Mike Church Show-GPT-Chat Is The SkyNet/ AI Threat We Have Been Warning About

today01/24/2023 269 1

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Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
 Glory and Shine to the Crusade Channel
 Damar Hamlin 

NFL and Mandatory Vaccines

  • Did he actually die on the field and they are using a clone or someone that looks like him?
  • Why hasn’t he done any interviews thanking all the people who saved him, prayed for him etc?
48mHEADLINE: FAA Change to Heart-Test Limit Triggers Worries Over Pilot Health, Public Safety by Janice Hisle

  • This worry is especially acute amid rising reports of cardiac arrest and sudden death since the COVID pandemic began in 2020. Some researchers suggest that some heart conditions could be tied to aftereffects of COVID-19 injections or the virus. Because pilots were threatened with job termination, a large percentage of them took the COVID jabs. 
  • This is a ticking time bomb on a level like we’ve never seen.
  • What pilot wants the responsibility of knowing your heart is injured and you have 300 people you are responsible for in the air?
  • Which scenario is true?
  • Why did you change the EKG test?
  • Why was this change necessary?
  • Who do you believe?
  • In an age where everyone seems to lie to you, who can you trust?
  • The government? No they always lie to you.
  • Let me tell you who I don’t believe – Stew Peters 
 DOD and the COVID Vaccine

  • You create the virus and create a vaccine right?
 HEADLINE: 7 Dead in Shootings in Half Moon Bay via New York Times

  • So this is 2 major shootings in California in 2 days done by Asian older men.
  • The suspect is fully cooperating. 
  • The suspect is –  Zhao Chunli, 67
  • Babies are murdered by Planned Parenthood daily in California.


HEADLINE: The Looming Artificial Intelligence Crisis by Eugene Gan 

Full disclosure: This “student essay” (which continues for five more paragraphs) in this case was “written” by AI in less than a minute (OpenAI and AI Paraphrasers). I had asked OpenAI to “write a paper about the benefits and dangers of AI and ChatGPT from a Catholic worldview.” When further asked to “provide feedback on the content and organization of the essay” it had generated, it responded in seconds: 

  • Overall, the essay provides a comprehensive overview of the benefits and dangers of AI and ChatGPT from a Catholic perspective. The benefits and dangers of each technology are clearly explained and supported with examples, and the essay provides a balanced view of the potential impacts and implications of these technologies. The organization of the essay is clear and logical, with each point flowing smoothly into the next. 
  • One potential area for improvement could be to provide more in-depth analysis and discussion of the implications of the benefits and dangers of AI and ChatGPT from a Catholic perspective. For example, the essay could delve more deeply into how the Catholic tradition approaches issues such as work, justice, and communication, and how these values can inform the use and development of AI and ChatGPT. Additionally, the essay could consider potential ethical dilemmas and challenges that may arise in the use of these technologies, and how the Catholic tradition can provide guidance in addressing these issues.
  • This AI even boast and brags about it’s own work much like a human would.
  • It has built in pride.
  • What if I just want to say – write me an algorithm that will find me $1 million dollars?
  • So a criminal could theoretically take over the government w/ this technology right?
  • A person could take over all the FAA flight patterns etc
 Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
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7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
 NFL COVID Mandates

Damario Davis – Man of God

  • The NFL doesn’t want to remind anyone that it mandated the vaccines for all it’s players.
  • The Bills Twitter – said Damar underwent all kinds of testing including heart testing but no one has released that information.
 HEADLINE: The Devilishly Heretical Fr. James Martin by Eric Sammons 

MAPS – Minor Attracted Persons

  • The research is stacking up that shows LGBTQ people are more inclined to molest adopted children.
  • This is typical Martin fare. He makes a statement that he clearly wants to be interpreted in a heretical way but is written so that he has plausible deniability if by some miracle a Church hierarch should challenge it. 
  • 3% of ‘marriages’ are of the LGBTQ and they make up 40% of all reported sexual abuse of minors.
  • So as we can see, Martin’s playbook is as old as mankind itself, tracing all the way back to our first parents’ Fall. His ambiguous, partially-true statement is far more effective than an outright lie; it allows those who want to be deceived to claim a Catholic covering for their deception, and it fools the naive into letting Martin off the hook.
1h38mBACK to The Looming Artificial Intelligence Crisis

  • We have already killed Academia in this country.
  • Christendom College and a few others are the only shining light and exception to this.
  • SkyNet is here folks.
  • Or more insidious still, AI can easily be used to obfuscate and manipulate agenda-driven politics and policies, appearing in your online conversations for example. Disturbingly, millions of AI-driven voices could drown out the human minority. 
  • TV Show The Undeclared War – 
  • What if the AI, based in sin, goes to war w/ another country?
  • All this AI stuff needs to end.
1h56mHEADLINE: “Now Or Never”: Japan PM Warns Of Dire Consequences Over Plummeting Birth Rate via ZeroHedge 

Okay we all know Japan is going to die.

  • Once the birthrate declines like this, it NEVER recovers.
  • TRIVIA QUESTION: What predated this major decline in birthrate? 
  • TRIVIA ANSWER: The killing of their Holy Japanese Emperor 
  • I don’t mean Holy as in Saintly, this is what the Japanese called him.
  • He was the FATHER of the nation.
  • Michael Keaton movie Gung Ho – Japanese people outwork the American worker
  • The island nation currently has a population of 125 million, and had just 800,000 births last year. For comparison, that figure was north of 2 million in the 1970s.
  • The final cause of all things which is God, if you take that out of your order, then you become completely out of order!
  • China – they STEAL their technology, they don’t have the final cause in place.
 From Twitter All  people with a cervix aged 25-64 are eligible for #cervicalscreening. Those registered as male need to request an appt from their GP practice or a local sexual health clinic. This BSL video explains more about the ‘smear test’.

  • The video then goes to say if you are in for the screening “meaning you are a woman” you can request a woman do your screening.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Raymond Arroyo discusses Mayor Cantrella on Face the Nation where she says NOLA’s high crime rate is due to COVID 526 cars stolen since January 1st.
 Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to
 Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at


KV Turley w/ Archangel Radio in Alabama

QUESTION: How do you continue to stay on air after all these years?

ANSWER: Entertain, Entertain and Entertain

  • I came one host after Sean Hannity at that radio station.
  • You can’t see the hand movements and eye squinting on radio.
  • You can’t use any of those gimmicks so to speak w/ radio.
  • What are basic rules you pass onto people interested in basic radio.
  • Assume your audience knows NOTHING.
  • You assume this so you can adequately inform them.
  • Why do I use the RE 20 and will never use anything else?
  • Learn mic technic – 
 HEADLINE: House Democrats Propose Eliminating Debt Ceiling; Yellen Shoots Down $1 Trillion Coin by Andrew Moran 









BACK with KV Turley and Archangel Radio in Alabama

What is your take on the industry today?

  • If you have 50% of your audience hate it and 50% love it, you have done your job.
  • I am willing to state something and not change my mind on it.
  • You can’t invent personality – that is intangible. I can’t teach personality.
  • If you play a character that character might get old.
  • The Bob and Sherry Show – their key to survival is no matter who buys the station they adapt.
  • The Beatles Let It Be album – there is a quote on there that they wanted to bring the atmosphere of a live recording to a record b/c there was nothing like the LIVE versions.
  • Kinda like Broadway vs Movies
  • You can’t teach it, tenacity. 
  • You can’t teach that either, the desire and commitment to do it right, to get it right to have your audience love your show.
  • Back in the day they picked a vocation and stuck with it for life.
  • It requires a commitment to your craft.
  • We know this in the Catholic realm as a VOCATION.
  • You dig in through good times and bad times.


HEADLINE: The rise of the machines? ChatGPT CAN pass US Medical Licensing Exam and the Bar, experts warn – after the AI chatbot received B grade on Wharton MBA paper by Alex Hammer 

  • Star Man – the yellow light means go faster
  • Learning from humans can go very bad very fast.
  • An AI using a forklift or heavy machinery – we will let it train w/ human forklift operators, then turn it los and fire all the human ones.
  • Who fixes the robots?
  • Do they fix themselves?
  • What happens to the human aspect of the planet?



AUDIO/VIDEO: Gov Ron DeSantisEducation is about the pursuit of truth, not the imposition of ideology or the advancement of a political agenda. This lesson in black history is queer theory, that is a clear agenda.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Gov Gavin NewsomThe 2nd Amendment is becoming a suicide pact. (walking around w/ armed guards)


Doocy: “When you found out that the FBI located even more Classified Materials in Wilmington, which four letter word did you use?”


Karine Jean-Pierre – House Rep are using their narrow majority to force the American people to pay higher gas prices, these extreme policies would subject working families to immense financial pain.

  • Interest alone if 41%, how long will this house of cards stand?

HEADLINE: Debt Ceiling Hysteria and Hypocrisy by Ron Paul 

  • America’s national debt is approximately 122 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP), meaning the government owes more than the population produces. Interest payments on the national debt follow in size behind other federal budget big spending areas of Social Security, Medicare, and “defense.” While interest payments are made, the national debt continues to grow each year. 
  • Insolvency is projected for the Medicare Trust Fund in five years and for the Social Security Trust Fund in 12 years. Of course, Congress may be able to avoid making tough choices since the Federal Reserve will likely cut government benefits, along with workers’ wages and the value of savings, via the inflation tax.
  • This is the way out – we don’t care if we get re-elected in 2 years, we are going to go down as the Congress that DID IT! 
  • We will repeal all Biden’s Build Back Better program and take a massive haircut to the military spending.
  • Across the board 40% military reduction in military, a hiring FREEZE in all Federal agencies.
  • There is ALWAYS a way out, the way out is usually painful but there is an out.
 HEADLINE: Over 90% Of Firms Have Remained In Russia via ZeroHedge 

  • The research indicates that the news of a mass exodus of Western firms from Russia has been largely exaggerated. 
  • The second-biggest earner was Vladyslav Sviblov, whose Highland Gold Mining bought the assets of Canada’s Kinross corporation, which netted him almost 40 billion rubles.
3h33mHEADLINE: FBI Agent Who Investigated Trump-Russia Collusion Has Been Arrested For Colluding With Russia. by Debra Heine 

FACTS: Specifically, McGonigal requested and received at least $225,000 in cash from the individual and traveled abroad with the individual and met with foreign nationals. The individual later served as an FBI source in a criminal investigation involving foreign political lobbying over which McGonigal had official supervisory responsibility.

 HEADLINE: The Christian Transcendence of the Right/Left Dichotomy by Sean Domencic
 Parrott Talk and the RUNDOWN 

Mike from Restoring the Faith Media

Follow RTF on Twitter – @rtf_media

  • The state wants more single mothers b/c you can’t homeschool when you are single.
  • You have to ship your kids off to the public indoctrination camps or public school.
  • Father John died recently – one of the very 1st Priest given permission to offer Latin Mass in the US.
  • WELCOME to the Crusade Channel!
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Meta-tags for showMike Parrott, RTF, Restoring Faith Media, Parrottalk, Sean Domencic, Debra Heine, McGonigal, FBI, Russia, Ukraine, Ron Paul, debt ceiling, Vladyslav Sviblov, Karine Jean-Pierre, Peter Doocy, Governor Ron DeSantis, Medicare Trust Fund, GDP, Build Back Better, Governor Gavin Newsom, Alex Hammer, AI, ChatGPT, MBA, Star Man, KV Turley, Archangel Radio, Andrew Moran, Janet Yellen, COVID, NFL, Damar Hamlin, Janice Hisle, FAA, EKG, Eugene Gan, OpenAI, Damario Davis, Man of God, MAPS, LGBTQ, child trafficking, James Martin SJ, Federal Reserve, Sean Hannity, Steven Crowder, Ben Shapiro, Japan, birthrate, Eric Sammons, Raymond Arroyo, Mayor Cantrell, NOLA, Stew Peters

Written by: candacechurch
