
24 Results / Page 3 of 3

Supply Chain

The Breakdown Of The Supply Chain And The Coming Panic

The Breakdown Of The Supply Chain And The Coming Panic Amidst the panic and overall reduction of freedom that has come with COVID-19 "pandemic", comes this report from Reuters about a far greater threat than the sniffles.  Titled "Factbox: Coronavirus spread closes North American meat plants" details the  that at least 11 different meat plants that have been shut down either temporarily or indefinitely. This will have far reaching consequences […]

today04/13/2020 41

Emergency Management Vs Prepping: Is there a difference?

When discussing an aspect of Emergency Management, one of the key areas is preparation. While it is all fine and dandy to have preparation plans in place at the local, state and federal level, the reaction is much different at the home level. While many people are preppers, few actually are brave enough to speak about it in public. I'm pretty sure that we can thank "Doomsday Preppers" and David […]

today10/08/2019 5


Basic Survival Kit-Water

Basic Survival Kit-Water     This is the first of the Basic Survival Kit (BSK) series After 3 days you will die without water, this is an undeniable fact. Water is one of the things that we take for granted in our society. Don't believe me? Walk into any convenience store and glance at the refrigerator. Yet despite these this, when a disaster situation occurs, many are surprised at how quickly […]

today09/27/2019 13

Supplies Kit

Basic Disaster Supplies Kit

Basic Disaster Supplies Kit Here is the next piece in my series of personalized preparation. When you go to they give you a pretty decent idea of what you need. The problem is that they give you 0 guidance on where to get it. So what people will do is to go the internet and look up the first link on google. Here at the Brief, my goal is […]

today09/25/2019 14

Food Prep

Basic Survivial Kit- Food

The recent hurricanes and flooding leads me to re-post this article from a few years ago on food preparation. Food, we all love it, myself especially. Let us take a moment, if you are reading this in the United States, to remind ourselves that we are truly fortunate to live in a country where so much food is so readily available. That being said, we are in are one crisis […]

today09/24/2019 42

Emergency Management

What is Emergency Management?

B. Wayne Blancard wrote a "Think Piece" for an Emergency Management Round table Meeting on March 2007 for the FEMA Emergency Management Institute (EMI).  In particular I found how the question of "What is Emergency Management?" is not a simple answer. There are many misconceptions on what this job description entails and its relationship with the rest of the homeland security apparatus. I was surprised at these misconceptions.I invite you […]

today09/23/2019 8