
Parrott Talk-The Ukraine War Is All But A Memory

today11/21/2023 137 9

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Since Hamas sucker punched Israel, Americans have not given much thought about the war in Ukraine. Sure there is the occasional out cry from Conservatives when more financial aid is sent, but that is mostly to round out the news cycle.  Mick Wallace, a member of the EU Parliament, said Ukraine should have ignored the advice of western leaders like Biden and Boris Johnson. He said Zelenskyy should have accepted the Russian deal because Western Countries have failed to cripple the Russian economy, and their aid has failed to stop the Russian advance.  Mike Parrott has not forgotten about the conflict, and he takes a brief look at how things are going in the country where democracy died.  Mike also better defines his stance on the new Argentina President and he exposes Media Matters and their slanderous report on Elon Musk.  Is it too late for Zelenskyy to follow Wallace’s advice and what will Elon do about Media Matters? The answers are here on this episode of Parrott Talk. 


Written by: Justin Redman