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The Mike Church Show-Democrats Position Their Orc Army For War

micMike Churchtoday09/10/2024 22

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    The Mike Church Show-Democrats Position Their Orc Army For War Mike Church


Time 6:03am cstWE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst.  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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 Debate Night Kamala Harris vs Donald Trump

  • We are excited about this!
  • An entire day of broadcasting is coming your way.
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13mHaitians in Ohio

  • We aren’t just finding out about this now.
  • JD Vance back in May was on an immigration committee and he discussed this very issue.
  • I have been talking about this for some time now.
  • Remember the immigrant that killed a swan about 6 months ago?
  • He snatched that joker out of the public park pond and killed it.
23mJefferson and Burr

  • Thomas Jefferson tried to have VP Aaron Burr arrested brought to the capitol for treason.
  • Aaron Burr (1756-1836) and Thomas Jefferson met in 1791, when Burr became a member of the United States Senate. A decade later, Jefferson candidly wrote that “there never had been an intimacy” between himself and Burr, “and but little association.” By then, however, the course of history had permanently entwined their names.
  • In an era when actively seeking office was considered ungentlemanly, Burr campaigned openly. Before the New York elections of 1795, Burr absented himself from the Senate to assess the political climate in upstate New York. In the following autumn, he ventured beyond New York to meet with fellow Republicans and establish himself nationwide.  During a sweep of New England and the southern states, Burr spent a day at Monticello, though no record exists of the conversation between Burr and Thomas Jefferson
  • I’d only talk about immigration if I were Donald Trump.
  • I’d only discuss the havoc that has been unleashed on each state in this great union.
  • Confirmation Hearing – Assistant Homeland Security Secretary for ICE Ronald Vitiello 
  • That is the TRUE Kamala Harris.
  • That one exchange of Harris and Vitiello is what should be replayed far and wide.
  • That is how she speaks to people.
  • You need ICE if you are going to have duties, taxes and impost. 
  • Immigrations Customs Enforcement – 
  • She basically said the that ICE is like the KKK.
  • Are you aware that people that don’t live in this country view ICE as the Klan, that there is perception that is so?
  • She is so very arrogant and so full of herself and I don’t think she can hide that and it will come out tonight in this debate.
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2
40mAUDIO/VIDEO: Assistant Chief Shawn Taylor of Millersville TennesseeMany of you may have seen the TN Bureau of Investigation came and seized our files so we are unable to complete these cases. These cases effect every American. Fraudulent mortgages, child trafficking and other crimes. We have identified a nationwide issue. 

  • They call this ballot harvesting and it is actually legal in the state of California.
  • They basically pay you to use your address.
  • They go door to door and canvas votes for people that don’t exists. 
  • If you search for ballot harvesting at the Federalist there was a series of articles about it.
  • How will they fill houses w/ people that don’t exists and get them to vote?
  • Enter BlackRock!
  • Remember the stories of people saying people bought homes for over asking price?
  • This happened all over the United States.
  • This company was given first crack at printed money, it wasn’t theirs but it allowed them to go into states to bid up properties.
  • Bid prices of homes up so average Americans can’t afford them especially first time home buyers.
  • The cards were issued and now the illegal can go and register to vote b/c all that was required was a LEGAL ADDRESS.
  • I know it sounds far fetch and like some Alex Jones conspiracy theory stuff but this is actually happening.
  • We started reporting on this in 2020 but this already started happening in 2018 in Nevada.
  • They never actually wanted the homes for dwellings.
  • They just wanted the addresses for illegals.
  • This screws up electoral proportionment too.
  • Congressional Districts – 



AUDIO/VIDEO: FLASHBACK Kamala Harris on Haitian MigrantsStarting w/ our administration we extended Temporary Protected Status to 55,000 and then more recently to over 100,000 Haitian migrants for this very reason they need support and they need protection.

  • So that is 155,000 Haitians that are here in the US according to Harris.
  • There are starving kids in China that need our support too.
  • What about the starving kids in Venezuela? 
  • Why Haiti? 
  • Because Haiti is HELL!
  • They are also all socialist and communist.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at or Candace her personal email
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 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
















QUESTION: What is the benefit to YOU of a Union of States?

  • What about vacations?
  • You can travel in between places.
  • You have one currency that is good for all states.
  • What are the advantages exactly?
  • I’m okay w/ the US Constitution. 
  • I do long for the Return of the King but until then I’d settle for a Republican form of government and it will work w/ moral people. 
  • But the Constitution isn’t used any longer.
  • They refer to it all the time but they aren’t using it.
  • There is corrupting from top to bottom.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Tyreek Hill NFL player for the Miami Dolphins – Body cam footage of his arrest after being pulled over for speeding.

HEADLINE: Bodycam footage shows how chaotic Tyreek Hill detainment escalated by Christian Arnold

  • If the Union has the power to end your happiness, why not end it?
  • Did the people of Springfield Ohio want 155,000 Haitian Migrants?

AUDIO/VIDEO: FLASHBACK Senator Kamala Harris Questions Ronald Vitiello Assistant Homeland Security Secretary for ICE – Compares ICE to the KKK – Why are those words offensive? They have history in this country and I just used the wrong words. The Klan wasn’t what we call today a domestic terrorist group? Are you aware of the perception that ICE is being use to enforce the laws and do you see any parallels b/w ICE and the KKK? ICE is administering its power in a way that is causing fear?

  • FEAR?
  • You have a choice here fellow Americans.
  • How many cracks at this do we allow these ruling elites to have?
  • Subsidized housing – 
  • Let me drive you through the projects in NOLA.
  • Let me show you government subsidized housing communities.
  • The welfare state has been providing housing for Americans. 
  • What do they look like?
  • Would you want to live next to one?
  • I wouldn’t drop off my worst enemy in the projects in NOLA!
  • This hasn’t worked in any state not just Louisiana.
  • You know what the result was of this?
  • Broken families in the black communities.
  • The government has become the father in many instances.
  • There is a new progressive way to live and the family unit isn’t part of it.
  • So tell me again why we need to keep this Union of States?
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at


The Government and Fear

  • I’m old enough to remember when Joe Biden threatened to us F-16’s on us w/ our stupid MAGA guns.
  • I am also old enough to remember what was done and still being done to the January 6th people.
  • The government has always run on fear!                                                                                             

AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Eric Burlison – After Attempting To Visit J6 Prisoners – As a member of Congress, I have a duty to conduct oversight. I wanted to see the conditions these prisoners are living in. I have direct jurisdiction over DC, but they apparently don’t have room for me to take a tour.

  • So why was a Congressman denied access to see any of these prisoners?
  • If you are trying to hide what you are doing to them, that’s why.
  • What do they do in a regular prison?
  • They try to make sure you don’t commit a crime again once you are out right?!
  • What are they doing w/ these January 6th prisoners?
  • They are learning how not to be white, how not to love Donald Trump.
  • Seriously, it came out in the committee hearing w/ Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene.


















Follow Mahgdalen Rose on X – @MahgdalenRose

  • The Kamala Harris campaign has gone to previous Donald Trump debaters and they are asking for information on how to defeat him debate style.
  • She has been trying to get past Republican debate opponents. 
  • The only one willing to talk to him is Christ Christie. 
  • They want to psych him out behind the scenes.
  • Some would say that is smart. 
  • Everything you need to know is on YouTube or C-Span.
  • The vibe from Republicans was ‘are you crazy’ like we would help you defeat Trump now?
  • So no one was really willing to help.
  • The Republican party is actually sticking together which we really haven’t seen in the past.
  • So either they really just want to show unity or they are fearing for their political careers.
  • The word on the street is there is horrible descent in the Kamala campaign.
  • They cannot belive this was not an open convention.
  • She did not even have as much support as Bernie Sanders and we see how they treated him.
  • If she fails, this will be placed completely on her shoulders not the DNC.
  • Trump is a leader, he runs a good ship. He knows he got betrayed and he doesn’t want to make that same mistake again.
  • If you tell him Mr Trump this isn’t working, he will try to fix it.
  • He has an ego but that makes him not want to lose either.
  • Kamala Harris isn’t a leader.
  • She has led nothing!
  • Can you see her leading men into battle to die.
  • Kamala Harris only has to not look like an idiot at this debate.
  • Think back to one of her stand out political moments – it was still mid level stuff, she was just an attack dog.
  • You can’t be the attack dog when you are the lead on the ticket.
  • I would not be surprised if Kamala got COVID this afternoon.
1h57mKamala Harris vs Donald Trump

  • Will she pull the lady card?
  • You better be good at convincing people you can lead people into war. 
  • You will follow a good king into battle.
  • You won’t follow a bad king into battle.
  • You will follow someone willing to go into the breech w/ you.
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  • The great war begins w/ the murder of the second to last of the Hapsburgs. 
 HEADLINE: Report: Biden Has Spent 40.3% of His Presidency on Vacation by Eric Lendrum 

HEADLINE: Team Harris’ Crazy ‘Kill the Messenger’ Rental Housing Price Control Lawsuit by Rick Manning 

  • Again a Union at what price?


AUDIO/VIDEO: Erin Burnett on CNN KFile on Kamala Harris Campaign Policies – Special Report w/ Andrew Kaczynski 

  • This isn’t a position for on the job training.
  • A power pantsuit can’t help Kamala.
  • This is the most ridiculous thing ever.
  • She has always been about defunding ICE.
  • She has always been soft on the border.
  • She hasn’t just all the sudden seen the light these last 2 months.
  • She has also always been all about paying for transition surgeries.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Judge Jeanine on The Five – Kamala Harris the Average American Mom – They are trying to make us think she is just like us average Americans. If cooking and the ability to identify good spices is enough to make you president then I’m going to vote for Gordon Ramsay. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Joy Reid w/ Senator Elizabeth Warren on MSNBCI think he’s telling us once again exactly what his designs are for democracy, and that is given the chance, and Donald Trump will truly destroy our democracy.

8:33am cstSEGMENT 6

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Follow Frank on X – @frankwrighter

  • Tucker Carlson and Darryl Cooper Interview 
  • Immigration in Europe – 
  • The reason this is controversial is b/c it is obvious.
  • Demographic replacement, none of them are legal b/c we voted against immigration several times but our government did it anyway.
  • Professor John Gray – The New Leviathans book
  • We have been gaslight for centuries.
  • A continuity of policy that serves the purpose to massage the public opinion. 
  • Every time you watch the news you feel like you are being gaslight.
  • Extremist and Terrorist is what you are called if you point this out too.
  • You aren’t allowed to say that Christendom was in place when all this flourished.
  • The oath of the Catholic Ruler – He has to get his kingdom and the people that live in it to Heaven, he has to lead by example but his job is holiness of his people then the flourishment here on Earth.
  • If you want to try to understand why your reality is so terrible think about all the NEW stuff.
  • The new family unit, the new woman etc.
  • The reason it isn’t remarked upon is b/c it points to the crimes of this political system.
  • Post war settlement – 
  • Intellect and Free Will
  • It’s fighting for its life over yours – government.
  • You’ll find it is impossible to explain – these wars are being fought to continue the careers of their political lives.
  • Why don’t they want peace?
  • Military Industrial Complex – it has made money off the death of people for a very long time.
  • None of these policies meaningfully change.
  • Even if you express it at the ballot box.
  • The trouble is the performance of liberal democracy isn’t being believed by the people any longer.
  • There is no plan to restore anything.
  • They won’t admit the reality they have made.
  • Their only solution is to create a greater crisis.
  • You don’t have to do much other than notice the obvious to become a dissident. 
  • When you prohibit people from being sane, where do you go from there?
  • It is an abstract argument. 
  • They are gaslighting you into thinking more of your money will solve the problems the government created for you in the first place.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Joy Reid w/ Senator Elizabeth Warren on MSNBCI think he’s telling us once again exactly what his designs are for democracy, and that is given the chance, and Donald Trump will truly destroy our democracy.

  • I just wanted to explain hat Donald Trump isn’t doing any of this.
  • It sounds to me like she wants a civil war.
  • This is a Bolshevik tactic. 
  • What we are undergoing now is not liberalism.
  • It is a secular cult.
  • It isn’t just an attack on the Catholic Church it is an argument w/ reality itself.
  • The government is insisting on a reality that doesn’t exist. 
  • The basic fact a man cannot become a woman.
  • That is completely controversial right now and it shouldn’t be we all know it is a simply reality and fact of biology.
  • 1910 Apostolic Mandate – 
  • Do you believe Donald Trump and the MAGA movement is an answer to some of this?
  • If Donald Trump were not a threat to the death industry of abortion then they wouldn’t have tried to kill him.


  • Americans simply don’t know the human cost of was b/c of their media.
  • The media continues to lie to them about what actually happens in war.
  • I think Trump is sincere in his convictions.
  • I also think the question of the health of the public is extremely important too.
  • These are all questions that should be asked, they are all parasites and they need to go.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at or Candace her personal email or

LIVE Show PodcastsThe Mike Church Show
