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Fauci Lied And Children Died – Jail Would Be Merciful To Him

micMike Churchtoday06/04/2024 25

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    Fauci Lied And Children Died - Jail Would Be Merciful To Him Mike Church


Time 6:03am cstWE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst.  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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COVID Congressional Hearing

Dr Antony Fauci is – The sum of all elite evils.

  • Remember back in the day he did AIDS work. 
  • He tried to come up with a vaccine for AIDS.
  • How did that work out for him?
  • RFK Jr even wrote a book about Fauci.
  • There are some on that panel that are terrible but one specifically is a threat to humanity and that is Jamie Raskin.
  • Him, Adam Schiff & Chuck Schumer are all running neck and neck for the worst human being on the planet.
  • He is the author of the Disgraced Act.
  • I spoke w/ Kurt Wallace yesterday and learned a little more about his family history and the more I talk w/ him the more fearful I get.
  • Show trials are eerie and they are ramping up here in the United States.
  • Relativism – 
  • If Mr Science went into a room and incinerated all the children in the room, Raskin would have given him forgiveness for it and said ‘it had to be done’ for the ‘safety & security’ of the country.
  • The left seems to never be satisfied w/ anything.
  • There weren’t enough children aborted, there weren’t enough dead from COVID, there weren’t enough LGBTQ children and so on.
  • Dr Fauci was unrepentant. 
  • He basically said he would do it all again.
  • I don’t want to live in a society where these people have any type of authority.
  • These people scare the crap out of me.
  • The thing that really should scare you is there is no amount of killing that will satisfy them.
  • Remember the green tents that kids that were in band had to play their instruments in?
  • They each had numbers on them, you know like a prison number.
  • Each kid had their specific number, they were infection #29!
  • That is subtle programing of these children.
  • No cross bubble contamination.
  • The point being here for the rest of those kids lives they are scared.
  • They are going to have PTSD from what we did to them during COVID.
  • There are no amounts of fines or imprisonment that will make up for what was done to that generation. 
  • We now know that their little lungs weren’t developing as they should have b/c they where inhaling their own expiration while wearing a mask for 8 hours a day. 
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2
45mAUDIO/VIDEO: Sophia Corckran on GBNCOVID ruined our lives. They told us we had to wear them in school but people were allowed to go to grocery stores and football games. The damage this has done to us is forever.

  • This wasn’t the Bubonic Plague folks.
  • We did research each and every day here on the MCS.
  • We knew well ahead of the government how to treat this. 
  • We had research coming from Switzerland discussing herd immunity and Mr Science said that wouldn’t work here in the states.
  • We now know that was 100% incorrect and anti-science.
  • How can we seriously take medical advice from people that get kick backs from vaccines that they were pushing us to get?
  • Was this an actual virus?
  • If its target was all Americans it failed.
  • QUESTION: Combined w/ comorbidities, what killed most old people that got COVID?
  • I want this man, Fauci in prison.

  • A groundbreaking study by researchers from Oxford, Leeds, Harvard, and Bristol has confirmed that myocarditis and pericarditis only appear in children and adolescents following COVID-19 vaccination, not after infection. This extensive research analyzed official government data from over 1 million English children and adolescents, comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated subjects aged 5-11 and 12-15.
  • Key findings include: 
  • All cases of myocarditis and pericarditis during the study period occurred in vaccinated individuals. 
  • Most myocarditis and pericarditis cases were recorded after the first dose of the vaccine.
  • Hospitalizations related to COVID-19 were extremely rare among children and adolescents.
  • Over 50% of children who had myocarditis following the shot required hospitalization.
  • While doing all our research when COVID was running rampant, we knew that children were NOT getting this virus.
  • They simply weren’t getting it and dying like the government and Mr Science said.
  • We acted like there was never and Influenza type virus each year that killed thousands here in the states.
  • IMPORTANT RESULTS – Myocarditis and pericarditis were only documented in vaccinated groups, with rates of 27 and 10 cases per million after the first and second doses, respectively.
  • So we went from a case of severe flu to giving adolescents myocarditis for the rest of their lives.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Chairman Brad Wenstrup – COVID Hearing Opening Statement – Any dissent was immediately labeled as anti-science. Anything less than complete submission to the mandates could cost you your livelihood, your ability to go into public, your child’s ability to attend school. Dr Fauci you oversaw one of the most invasive regimes of domestic policy the US has ever seen.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at or Candace her personal email
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7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
1h10mAUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene – Calls Out Raskin – I don’t worship President Trump, a convicted felon well so was George Floyd. There were riots over George Floyd. This is really important, I worship God. I don’t worship Trump and I’m sick and tired of dealing w/ the Democrats on this. 

  • Jamie Raskin is a Nazi-like threat to all human beings.
  • Yesterday to have Mr Fauci double down on what he did as if he personally saved millions of Americans should infuriate every human being.
1h16mAUDIO/VIDEO: Rep McCormick – COVID Hearing Opening Statement – In 2020 I was censored, my medical license was threatened, b/c I disagreed w/ bureaucrats. Literally, taken off the internet as a person who was treating patients. I was labeled a conspiracy theorists by other medical professionals that never treated any patients. 

  • This representative was actually treating COVID patients and was censored b/c he stated there were other options for treatment of COVID.
  • He was literally taken off of the internet, censored and his medical license threatened b/c he differed in his opinions on COVID from Mr Science.
  • Why did they not allow Ivermectin and Hydroxy to be used?
  • If it worked, which it did, why not allow doctors to prescribe it?
  • Because they needed the vaccine as the ONLY option.
1h22mAUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Maxine Waters – Donald Trump & MAGA – I am going to spend some time w/ the criminal justice system. Tell us what is going on w/ the domestic terrorist. Are they planning a civil war against us? Should we be concerned about our safety? What is he doing w/ this divisive language?

  • Who is THEM and who is US?
  • Who is the exalted holy people she is speaking of?
  • Does she mean black people?
  • Does she mean ruling elites?
  • I didn’t hear anything that was divisive in Trumps speech.
  • I watched it from start to finish.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Raskin – COVID Hearing – Treating You Like a Convicted Felon- They’re treating you like a convicted felon. Actually, you probably wish they were treating you like a convicted felon b/c they treat convicted felons w/ love and admiration. Some of them blindly worship convicted felons. 

  • This is not an objective system of rights and wrongs, this is about haves and have nots.
  • This is about truth and lies.
  • Remember they rioted for their convicted felon George Floyd.
  • The objective was not justice.
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
1h44mAUDIO/VIDEO: Dan Abrams & Megyn Kelly on News Nation – Debate Trump Verdict – The ‘crime’ was that Trump beat Hillary and interrupted the ‘peaceful transfer of power’ between Obama and Hillary.

  • Remember when the Clintons paid hush money?
  • Legal Fees – was used as the determination when they did it.
  • What was Trumps ledger entry?
  • From Adobe menu it was Legal Fees.
  • Why didn’t anyone bring up the fact that Hillary actually did violate FEC law then w/ the Steele Dossier?
  • 26 US Code 527 – Political Organizations
  • It is usually just a fine never a freaking felony!

HEADLINE: DNC, Clinton campaign agree to Steele dossier funding fine by Jill Colvin 

  • Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee have agreed to pay $113,000 to settle a Federal Election Commission investigation into whether they violated campaign finance law by misreporting spending on research that eventually became the infamous Steele dossier.
  • The Clinton campaign hired Perkins Coie, which then hired Fusion GPS, a research and intelligence firm, to conduct opposition research on Republican candidate Donald Trump’s ties to Russia. But on FEC forms, the Clinton campaign classified the spending as legal services.
  • The Clinton campaign agreed to a civil penalty of $8,000 and the DNC $105,000, according to a pair of conciliatory agreements that were attached to the letter sent to the Coolidge Reagan Foundation.
1h55mHEADLINE: Trump Campaign, RNC Say They Raised $141 Million in May by Austin Alonzo

  • On June 3, the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee announced they raised $141 million during May. More than a third of that money was raised online within 24 hours after a New York jury issued multiple felony convictions against former President Donald Trump. 
  • A release from the campaign said more than 2 million donations were made during the month. A quarter of those donors gave their first gift of 2024 to the Trump campaign in May.
  • Then, Trump For President 2024 reported it raised about $9.4 million in April and had about $49.1 million in cash on hand, according to FEC records. The RNC told the FEC it brought in about $32 million in April and ended that month with about $39 million in cash on hand.
2h15mStalin and The Potemkin Village

HEADLINE: Joe Biden’s America is a Gay Version of the Soviet Union by Josiah Lippincott 

  • The collapse of the Soviet system was not, therefore, an ideological victory. It did not mean the end of communism or of leftism. It simply meant the implosion of one faction of the global left. America today has assumed the Soviet Union’s role as a purveyor of planetary revolution. The organs of American power roam the earth, sparking color revolutions against “authoritarian” governments, encouraging homosexuality, and exporting feminism. American governmental and non-governmental entities work in overdrive to help import third world migrants into the civilized world.
  • The sexual revolution, mass migration, censorship, and political repression that are the reigning features of contemporary American political life are the natural outgrowths of liberalism. Had the USSR and USA managed to overcome their post-war disagreements, American life would have achieved our contemporary level of moral and spiritual insanity decades ago. 
  • More  importantly, though the Soviets were happy to starve and murder their population by the millions, it did not occur to them to flood the USSR with third-world migrants. As brutal as the Soviets were, the populations of the Soviet Republics were not systematically replaced by foreigners from the global south. This has meant that, now that the communists are no longer in power, parts of that old Russia, such as Orthodox Christianity, have even managed to reassert themselves.

KV Turley

  • Bram Stoker his first name was actually Abraham.
  • What possessed him to ‘create’ the fictional character Dracula?
  • He had a propensity for anagrams and secret codes.
  • Her (Florence) former lover was Oscar Wilde.

HEADLINE: Bram Stoker Claimed That Parts of Dracula Were Real. Here’s What We Know About the Story Behind the Novel by Dacre Stoker and JD Barker

  • For fans of the novel Dracula, the information above takes on a familiar note. We all know the name. There’s the graveyard, the Abbey, the dog, and of course, the ship — but it was called The Demeter, right? Not Dmitri… In the book, yes, but in real life it was Dmitri. And there was a “real life.” Bram had found a blurry place between fact and fiction and that surely put a smile on the Irishman’s face.
  • When Bram Stoker wrote his iconic novel, the original preface, which was published in Makt Myrkanna, the Icelandic version of the story, included this passage: I am quite convinced that there is no doubt whatever that the events here described really took place, however unbelievable and incomprehensible they might appear at first sight. And I am further convinced that they must always remain to some extent incomprehensible.
  • He went on to claim that many of the characters in his novel were real people: All the people who have willingly — or unwillingly — played a part in this remarkable story are known generally and well respected. Both Jonathan Harker and his wife (who is a woman of character) and Dr. Seward are my friends and have been so for many years, and I have never doubted that they were telling the truth…
  • Bram Stoker did not intend for Dracula to serve as fiction, but as a warning of a very real evil, a childhood nightmare all too real.
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6
2h42mBACK to KV Turley

  • Worried of the impact of presenting such a story as true, his editor, Otto Kyllman, of Archibald Constable & Company, returned the manuscript with a single word of his own: No.
  • Bram Stoker left breadcrumbs; you need only know where to look. Some of those clues were discovered in a recently translated first edition of Dracula from Iceland titled Makt Myrkranna, or Power of Darkness. Within that first edition, Bram left not only his original preface intact, but parts of his original story — outside the reach of his U.K. publisher. More can be found within the short story Dracula’s Guest, now known to have been excised from the original text. Then there were his notes, his journals, other first editions worldwide. Unable to tell his story as a whole, he spread it out where, much like his famous vampire, it never died, only slept, waited.
  • Masonic Strategy – it’s a place of secrets.
  • It isn’t known if Stoker was a Free Mason or not.
  • His brother was certainly a member of the Grand Lodge of Ireland.
  • Stokers name wasn’t in the records of the Grand Lodge of Ireland.
  • The records only go back to 1912 and that was the year Stoker died. 
  • Master is a word used not frequently but used in context of Renfield in the book.
  • We need to clarify here is there any evidence that Stoker used his autobiographical to create fiction prior to Dracula?
  • Jack the Ripper was an unidentified serial killer active in and around the impoverished Whitechapel district of London, England, in 1888. In both criminal case files and the contemporaneous journalistic accounts, the killer was also called the Whitechapel Murderer and Leather Apron.
  • This is the story that KV revealed to Maggie and I at this pub in late August 2015.
  • Who is the book dedicated to?
  • Hommy-Beg will appear on the front page.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at or Candace her personal email or

LIVE Show PodcastsThe Mike Church Show
