
The Mid-Day Show

The Mid-Day Show-The Slippery Slope Of Convicting Parents For The Crimes Of Their Children

micFiorella Nashtoday02/12/2024 7

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    The Mid-Day Show-The Slippery Slope Of Convicting Parents For The Crimes Of Their Children Fiorella Nash

Jennifer Crumbly was convicted for the crimes of her son Ethan.  In 2021. Ethan went to his school and shot 4 people, and as the police investigated the incident they discovered Jennifer and her husband contributed to the murders.   Investigators said the Crumblys could have prevented the shooting by paying attention to the warning signs the teenager displayed and furthermore, they should not have bought the teen a gun.  Fiorella is disturbed by this decision. Legal analysts says this does not open the door to future trials of holding parents accountable for the actions of their children, but Fiorella disagrees. Find out why she thinks this does open the door future prosecutions and more on this episode of the Mid-Day Show. 

The Mid-Day Show