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Summary: A family struggles for survival in the face of a cataclysmic natural disaster.
Genre: Disaster
The disaster movie. A favorite of mine. Pre-2020, it was enjoyable to watch an play out what would have in X scenario (Of course, being a pepper, I also like to single out what they did right and what they did wrong. Some of my all time favorite disaster movies are Dante’s Peak, Armageddon, Day After Tomorrow just to name a few. Now you may not believe it, there is a formula to a good disaster movie:
If you think of you favorite disaster movie, and these 4 points will all be firing on all cylinders. In the film Greenland, these elements are all in play and some do shine. However, the thing that holds this film back is not the performances. Gerard Butler, Morena Baccarin & Roger Dale Floyd nail their roles. No, the one thing that holds Greenland back is that it is almost TOO realistic and doesn’t get as wild as the genre can allow them to be.
Disclaimer: I really enjoy Gerard Butler movies. Why you ask? Because his films harken back to a simpler time in films. Before diversity casting and forced SJW storylines. When family was important and it was lead by a male (call me sexist, but it’s true). Butlers roles are rarely more than an ordinary man caught in extraordinary circumstances (roles like Law Abiding Citizen aside). His portrays never make men look like buffoons. Flawed, yes, stupid, no. It’s the sort of “toxic masculinity” that drives blue haired feminist and left leaning professors insane. It is no difference in this film. They say Tom Hank’s greatest strength was being able to portray the everyman. I believe that Butler does this, but better. He continues his streak of being one of the few people who will get me to watch a film.
This film’s cast is relatively small, with Morena Baccarin playing Butlers wife. She plays a normal woman. Why is this important to write in a film review? Because it is an abnormality. She isn’t a Phd, doesn’t have superpowers, isn’t an ex-CIA spy, nope. She is just a wife to a husband and they are having problems. I’m sure most white knight movie reviews will whine and complain that this role wasn’t “meaty” enough for her, which couldn’t be farther from the truth. She has good chemistry with Butler and is a strong complement to him. Roger Dale Floyd is very good as the son. He respects his parents, wants them to be a family again. It is always refreshing to see a kid not act like a totally screw off. I quickly identified with this family and wanted to see them survive, which may seem like an easy task for these types of films, but doesn’t happen as often as you would hope.
The film doesn’t linger, it does establish a normal world and these characters place into it. The comet is established in a fine bit of exposition and then we get into the event. The film decides we are not gonna be able to stop this event, instead we have to get to a bunker. This is fine, but it doesn’t allow itself to get to outside the realm of what could actually happen. The film hits the beats and comes to a satisfying conclusion. One thing that I did notice during the climax is that, despite the fact they want you to feel the tension, it just doesn’t quite get to that level. The brightest spot of this film is the family dynamic and that, in this day and age, is good enough for me.
With a good family dynamic and very good action, Greenland is a worthy entry into the disaster film genre. However, it’s conservative approach to the event holds it back from being truly fantastical.
Score: 3 out of 4 briefcases
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Written by: LoneRhody
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