
102 Results / Page 2 of 12


Pope denies resignation report, says leads normal life after surgery

Pope denies resignation report, says leads normal life after surgery Via Reuters: Pope Francis is not thinking of resigning and is living "a totally normal life" following intestinal surgery in July, he said in a radio interview broadcast on Wednesday. Speaking to Spanish radio network COPE, Francis, 84, dismissed an Italian newspaper report that he might step down, saying: "I don't know where they got it from last week that […]

today09/01/2021 14

Blase Cupich

Chicago Cardinal Pushes for Mandatory Coronavirus Vaccines

Chicago Cardinal Pushes for Mandatory Coronavirus Vaccines Via Breibart: Chicago Cardinal Blase Cupich has been applying “tremendous pressure” on the National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC) to withdraw its support for conscientious objection to receiving a coronavirus vaccine, the Catholic News Agency (CNA) reported Wednesday. On condition of anonymity, one NCBC board member said Cupich has been “leaning hard” on board members, both bishops and laypersons, to throw their support behind […]

today08/13/2021 4


Catholic priest killed in Vendée, suspect was involved in the fire at Nantes cathedral

Catholic priest killed in Vendée, suspect was involved in the fire at Nantes cathedral Via This morning broke news that a Catholic priest had been murder in Vendee. The suspect involved was a Rwandan refugee who was also linked the fire at the Nates Cathedral in the past year.  France's Minster Of The Interior responded on Twitter shortly thereafter:   Our Readers And Listeners Keep Us In Print […]

today08/09/2021 8

Catholic League

Catholic League Calls for Defunding ‘Anti-Catholic’ National Public Radio

Catholic League Calls for Defunding ‘Anti-Catholic’ National Public Radio Via Breitbart: Catholic League president Bill Donohue has called on Congress to defund National Public Radio (NPR), citing its anti-Catholic history and flagrant liberal bias. In his August 3 essay, Dr. Donohue chronicles no fewer than 11 separate episodes of anti-Catholicism, including mockery of Jesus and Catholic sacraments such as the Eucharist. NPR has also disparaged Catholic morality, Donohue notes, especially […]

today08/05/2021 8


74% of Regular Catholic Churchgoers Say No Communion for Joe Biden

74% of Regular Catholic Churchgoers Say No Communion for Joe Biden Via Breitbart: National faith-based organization CatholicVote released a survey Wednesday that found 74 percent of Catholics who regularly attend Mass say Catholic politicians who oppose the Church’s teachings should not receive Holy Communion. Brian Burch, president of CatholicVote, said in a statement politicians who claim to be Catholic, but then promote policies the Church considers to be “gravely immoral,” […]

today06/18/2021 36

Florida State University

Florida State University to pay student nearly $100,000 for anti-Catholic discrimination

Florida State University to pay student nearly $100,000 for anti-Catholic discrimination Via Just The News: Florida State University agreed to pay an ex-student government leader nearly six figures, seven months after a federal court ruled his rights were violated when he was removed from office for privately sharing Catholic beliefs. It reached a legal settlement with Jack Denton, former president of the student senate, under which he'll receive $1,050 in […]

today06/01/2021 7

Pope Francis

Pope Francis launches seven-year environmental sustainability plan through Catholic organizations

Pope Francis launches seven-year environmental sustainability plan through Catholic organizations Via Just The News: A new initiative launched by Pope Francis on Tuesday will seek to make Catholic institutions worldwide – including universities and businesses – environmentally sustainable in the next seven years as the pope increasingly expresses climate change concerns. The "predatory attitude" must end, the pope said in a video introducing the ecological project Laudato Si Action Platform. "Today, these […]

today05/27/2021 14

Pope Francis

Pope Francis Calls for ‘Green Economics,’ ‘Green Education,’ ‘Green Spirituality’

Pope Francis Calls for ‘Green Economics,’ ‘Green Education,’ ‘Green Spirituality’ Via Breitbart: Pope Francis issued a dire report on the state of the planet Tuesday, insisting the earth is suffering the worst environmental crisis of its history. For a long time, the earth “has suffered from the wounds that we cause due to a predatory attitude, which makes us feel like owners of the planet and its resources and authorizes […]

today05/25/2021 42


Vatican issues a street art stamp, ends up getting sued

Vatican issues a street art stamp, ends up getting sued Via AP News: One night in early 2019, Rome street artist Alessia Babrow glued a stylized image of Christ she had made onto a bridge near the Vatican. A year later, she was shocked to learn that the Vatican had apparently used a reproduction of her image, which featured her hallmark heart emblazoned across Christ’s chest, as its 2020 Easter […]

today05/25/2021 21