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The Mike Church Show-A 98-Year-Old Vet Would Reenlist Today If Trump Were CIC

micMike Churchtoday07/18/2024 14

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    The Mike Church Show-A 98-Year-Old Vet Would Reenlist Today If Trump Were CIC Mike Church


Time 6:03am cstWE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst. 

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 RNC 2024 Night 3 Recap
25mHEADLINE: Any Roofer Worth His Salt Knows Secret Service’s ‘Sloped’ Roof Excuse Is Total Nonsense by Dmitri Rutkowski

  • Contrary to the Secret Service director’s statement, AGR International’s low-pitch roof presents no special ‘safety factor.’ I would know. 
  • As a former roofer, I’ve carried the requisite 75-pound bundles of shingles up many ladders, gone down to start compressors, gone up to bring hoses and nail guns, and looked down over precipitous drops that make nether regions tingle. I know the distinctive five-nail fastening schedule we used by its sound, “pop, pop, pop-pop-pop,” and I can distinguish a “cake” roof from a dangerous one.
  • How did this guy get on top of this building?
  • The local commissioner said there was no ladder.
  • Did he pull a Spiderman and hop building to building?
  • According to local eye witnesses, he did just that.
  • There was NO LADDER there.
  • We know this b/c Butler Township cops had to hoist up.
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2
52mHEADLINE: New Evidence Points To Multiple Shooters In Trump Assassination by George Webb 

  • The forensics speak for themselves, and the probability that the Crooks young sniper fired all three weapons after being shot is extremely unlikely. The geometry doesn’t align with at least two sources for the shots fired.
  • The two wounded people in the grandstand to Trump’s left allowed for the fast exit of Jill Biden’s four motorcade police. Jill Biden’s motorcade police took the two grandstand victims to Allegheny Hospital in Pittsburgh despite much milder injuries than the murdered Cory Comperatore.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Butler PA’s Commissioner Edward Natali Our township police department was asked by USSS to direct traffic not to secure the outer perimeter. 

  • I have confirmed with the Butler Township Police that volunteers were part of the security coverage for “outside the perimeter” of the Secret Service, meaning the “Sniper Crooks” could actually just be the “Spotter Crooks.” That would explain Crooks’s three intercepts by law enforcement and then being allowed to proceed to the roof with range-finding equipment. – George Webb
  • How did the Secret Service know immediately he was a ‘lone gunman’?
  • They didn’t even know he was up there but they immediately declared he was all by himself?
 Director of the Secret Service Testify on Monday

  • Will she actually answer any questions?
  • Will she plead the 5th?
  • Can she answer anything due to the fact this is still considered an open investigation? 
  • Will she be forced to resign?
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
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 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
1h14mCrooks Parents

  • They are both considered to be licensed therapist in the state of Pennsylvania. 
  • Why were they concerned their 20 year old son was missing all day?
  • He is an adult, he was supposed to be working he called and asked for the day off but why where they concerned enough to call the police?
  • Had he mentioned things to them prior to that day?
  • How many bullet casings were found by Crooks body?
  • That is one clear way to aid in this investigation. 
  • This is police work 101 here.
  • Has the FBI asked for all cellphone images and footage from all the attendees?
  • They sure asked for all that information when January 6th happened.
  • We are now in the conspiracy theory timeline folks.
  • There will be books written, interviews done all on different angles of this event.
  • You can stop all these conspiracy theories right now by just coming out w/ the information. 
  • Simple information that won’t hinder the investigation. 
 Two Different Civilizations

  • There are us and then there is them…the ruling elites.
  • They don’t play by the same rules they set for us.
  • Bugs Life – 
  • Nobody’s gonna trust a bunch of ants!
1h26mRNC 2024 

  • We clipped out and didn’t broadcast the section of Zionism.
  • I think it was totally inappropriate.
  • There is no “I” in MAGA!
  • For the RNC that spouts MAGA, why so much about the power of Israel?
  • Why so much focus on Israel? 
 AUDIO/VIDEO: RNC 2024 – Peter NavarroThis morning I did walk out of federal prison in Miami. Joe Biden and his department of INJUSTICE put me there. I’ve got a vey simple message for you: If they can come for me, and if they can come for Donald Trump, be careful. They will come for you.

  • It looked like the roof of that center was going to cave in when he was introduced.
  • It was so loud!
  • The teleprompters were SHAKING!
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 From the WHITE HOUSE: 

  • President Biden is vaccinated, boosted, and he is experiencing mild symptoms following a positive COVID-19 test. 
  • He will be returning to Delaware where he will self-isolate and will continue to carry out all of his duties fully during that time.

A note from Joe Biden’s Doctor:

The President presented this afternoon with upper respiratory symptoms, to include rhinorhea (runny nose) and non-productive cough, with general mailaise. He felt okay for his first event of the day, but given that he was not feeling better, point of care testing for COVID-19 was conducted, and the results were positive for the COVID-19 virus. Given this, the President will be self-isolating in accordance with CDC guidance for symptomatic individuals.  PCR confirmation testing will be pending. His symptoms remain mild, his respiratory rate is normal at 16, his temperature is normal at 97.8 and his pulse oximetry is normal at 97%. The President has received his first dose of Paxlovid. He will be self-isolating at his home in Rehoboth.




AUDIO/VIDEO: Joy Reid w/ Jen Psaki on MSNBC – Biden w/ COVID vs Trump Assassination Attempt – These two men are both elderly. For whatever reason Trump was given a few seconds to take an iconic photo op during an active shooter situation. Him bouncing back after that is being viewed as a sign of strength. Joe Biden is elderly, older than Trump and has COVID, and he will bounce back so shouldn’t that portray strength too? 

  • Don Imas was fired over saying ‘nappy headed hoe’.
  • Howard was fired over saying ‘look at that monkey go’. 
  • Here we have Joy Reid explicitly implies that Donald Trump staged that shooting so he could have this iconic photo taken of himself.
  • She should be done, completely in broadcasting.
  • She should never work in journalism again.
 HEADLINE: J.D. Vance: Reagan Of The Millennials by Rod Dreher 

  • J.D. Vance’s speech last night at the Republican National Convention was a landmark in American politics. It sealed the realignment of American politics. When Vance said the GOP henceforth would be not on the side of Wall Street, but of the “working man,” in one sense, he effectively announced the end of Reaganism.
  • But that’s not quite true. In his era, forty years ago, Reagan spoke for the common man, and won the common man’s allegiance. Reagan stood for old-fashioned American patriotism, and for advocating common sense values against an out-of-touch elite in both the Democratic Party and among country-club Republicans. Reagan was the right man for his time.
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AUDIO/VIDEO: RNC 2024 – Kai TrumpTo me he’s just a normal grandpa. He gives us candy and soda when our parents aren’t looking. He always wants to know how we are doing in school. When I made the honor roll, he printed it out to show his friends how proud he was of me.

  • Half of American families aren’t this close knit.
  • This is the result of a strong Patriarchy. 
  • The Biden family has issues w/ drug use, sexual issue and he doesn’t even acknowledge one of his grandchildren.
  • Downton Abbey – 
  • Yellowstone – 
  • The Trump family shows what a strong family looks like.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: RNC 2024 – Rep Matt GaetzDemocrats have been hiding the real Biden for years. We saw people in the witness protection program more often than we saw unscripted Biden.

AUDIO/VIDEO: RNC 2024 – Rep Matt GaetzUnder Biden-Harris, inflation has gotten so bad you can no longer bribe Democrat senators w/ cash alone. You have to use gold bars just so the bribes hold value.

AUDIO/VIDEO: RNC 2024 – Rep Matt GaetzCalling out congressional stock trading. We’ve been writing code to track politicians portfolios. We have seen dozens of members of Congress making million in the stock market this year.

8:33am cstSEGMENT 6















George Webb

Follow George on X – @RealGeorgeWebb1

Read George’s Investigative Research at –

  • Why would a 2nd shooter be so out in the open on the water tower?
  • It actually lines up close to the water tower.
  • The two lines of fire – there are definitely two lines of fire here.
  • There is a total of 11 shots.
  • You can tell that last 11th shot is low intensity and less implosive.
  • We don’t know.
  • Reagan thought he was shot by a camera gun.

HEADLINE: New Evidence Points To Multiple Shooters In Trump Assassination by George Webb

John Hinckley – 

  • The first two sets are high velocity for certain.
  • The first shot is the one that hits the people to the left of Trump.
  • The second two shots hit his ear.
  • Then you hear that last gun shooting the remaining shots minus that very last one we can hear.
  • The positioning of the ladders – 
  • The Pac-Man perimeter – the Secret Service put this out.
  • First the Secret Service company line was a lie.
  • When was the last time you brought out 2 ladders to complete one job?
  • Elon Musk was the one that labeled the two ladders.
  • There is a whole bunch of back and forth on the 2 ladders.
  • All manner of back peddling now on the ladders.
  • The scene is still under FBI and police lockdown but we did see them hosing off the roof where the shooter Crooks was shot on.
  • They immediately took his body away – Corey Comperatore.
  • The other two that were wounded, the first two that prove there was a second gunman were taken away by 4 motorcycle cops that were originally assigned to the Jill Biden motorcade.
  • Those 4 cops were the ones that took them out of the area.

Political Correspondent

Mahgdalen Rose

Follow Mahgdalen on X – @MahgdalenRose

  • He completely scrapped his original speech.
  • Hulk Hogan will make an appearance at the RNC tonight!
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected] or [email protected]

LIVE Show PodcastsThe Mike Church Show