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The Mike Church Show-America! Meet Sir Vancelot Yes Trump Made The Right Choice

micMike Churchtoday08/08/2024 25

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    The Mike Church Show-America! Meet Sir Vancelot Yes Trump Made The Right Choice Mike Church


Time 6:03am cstWE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst.  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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Coming Of Age Party – JD Vance

  • Yesterday for JD Vance, that is what he did yesterday!
  • He came out all guns blazing!
  • I will accept apologies now for those of you that said JD Vance was the wrong choice.
  • That he was a loser, he was boring he didn’t have fire in his belly, go ahead and call me and apologize. 
  • Yesterday he was on the tarmac and arrived at the same place VP Kamala Harris arrived by plane and he took over the media that was there.
  • He said everything he should have said about Walz and his Stolen Valor.
  • Minnesota Act HF 146 – Put up for vote by the first transgender to hold office in Minnesota, Leigh Finke. 
  • HF 146 – Gender-affirming health care; use of subpoenas to gather information prevented; child custody and child welfare provisions amended; and warrant, arrest, and extradition provisions amended.

HEADLINE: What Minnesota’s Status as ‘Trans Refuge State’ Really Means by Aleks Phillips

  • In the U.S., a 2022 survey by the Pew Research Center found that 38 percent of Americans believe society had gone too far in accepting transgender people, while 36 percent said it had not gone far enough.
  • The bill that would protect legal access to gender-affirming care in Minnesota, HF 146, was on Thursday passed by the state’s House of Representatives by 68 to 62 votes. It has yet to be transferred to the Minnesota Senate, which has a single-seat Democrat majority.
  • In 2021, around 42,000 children across the United States had received a diagnosis—three times the amount in 2017.
  • This isn’t something that these children are born with, this is LEARNED and TAUGHT behavior and these numbers prove just that.
28mUK Protests

  • The UK is toast.
  • They have an entire section of police officers that are searching through social media to find out who is posting and retweeting things that might “incite hatred or violence” to any specific group of people.
  • The government is now actively seeking out UK residents to arrest for speaking out against all immigration.
  • The Far-Right Wing thugs, as the UK Media is calling them, are fighting back and the government is not having any of it.
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2


X and Rumble

  • The media is supposed to play, when you say The Media, unlike most other people I have studied American history, I know that media is prone to corruption just like anything else.
  • James T Callender 
  • He was writing stuff about John Adams that wasn’t flattering and he falls out of favor w/ Thomas Jefferson.
  • He went after Jefferson after Jefferson pardoned him.
  • I say all of this b/c there has always been temptation to go that way.
  • Why do we talk about our need to have 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski – X and Rumble File Antitrust Suit Against Ad Group – When you have a monopoly and use it to assemble all this power and control to dictate a specific standard for how you’re going to spend that money that’s illegal. There are different rules and standards when you are a monopoly. You can’t use the 1st amendment and have a monopoly dictate how you are going to use these funds. 

HEADLINE: The GARMs Race: The House Moves Forward With its Investigation of Blacklisting Company by Jonathan Turley

 AUDIO/VIDEO: VP Kamala Harris in Eau Claire, WI – Terminating the Constitution – Someone who suggests we should terminate the Constitution of the United States should never again have a chance to stand behind the Seal of the President of the United States. 

  • That is 4 lies in 32 seconds.
  • He never said he was going to round up protestors and deport them.
  • He was joking when he said the Dictator on Day One.
  • He never said he wanted to terminate the United States Constitution.





Back To Turley 

  • Once GDI’s work and bias was disclosed, government officials quickly disavowed the funding. It was a familiar pattern. Within a few years, we found that the work had been shifted instead to groups like the GARM, which is the same thing on steroids. It is the creation of a powerful and largely unknown group called the World Federation of Advertisers (WFA), which has huge sway over the advertising industry and was quickly used by liberal activists to silence opposing views and sites by cutting off their revenue streams.
  • Notably, Rob Rakowitz, head of GARM, pushed GDI and embraced its work. In an email to GARM members obtained by the committee last month, Rakowitz wrote that he wanted to “ensure you’re working with an inclusion and exclusion list that is informed by trusted partners such as NewsGuard and GDI — both partners to GARM and many of our members.”
  • Translation, if you aren’t one of them, you don’t get to play in the media playground.
  • Thus they shadowban you, they limit who can and cannot see your content.
  • We have discussed this for years.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at or Candace her personal email
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7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.



















Going Into Battle

QUESTION: What is the most important thing?

ANSWER: Formation!

  • You must have formation, you can learn it if you didn’t when you were young.
  • I can’t find many people that refuse to read Saint Augustine. 
  • If you really want the good stuff, read Saint Thomas Aquinas. 
  • If you really want the grandest treatment, study Philosphia Perennis.
  • JD Vance has had proper formation. 
  • You can hear when he speaks that formation coming out.
  • He is assured he is speaking truth, he touches upon certitudes and he has the intelligence and he is a good orator. 
  • Philosophy prepares for Catholic thinking and theology.
  • Did you see Mike Parrott’s tweet yesterday?

AUDIO/VIDEO: JD Vance Responds to Walz and Him Attending YaleWhat bothers me about Tim Walz is the stolen valor garbage. Do not pretend to be something you’re not. And if he wants to criticize me for getting an Ivy League education, I’m proud. I was able to make something of myself and I would be ashamed if I was him and I lied about my military service like he did.

  • That is what is known as a mic drop.
  • He came out swinging yesterday.
  • I told you yesterday morning that Tim Walz is going to get Swift Boated.
  • Military men don’t play this game with Stolen Valor.
  • You cannot proclaim you were a war hero when you never even saw combat.
  • There are a lot of people out there that may not know who JD Vance is or they don’t like Trump but they will respond to this!
  • Don’t be a chicken hawk, they HATE chicken hawks.
  • There are now 2 Trumps out there.
  • Pence could have NEVER done this b/c he doesn’t have formation.
  • When you are on the side of truth, you can easily relay these answers.

AUDIO/VIDEO: JD Vance Airport TarmacHopefully it’s going to be my plane in a few months. I also thought you guys may get lonely, because the VP doens’t answer questions from reporters. I would love for her to just answer a few questions instead of just reading from a teleprompter.

  • This is an absolute smackdown.
  • He walked right in front of her caravan in front of the plane and talks to HER reporters.
  • I think Trump has found his attack dog.
  • He can actually be in 2 places at once b/c Vance is doing some heavy lifting.
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
1h38mHEADLINE: Major update in horrific murder of General Hospital star Johnny Wactor by Alex Hammer 

  • There have been no arrests since, with cops only now releasing stills of the suspects and their getaway car. 
  • It has been 3 months since he was murdered.


Governor Tim Walz 

  • They passed an act, the Stolen Valor Act.
  • It is illegal to do this.
  • They apparently didn’t even vet this man.
  • The Democrat party is very calculated, they don’t do anything w/o thinking long term.
  • So why did they allow Walz to be the nominee.

AUDIO/VIDEO: FLASHBACK Rep Tim Walz on C-Span in 2007I spent 24 yeas in the National Guard, some of that full-time. I was an artilleryman. I deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. My battalion provided base security throughout the European theater from Turkey to England in the early stages of the war in Afghanistan.

  • You didn’t go to war Sir, so what weapon did you carry?
  • Your commission wasn’t up you had 2 years left to it.
  • Remember the DNC was supposed to have a fair and balanced nomination process.
  • Is this them fighting back?
  • Allowing her to pick this Walz character knowing he had this big Stolen Valor lie?
  • The head of the DNC was kneecapped over the nomination process.
  • The smart choice would have been Shapiro.


AUDIO/VIDEO: Joe Biden on CBS News w/ Robert Costa (airing THIS Sunday) – Peaceful Transfer of Power – If Trump loses I’m not confident at all. He means what he says, we need to take him serious. They are putting people in place in states to count the votes. 
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AUDIO/VIDEO: Stephen Parkinson, Director of Public Prosecutions of England and Wales – Online Crimes – The offensive to incitement to racial hatred, it is printing or typing anything that might potentially incite hatred or violence. If you retweet that, you have broken the law. We do have dedicated police officers scouring these platforms searching for this material and they will follow up w/ identification arrests.
















Don Orrico 

Cultural Affairs Correspondent

  • How is Florida looking for Trump compared to 2020?
  • It will be a significant win for Trump.
  • Florida is becoming like the new New York.
  • It is a great epicenter of what is happening in the world.
  • Back in 2018, Gov DeSantis first ran for office, Republicans had a deficit.
  • That is now +1 million in the state of Florida.
  • There will always be those that look deep into each candidate, they will find something they don’t want or like.
  • Vance and Trump both have issues w/ abortion and LGBTQ issues.
  • This is about choosing the best good.
  • Not the lesser of two evils.
  • You find that w/ Vance and Trump.
  • I have noticed Catholics have become a NON-Voice in politics.
  • It used to be if you didn’t get the Catholic vote, you didn’t get elected.
  • The most passionate Catholics tend to be least political.
  • I don’t think the right strategy is to just sit it out and wait for it to collapse. 
  • A majority of Catholics don’t even believe in the True Presence in the Eucharist and that is a major issue.
  • Vance is one of us.
  • You couldn’t have chosen a better person to go toe to toe with JD Vance.
  • He has skeletons in his closet.
  • But so did Shapiro.
  • You end up with Tim Walz, one of the worst Governors in history!
  • Nancy Pelosi told Walz to tone down his stance on abortion b/c it was so far left and that should shock everyone.
  • We are somewhat protected in these deeper red states but if you live in Michigan and PA and other places you are putting your family at risk by sitting this one out.
  • Positive things culturally speaking – 
  • A lot of big Catholic money is sitting on the sidelines.
  • $30 million to $1 million is being spent here in Florida on abortion.
  • The time has come where our most prosperous Catholics need to step up and put their money where their mouths are on this issue.
  • The left is putting up their live fortunes to get abortion on demand wherever they are!
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6


AUDIO/VIDEO: FLASHBACK Governor Tim Walz on MSNBC – Free Speech – There is no right to free speech if the government deems it misinformation. 

  • Right to Vote – 
  • He just signed a bill in Minnesota allowing illegals to have drivers license which then allows them to participate in voting in state elections.
  • This Democracy thing, it is what has to be pushed back against.
  • I don’t want criminals, idiots, illegal aliens any of them to vote.
  • In real life this doens’t work so why do we keep acting as if it does?
  • Democracy just doesn’t work, it never has.














HEADLINE: The Era of Secession by Professor Wall and Jason 

  • This article has 7 likes and 3 comments. 
  • “How could the people possibly keep the peace without rulers deciding things for them?”
  • You all know where this came from, Hobbs.
  • Secession as a concept is regularly scoffed at by most individuals who have wielded power through the years. The general line one hears is, “How could the people possibly keep the peace without rulers deciding things for them?” As the world falls apart more and more thanks to the inept ruling classes, it is becoming clearer to common people that such disdainful rhetoric has no basis in fact. Many people are opening their minds to rediscover a principle which helped give birth to the American nation – that ordinary people can govern themselves. Newcomers to self-determination in the wider world will start exploring how to put their ideas into practice, and they are bound to discover the American founders achieved self-governance with separation from a corrupt system – in a word – secession.
  • In recent years, not many ordinary people paid attention to secession movements such as Scotland in 2014 or Catalonia in 2017. Today, however, the corruption and hubris of elites has resulted in rapid deterioration of societies across the world. It is motivating people to search for solutions that cut directly to the root of problems which are now becoming quite painful to them. The origin of these pressing problems lies in the political realm, and while ruling classes stifle the traditional avenues of political change, namely elections and electoral opposition, citizens have been forced to look for other means to effectively address the problems. It is this development more than anything else, which is now driving the rising popularity of “secession as a solution.”
  • The indicators of national divorce are becoming more and more apparent in Canada. Canada’s elite classes are drunk on power since they appear to have gotten away with egregious abuses of said power during the COVID lockdowns and the Freedom Convoy crackdowns. Now Justin Trudeau and his tyrannical government in Ottawa have started engaging in dangerous rhetoric and actions towards opposing leaders, which has raised tensions across Canada’s political landscape
  • The Louisiana Sovereignty Act – 
  • This separation is happening in Greenland and Alberta Canada now too.
  • Louisiana stated it would not adhere to the authority of the WHO and NHI.
  • One thing that will come out of a Kamala/Walz win will be more talk and action on Secession.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at or Candace her personal email or

LIVE Show PodcastsThe Mike Church Show
