
102 Results / Page 12 of 12


Over 100 Christians Arrested in Eritrea

Winchester, VA - Eritrea is a tiny country in north-eastern Africa, and is one of the hardest countries in the world in which to be a Christian. 10 years ago the Eritrian Orthodox Patriarch Abune Antonios was placed under house arrest for failing to abide by government demands to excommunicate 3,000 members of a revival movement and for demanding the release of Christians imprisoned under accusations of treason. Now it is […]

today06/01/2017 6

Will the Vatican Mediate Peace Between North and South Korea?

Winchester, VA - The Catholic president of South Korea sent Bishop Hyginus Kim Hee-jong, Archbishop of Gwangju and President of the Korean Bishops Conference to speak with Vatican officials and recruit the assistance of Pope Francis in mediating negotiations for reconciliation between North and South Korea. Bishop Kim told Catholic News Agency that the mediation could resemble the mediation made during the restoration of relations between Cuba and the United States. […]

today06/01/2017 15

The Son of the Polish Prime Minister Has Been Ordained

Winchester, VA - Aleteia reports that the son of Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydlo was ordained a priest on Saturday, May 27th. Tymoteusz Szydlo,  25 was ordained with 12 other seminarians after having completed his priestly formation at the Seminary of the Archdiocese of Krakow. Father Szydlo said at his first Mass, “Human words cannot express the gratitude I owe to you, my God. Therefore I can only humbly ask you to […]

today06/01/2017 5