Studio, he works on solving the world’s energy problem. He hopes to discover the method to bottle the energy of his two children. He also collects records and books, listens to old-time radio dramas and he credits Morgus The Magnificent for his love of creature features.

CRUSADE Production Team