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The Mike Church Show PREVIEW-Abominable Super Bowl Ad Implies Jesus Is Pro-Abort

micMike Churchtoday02/12/2024 48

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    The Mike Church Show PREVIEW-Abominable Super Bowl Ad Implies Jesus Is Pro-Abort Mike Church

HEADLINE: Tim Tebow surprised by Super Bowl ad controversy by Michael DiRocco 

  • It causes the controversy for all the wrong reasons.
  • When I say baron women – I am referring to those that CHOOSE not to have children. 
  • They have decided to remain childless.
  • Let’s all just think about this for a moment.
  • Try and lead by example.
  • The example Taylor Swift sets – she advocates killing babies, she advocated the Pfizer jab along w/ her ‘boyfriend’, she has lived a life of MY wants and needs are more important than starting a family.

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