
72 Results / Page 5 of 8

Supreme Court

Approval of the Supreme Court dropped after last week’s decisions

Approval of the Supreme Court dropped after last week’s decisions Via YouGov: President Joe Biden’s and former President Donald Trump’s approval ratings have changed little during their times in office, and the public’s view of Congress seems consistently negative. But Americans’ opinion of the Supreme Court (at least among partisans) can sometimes shift quickly – especially in the wake of new Court opinions. One week ago, the Economist/YouGov poll found […]

today07/09/2021 2

eviction moratorium

Supreme Court allows CDC eviction moratorium to continue

Supreme Court allows CDC eviction moratorium to continue Via Just The News: The U.S. Supreme Court will leave a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention pandemic-related eviction moratorium in place, in a close 5-4 decision The Biden administration recently extended the moratorium through the end of next month, but noted that it does not anticipate another extension, according to the Associated Press. District Judge Dabney Friedrich had previously ruled that the moratorium went beyond […]

today06/30/2021 8

Snapchat profanity

Student’s Snapchat profanity leads to high court speech case

Student’s Snapchat profanity leads to high court speech case Via AP News: Fourteen-year-old Brandi Levy was having that kind of day where she just wanted to scream. So she did, in a profanity-laced posting on Snapchat that has, improbably, ended up before the Supreme Court in the most significant case on student speech in more than 50 years. At issue is whether public schools can discipline students over something they […]

today04/26/2021 12

Justice Thomas

Justice Thomas Calls Out Supreme Court’s Hypocrisy In Talking About Abortion

Justice Thomas Calls Out Supreme Court’s Hypocrisy In Talking About Abortion Via Daily Caller: Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas called out the hypocrisy of Supreme Court justices using the word “children” in addressing juvenile murderers but “young woman” when referring to minors in abortion cases. The justice concurred in a Thursday Supreme Court ruling on Jones v. Mississippi, in which the Court upheld a judge’s ability to give life without parole […]

today04/22/2021 7

Court-packing Bill

Democrats to Unveil Court-packing Bill; Expands Supreme Court to 13

Democrats to Unveil Court-packing Bill; Expands Supreme Court to 13 Via Breitbart: Democrats will reportedly unveil a bill Thursday to pack the Supreme Court by expanding the number of justices from nine to thirteen, with the four new vacancies to be filled immediately by President Joe Biden and the Democrat-controlled Senate. The Intercept reported Wednesday evening: Congressional Democrats plan to unveil legislation expanding the size of the Supreme Court on Thursday, according […]

today04/15/2021 7

court packing

Trump says ‘politically correct Supreme Court’ will get what it deserves with court packing

Trump says 'politically correct Supreme Court' will get what it deserves with court packing Via Just The News: Former President Donald Trump is speaking out against packing the Supreme Court with more justices as some liberals want, suggesting it would a fitting punishment for a court that failed to seriously consider his election challenges. "Wouldn’t it be ironic if the Supreme Court of the United States, after showing that they […]

today04/13/2021 6


Liberals demand Breyer retire after justice warns against court packing

Liberals demand Breyer retire after justice warns against court packing Via Just The News: Justice Stephen Breyer has long been the target of a whisper campaign among liberals hoping he will retire and give President Biden a fresh appointment to the Supreme Court. But the volume got a lot louder on the left this week after the court's longest serving liberal warned against the political movement known as "court packing" and […]

today04/10/2021 1

excessive force

U.S. Supreme Court widens ability to sue police for excessive force

U.S. Supreme Court widens ability to sue police for excessive force Via Reuters: The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday expanded the ability of people to sue police for excessive force, ruling in favor of a New Mexico woman who filed a civil rights lawsuit after being shot by officers she had mistaken for carjackers. The 5-3 decision allowed the woman, Roxanne Torres, to pursue her lawsuit accusing New Mexico State […]

today03/25/2021 19

Boston Marathon

SCOTUS to consider restoring Boston Marathon bomber’s death sentence

SCOTUS to consider restoring Boston Marathon bomber's death sentence Via Reuters: The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday agreed to hear the federal government’s bid to reinstate Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s death sentence for helping carry out the 2013 attack that killed three people and wounded more than 260 others. The Justice Department, before former President Donald Trump left office, filed an appeal of a lower court’s 2020 decision ordering […]

today03/22/2021 12