
564 Results / Page 50 of 63


19842! Chinese ” Bot Farms ” Are SkyNet For Social Media

1984<sup>2</sup>! Chinese " Bot Farms " Are SkyNet For Social Media by Mike Church From my Twitta: Whoa! This is the scariest episode of "How Its Made" ever presented! @gscarp12 never explained that a " bot farm " actually looks like a farm without the tractors. Next time you wonder "how'd THAT stupidity go 'viral'", you now have the answer. #DeepState — Mike "The KingDude" Church (@TheKingDude) May 20, […]

today05/20/2020 21

Stacy Abrams

The Latest Stacy Abrams Photo Proves The Democrats Have Lost It

The Latest Stacy Abrams Photo Proves The Democrats Have Lost It So I am hanging out on the twitter feed when something strange begins to happen. I keep seeing images of a shadow-y figure who looks like either A) a rejected DC tv series on the CW or B) A promo photo for the next WWE main event against the Big Show. Turns out neither of these were turn, it […]

today05/17/2020 50

Superbowl Champ

Congratulations Governor Holcomb, Your “Lockdown” Put A Superbowl Champ Out of Business!

Congratulations Governor Holcomb, You Put A Superbowl Champ Out of Business Gary Brackett was on the Indy Colts' only Super Bowl winning team, stayed in Indianapolis and opened up a small chain of Sports bars called The Stacked Pickle. Now thanks to Governor Eric Holcomb's #MeToo House Arrest, the Stacked Pickle has folded and 8 location's cooks, managers, waiters, waitresses and bartenders are permanently out of a job. Superbowl Champ […]

today05/07/2020 12


WHO Adds Insult To Injury As It Applauds Sweden As The “Model” Against COVID19

WHO Adds Insult To Injury As They Applauds Sweden As The "Model" Against COVID19 As COVID19 bared down on the U.S., we were beseeched with calls to "Flatten the curve" and to "Stay Home and Stay Safe". Now, after being in this holding pattern for the better part of two months and seeing fellow Americans losing their jobs to the tune of 26 million and the GDP contracts 4.8% as coronavirus […]

today04/29/2020 9



The Medical TRUTH About The Unnecessary “Lockdowns” & House Arrests-Dr’s. Erickson and Massihi

The Medical TRUTH About The Unnecessary "Lockdowns" & House Arrests-Dr's. Erickson and Massihi This is the press conference of the two ER doctors with expertise in virology and immunology Dr. Erickson and Dr. Massihi. Taken from a video posted to YouTube that has now been removed but has shown up in other places on the interwebs. The audio file has been corrected from the original so turn up the volume! […]

today04/28/2020 58

NYC Antibody

Have You Herd? The CoronaHoax™ Was Kneecapped By NYC Antibody Test, But It Won’t Matter

 The CoronaHoax™ Was Kneecapped By NYC Antibody Test by Mike Church Your daily #CoronaBorg™ repellant: The Pathologists, Doctors & Epidemiologists (start here)we have been reporting on were RIGHT about " herd immunity " which is happening despite the demonic efforts to thwart it with fascist, house arrest! The latest results of a NYC antibody test continue to erode this sham! Read 'em and weep JBE: WITH MORE THAN 19.4 MILLION […]

today04/23/2020 21


Busted: The WHO Lies, Extorts And Promotes Satanism, Trump Should Yank Their Funding Until They Return To Hell

Busted: The WHO Lies, Extorts And Promotes Satanism, Trump Should Yank Their Funding Until They Return To Hell by Mike Church "An influenza pandemic occurs when a new influenza virus appears against which the human population has no immunity, resulting in several, simultaneous epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness. With the increase in global transport and communications, as well as urbanization and overcrowded conditions, epidemics due the […]

today04/21/2020 52


Thanks To The Corona Shamdemic, We Have A New Confederation of States, Can We Keep It?

We Have A New Confederation of States, Can We Keep It? by Mike Church When Patrick Henry bellowed “Who authorized [the Constitution’s authors] to use the language of 'We The People' instead of 'We The States!?'” he was stating the ruling mindset of 1788 America. That Spirit has returned, but, can we keep it?  One unintended consequence of the soon to be infamous Covid-19 “lockdown” orders now in effect in […]

today04/20/2020 13


The #CoronaBorg™, #LockdownLoonies™ of #Pandemistan™ Refuse To See This Corona Hoax For What It Is

The #CoronaBorg™, #LockdownLoonies™ of #Pandemistan™ Refuse To See This Corona Hoax For What It Is by Mike Church Here's a Tweetstorm on 10 articles recently published that eviscerate the "Corona Pandemic", end of the world, everyone is a walking-zombie in waiting, MSM Big govenrment narrative. Folks it is simply logically impossible that Corona Virus is 1. as deadly as it is said to be and 2. warrants any continued action […]

today04/19/2020 7