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The Mike Church Show-ABC’s Ambush Of Trump Is Now The Most Infamous American Ambush

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    The Mike Church Show-ABC’s Ambush Of Trump Is Now The Most Infamous American Ambush Mike Church


Time 6:03am cstWE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst.  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows on
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump on Fox and Friends – Answering questions from locals in diner from Washington PA.
20mPresidential Debate – 

  • 90 min debate last night and no one knows who Kamala is, why she changed her positions.
  • She wasn’t fact checked or even confronted on her positions last night.
  • The moderators were so blatantly bias it was 3 against one and a disgrace.
  • Trump stayed on the issues she did not and it started from the first question! 
  • Are you better off than 4 yrs ago?
  • Last night she started w/ Project 2025, why didn’t they stop Kamala right there?
  • We know Trump has nothing to do w/ Project 2025, he has stated it several times in interviews.
  • This is who these people are.
  • Kamala Harris said he called for the killing of the Central Park 5. 
  • “Bring Back The Death Penalty, Bring Back Our Police! – by Donald Trump
  • His ad never mentioned the Central Park rape, but talked about New York families — “White, Black, Hispanic and Asian” — unable to enjoy walks through the park at dusk. Of muggers and murderers, he said, “I no longer want to understand their anger. I want them to understand our anger. … They should be forced to suffer and, when they kill, they should be executed for their crimes.”
  • According to the media, the five convicted boys were INNOCENT — and Trump would have executed the poor lads! This is nonsense. They wouldn’t have been executed because the rape victim miraculously survived. Also, they weren’t innocent.
  • We live in a system of government that is a system of oligarchs and then the media broadcasts them as rules and law.
  • THat is what you saw last night.
  • Trump could come out today and say we did it, we survived the greatest ambush in American history.
  • We made ambushes great again.
  • How many young blacks tuned in last night to this debate because that is who this would offend?
  • As if you couldn’t hate the MSM anymore, after last night…you can.
  • The 2nd big whopper of last night, was on abortion.
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2













Event 201

  • Why didn’t that come up last night during the debate?
  • COVID and the aftermath
  • Christopher Fererra – remember the story of how he fought to get his dad out of the nursing home?
  • They retrofitted a pair of Navy vessels one was on the Hudson River and NO ONE used the boats b/c Donald Trump sent them.
  • Cuomo thanked Trump and sent NO ONE to them.
  • They didn’t want to actually save anyone.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene COVID Committee Hearing – Chinese Spy – Linda Sun is a Chinese Communist Party spy who was just indicated by the DOJ who worked for you. In the indictment Cuomo is referred to as Politician #1. Are you the dumbest tool for the Chinese government  or did you know you were doing the bidding of the CCP?

  • It is difficult to fathom just how evil they are.
  • This man forced COVID positive people to nursing homes.
  • He sent sick people into a facility where immunocompromised people lived.
  • What did he expect was going to happen?
  • Of course thousands of elderly died.
  • It was 100% because of Cuomos decision.
  • How many of you know who Alger Hiss was?
  • He helped created the United Nations in the aftermath of WWII.
  • McCarthy – he was going after the right people. 
  • Tailgunner Joe was onto the Communist. 
  • We know the game is rigged, we know they are liars so why do we get upset when they lie to us?
  • Because we are Christians and we expect people to be decent people.
  • It pisses us off b/c people shouldn’t be this way especially those that are responsible for governing us. 
  • They know they can gaslight us b/c they own the MSM.
 Polaris 3 Flight 

HEADLINE: Polaris Dawn mission launch: SpaceX sends 4 people, including a billionaire, on the most ambitious private human spaceflight yet by Morgan McFall-Johnsen and Mikhaila Friel 

 AUDIO/VIDEO: Leaked 911 Call from August 26th to Clark County Sheriff Office in Springfield Ohio4 Haitian migrants carrying deed geese.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
 Do business with those that do business with us. BullDog Kia have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Get your Kia today from the fine folks at BullDog Kia in Atlanta Georgia.
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.




AUDIO/VIDEO: CNN Panel After the Debate of Undecided VotersWe have to remember we aren’t voting for someone we personally like, they won’t be in my wedding party. We are fortunate that we have lived under both of them in office. When facts come to facts, my life was better when Trump was in office. I just don’t know if I can afford to take that risk.

  • Last night Kamala talked about government housing.
  • I’d love to see her go spend one night in the 9th ward in NOLA then tell me how awesome government housing is.
  • You can’t go into that area.
  • It is filled w/ crime from gun violence to drugs.
  • There is no hope in that area only despair and poverty.
  • The Ghost of Mr Chicken – 
  • There is now evidence of the Geese Nappers in Ohio!
  • The intersection of Water St and Warder St you can clearly see it on Google maps.
  • Why didn’t ABC news know about this?
  • Remember in 2020 the debate Donald Trump brought up the Hunter Biden laptop and the moderators called it false and not a true story?
  • Turns out that story was FACTUAL.
  • This animal eating will be the same thing.
  • He will be found to be truthful about that story just like the Hunter Biden laptop.
  • So the MSM doesn’t have a good record on this type of stuff.
  • How do Haitian migrants get a late model Toyota Tacoma to drive around in Ohio?
  • Toyota trucks, used are hard to find and they are expensive.
  • QUESTION: Who put them in that truck?
 9/11 Remembrance Today

  • Kamala Harris last night stated that January 6th was worse than 9/11 and the Civil War.
  • Why didn’t the ABC moderators fact check Kamala on that whopper?
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at


Kamala Harris vs Donald Trump Debate

  • Last night she made all manner of faces at him.
  • She played the condescending, feminist cat lady very well last night.
  • Did this play well for people that were watching?
  • I don’t think it did.
  • She rolled her eyes, she sneered at him, she laughed at him and much more. 
  • She was just smug in general. 
  • No man likes that look that Kamala presented last night except effeminate men.
  • It is the look of a narcissistic woman.
  • That Kathy Griffin “I hate men” look.



  • That is all that matters to me these days.
  • Most of our issues are amplified by bad Catholics.
  • Those of us trying to be good need to do more fasting and praying.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Nancy Pelosi The Texas Tribune – 30% of Republicans are racist, sexist and homophobic.

  • Do you think she actually believes this?
  • I think she does which makes her a very dangerous person.
  • You should have a problem w/ homosexuals b/c they are going to hell.
  • You should too.
  • If judgement is real, all those people will go to hell.
  • If hell is real and Jesus is real, He told us Himself there was a hell and Heaven and there was a judgement did He not?
  • She just said that Republicans are the enemy.
  • We hate Globalism and we have issues w/ clean water and homosexuals.
  • She would have you and I incarcerated.
  • We need to be removed from HER society b/c we will never agree w/ her.
  • Nancy, I’m not going anywhere!
  • YOU are the one that needs to go.
  • You go form your own Mad Max republic and start eating each other.
  • Population Replacement Rate
  • Just to hold you need every fertile female to produce children.
  • We are on the path of Japan.
  • They are trying to solve this problem in Germany by offering money to married men and women if they have children.
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 AUDIO/VIDEO: Nicole Shanahan – Biased Moderators – This debate pandered to the base of each candidate. As Independent voters we have an uphill battle to climb.  
 23 Year Commemoration of 9/11


AUDIO/VIDEO: Megyn Kelly After the Debate – Biased Moderators –  I’m disgusted, I’m ashamed of those moderators at ABC News. They did exactly what their costs wanted. It was 3 against 1 tonight. It’s very easy to look like you know what your’e doing when both moderators are entirely on your side. 

  • There is no way that Kamala answered all those questions like she did.
  • We’ve seen her talk off the cuff before and she has never been that poised in her life.
  • To have that many facts and to recall them that quickly in real time, not possible.
  • She seemed to have all the answers, she seemed to recall things from 20 years ago.
  • We’ve seen her flub things while using a teleprompter.
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6

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HEADLINE: The Debate Was So Biased It Was Divorced From Reality. Trump Should Refuse To Do Another by John Daniel Davison 

  • The lying and gaslighting were so brazen from Harris, and the “fact-checking” from Muir and Davis so lop-sided (they failed even once to push back or correct any of Harris’ obvious falsehoods), that the entire spectacle eventually took on an air of unreality. It was bizarre to see it happening live on the air. By the end, my main takeaway was that the purpose of these debates, besides the media’s obvious goal of boosting Harris and hurting Trump, is to confuse and demoralize the American people by distorting reality and flooding the internet with lies, making it impossible to know what’s true and what’s not.
  • January 6th came up last night in the debate.
  • The moderator came back w/ another question to Trump about what he did that day.
  • At one point, Harris recited a litany of the most obvious, thoroughly debunked lies about Trump, from the “fine people on both sides” comment on Charlottesville, to the “bloodbath” remark about the auto industry, to claiming he “incited” the U.S. Capitol riot on Jan. 6. Anyone can go online and check for themselves that these things are all hoaxes; they never happened. But the moderators said nothing.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump ABC News Presidential Debate – January 6th – I wasn’t in charge of security that day. I told Nancy Pelosi and the governor I would give them 10,000 troops and/or military and they refused. It was Nancy Pelosi’s responsibility to have security and police there that day.

 HEADLINE: Meet Debate Moderator David Muir! by Ann Coulter 

  • Is Trump International Going To Sue ABC?
  • They allowed Kamala and then piled on and assisted to make Trump International and all his businesses, they made him out to be the CEO of Enron. 
  • They made him out to be a thief and you can’t say that publicly if its not true and get away with it!
2h53mAUDIO/VIDEO: FLASHBACK – Ralph Northam on Comfort CareThe infant would be delivered, the infant would be kept comfortable and would be resuscitated if that is what the mother desired.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected] or [email protected]

LIVE Show PodcastsThe Mike Church Show