The Mike Church Show

A Long Time Ago In A Cancelled Radio Show, Far, Far Away…

today03/01/2024 29

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Please join us in our quest to save AM/FM Talk Radio as we begin syndication today in Atlanta

Please join us in our quest to save AM/FM Talk Radio as we begin syndication today in Atlanta

If you’re in the Atlanta area you can listen 7-10AM on 1010 WXKG-The King.

If you’re not in Atlanta, tell your local Talk Radio provider tp become a Mike Show Affiliate station (its a barter arrangement, don’t cost nuthin’) and send them here.

You can always listen FREE of charge on The CRUSADE Radio Network, here.

If you’d like to listen to the PREMIUM Mike Church Show, for $5.00 a month, you can subscribe here.

Beginning today, as well, this Substack will be reposting the entire Mike Church Show from that day forn paying subscribers. If you’d like the other bells and whistles of our Founders Pass Membership Services from CRUSADE Radio Network, you can subscribe here.

Radio is a wasteland today because of the devastation of consolidation which completely eviscerated the talent pool incubators of local radio stations. Obama finished the destruction off by killing the remaining training grounds, internships, in 2009. Today, we aim to reverse that process by returning entertainment, entertainment and entertainment, grounded in natural law and under the Authority of God. We bring 32 years of radio experience and now 8 years of worldwide internet distribution of our 24/7 internet radio station and a stable of great young air talent to the table.

You will get to listen to them all, on radio stations across the United States. You can listen to them all on The CRUSADE Radio Network, today! Please pray for our success.

We thank WXKG 1010 Atlanta for this opportunity and pray you will all join this quest we set sail on today. God bless.

The Mike Church Show