
The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-Demoncrats Have Created New Willie Horton’s With Border Insanity

micMike Churchtoday02/02/2024 36

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    The Mike Church Show-Demoncrats Have Created New Willie Horton’s With Border Insanity Mike Church

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
 Today is The King Dude’s Birthday!!

  • Candlemas will also be celebrated today so make sure you head to Mass and bring your beeswax candles to be blessed.
18mMichael Dukakis and His Weekend Furloughs 

  • 1988 Remember the ‘Weekend Passes’?
  • Remember Willie Horton?
  • Even Democrats are regretting they called themselves Sanctuary Cities.
  • We have reports from citizens in Boston that are just outraged the city closed their only FREE rec center.
 HEADLINE: The Profoundly Humane Vision of “Groundhog Day” by Stephen Turley 

  • Groundhog Day stars Bill Murray as Phil Connors, a narcissistic weatherman for Channel 9 Pittsburgh, whose delusions of grandeur are expressed by his self-given nickname, “the talent.” As the movie opens, we find Phil very disgruntled. He’s been given what he considers an absolutely demeaning assignment to cover the Groundhog Day festival in Punxsutawney, Pa., at which “Punxsutawney Phil”—a real groundhog—comes out of his hole to reveal how much longer winter will last. Phil reluctantly travels to Punxsutawney accompanied by his producer, Rita (played by the beautiful Andie MacDowell), and his cameraman.
28mHEADLINE: House Approves Bill to Tighten Immigration Policies for Noncitizen DUI Offenders by Savannah Hulsey Pointer 

  • There is a thing called Law and Order.
  • There is this thing called Commandments.
  • There are also these things called Laws.
  • They break a law by coming here illegally instead of the legal way, that is on purpose. 
  • Then the first thing they do when here is to steal a car.
  • What upstanding people they are.
  • Are they truly here seeking a better life or a place where there is better stuff to steal?
 Rep Ilhan Omar 

  • Should she be deported?
  • She said as long as she is in Congress, Somalia has a friend.
  • She will always put Somalia first.
  • Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene should censure her, remove her and then deport her.
  • Either throw her in jail or send her back to Somalia. 
  • These people live in their own fantasy world. 
  • In their heads they create their own perfect world then they proceed to live in them.
  • It’s fine if they know its all a lie but the problem is they don’t know it isn’t real life.
36mAl Shabaab Member Caught in Minnesota

  • The illegals that have entered this country now officially outnumber our own US Military.
  • Are you concerned with this?
  • Do you fear something big is coming? 
  • When the invading force outnumbers the countries own military resources….this is a problem, a major problem!


HEADLINE: Nationality Act of 1790 

  • Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That any Alien being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof on application to any common law Court of record in any one of the States wherein he shall have resided for the term of one year at least, and making proof to the satisfaction of such Court  that he is a person of good character, and taking the oath or affirmation prescribed by law to support the Constitution of the United States, which Oath or Affirmation such Court shall administer, and the Clerk of such Court shall record such Application, and the proceedings thereon; and thereupon such person shall be considered as a Citizen of the United States.  And the children of such person so naturalized, dwelling within the United States, being under the age of twenty one years at the time of such naturalization, shall also be considered as citizens of the United States.  And the children of citizens of the United States that may be born beyond Sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born Citizens:  Provided, that the right of citizenship shall not descend to persons whose fathers have never been resident in the United States . . .
  • So what does that make the squatter in Boston?
  • They have to go back from whence they came and come back, get the permit, live here for year or two and so on.
  • That is how our legalization program works.
  • You people in media – stop calling them MIGRANTS.
  • These people are NOT going home.
  • They aren’t here for a short time only to return from whence they came!
  • 14th Amendment – 
  • Only a Naturalized Citizen can MAKE a Citizen.
  • Kamala Harris is then ineligible. 
  • Nikki Haley at the time of her birth what was her parents?
  • She is ineligible. 
  • We have to fight this folks.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
 Do business with those that do business with us. BullDog Kia have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Get your Kia today from the fine folks at BullDog Kia in Atlanta Georgia.
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
 Groundhog Day Trivia 
 AT&T Story 

  • There are about 4 young adults that come to the house.
  • One young black girl is wearing a AT&T vest w/ some type of badge.
  • They asked to come inside and discuss the deal with us.
  • She then states they are in the neighborhood until 8pm.
  • Using this kind of creativity, couldn’t they start their own business? 
1h16mAUDIO/VIDEO: 1988 Ad about Convicted Felon Willie Horton ‘Weekend Passes’ produced by National Security PAC, attacked Democratic presidential candidate Michael Dukakis for a prison furlough program he approved while serving as governor of Massachusetts.

  • So the Democrat party has learned nothing.
  • How long before some poor American family is Willie Hortoned?
  • We had 2 cops in NYC beaten up the other day and those 4 illegals were allowed to be released w/o any kind of bail.
1h25mAUDIO/VIDEO: US Immigration and Customs Enforcement Press Conference 

Reporter – Minnesota w/ that case he was deemed a mismatch and released into the country. How many other terrorist have been apprehended in the interior? 

Director – Within 48 hours of ICE becoming aware that Al Shabaab was on the watch list, he was apprehended. 

  • He came up CLEAN in our system at the border and they allowed him to come in.
  • Who let this man in?
  • The Federal Government.
  • We can all scream SECEDE but what if your government continues to work against you?
  • He was here for an entire year before they realized he was a terrorist. 
  • Trump says he will do the biggest deportation but how will we find them all?
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Nikki Haley on Fox News Discussing Closing the Gap in SCYou have to go back to NH we moved many points before the election. We will have a female President. It will either be me, or it will be Kamala Harris. If you nominate Donald Trump as the Republican nominee, Joe Biden will win and Kamala Harris will become President, that’s a fact.

  • 22% of the people that can vote in the primary say they won’t vote fo Haley in her own state!
  • She can’t even get 50% in her own state.
  • Throw Kennedy and 2 other independents in 


























Political Correspondent – Mahgdalen Rose

  • She has admitted she isn’t liked in South Carolina.
  • She has recently acknowledge she doesn’t have enough support.
  • When she was honest about her lack of support, that should have shown us she has no hope at the presidency. 
  • If she was our nominee dye hard Trump voters wouldn’t vote for her.
  • She can’t take a MAGA VP.
  • What you are seeing in these polls is a trick for Republicans to pick her over Trump b/c the left knows they can use her. 
  • She isn’t much different than Biden and the left knows that.
  • If the left can back Nikki, that should be red flags for us.
  • Her problem is she is trying to sell to everyone that Trump is going to lose.
  • I don’t think Nikki can win.
  • We will lose the base if we nominate Nikki and there aren’t enough disenfranchised to pull her to a win.
  • GA – Trump is up 7 1/2

HEADLINE: Verdict Delayed in Trump Civil Fraud Trial as Judge Engoron Weighs Lifetime Business Ban by Tom Ozimek 

  • The verdict in former President Donald Trump’s civil fraud trial in Manhattan that could see him banned for life from doing business in New York has been delayed until mid-February, according to a court spokesperson.
  • President Trump’s attorneys have said the issues flagged by Ms. Jones are immaterial amid the thousands of pages of financial data she has received, which include Trump Organization financial disclosures to third parties, documents related to transactions, bank statements, and all manner of paperwork related to taxes.
  • Arizona, Michigan and Wisconsin – problem states for Trump.
  • 64 instances where Biden made the border less safe and more open – Speaker Mike Johnson 
  • I think there has been an uptick in capability. 
  • The border crisis is so bad, that even Democrats are now willing to come into the mix and discuss it.
  • This is a game changer.
  • Chicago and New York – they never had to deal w/ the actual immigrants, it was easy to virtue signal.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Black Boston Woman Rages Against the Taking Over of the Town’s Rec CenterI have 4 children, boys and there is nothing here that we can do for free now b/c they closed this center down to us so they can house immigrants. I know life is hard, its a struggle for everyone but…I was born here. Now, it’s going to destroy our community more and mess our children up more. This is sad, why don’t they help the people here first?

  • Democrats know they are in trouble with this immigration.
  • That is why you don’t see anyone like AOC in her white outfit screaming to ‘let them out of cages’. 
  • PA there are whole communities being built on the streets w/ homeless people. 
  • We can see it and that is a problem for the Biden Administration. 
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 CRUSADER CONGRESS DATES – April 5-7th in Covington, Louisiana 


AUDIO/VIDEO: Dr Drew discussing his interview with RFK JrI’ve realized that everything in the news is BS. Everything. There is nothing I can consume on legacy media that I can trust and that is shocking. It makes you wonder how long it’s been going on for. I didn’t realize how much speech was being suppressed.

  • So what should we take from this interview?
  • MSM is giving you entertainment and pushing it off as news.
  • Controlling the media and other outlets, you can control the world and thew world view.
  • The Democrat party lives in a fantasy world.
  • The world they speak about doesn’t actually exist. 
  • So why are all these things done?
  • The Control and to maintain the possession of everything they have gained along the way.





















Richard Barrett

Host of The Barrett Brief aired on the Crusade Channel on Saturdays.

  • We talked about it last week, what are we distracted from?
  • The Border, what is it a distraction from?
  • What is Taylor Swift a distraction from?
  • What should we be paying attention to really right now?
  • They have continued to drive a wedge through families and communities.

HEADLINE: Nikki Haley says Texas can secede from US if it wants but ‘isn’t going to’ by Nicholas Kerr, Abby Cruz and Ayesha Ali 

Nikki on Texas – “If that whole state says, ‘We don’t want to be part of America anymore,’ I mean, that’s their decision to make,” Haley said, though she also noted, “Let’s talk about what’s reality. Texas isn’t going to secede.”

  • Asked if she still believes that states generally have the right to secede, a sentiment she expressed on camera during her initial run for governor of South Carolina, Haley said that “states have the right to make the decisions that their people want to make.”

Nikki on Texas – “I believe in state’s rights, I believe that everything should be as close to the people to decide,” she said.

HEADLINE: Gov. Noem to Newsmax: Cartels Infiltrating Protected Tribal Lands by Michael Katz

  • These people that live on the Indian Reservations are poor.
  • Don’t think for a second these people won’t take whatever money the Cartels will throw at them.
  • The cartels go in there, feed the people, set up infrastructure etc.
  • That is how these towns ultimately welcome the cartels.
  • Movie Sicario – this shows you the real story of how cartels work.
  • Warner Brothers is buying Paramount + soon.
  • AT&T bought DirectTV and thought they were buying an ATM machine but something else happened.
  • People figured out they didn’t need cable.
  • When this is all finished you are going to be back to paying $175 a month and you are already seeing ads brought back to these streaming services.
  • It is going to collapse in on itself.
  • Apple and Amazon will not lose b/c they have too much money to lose completely.
  • But watch Disney b/c they are losing money hand over fists.
  • Tubi and apps like that their content will open up.
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Meta-tags for showMahgdalen Rose, Richard Barrett, Disney, Paramount +, AT&T, DirectTV, Michael Dukakis, sanctuary cities, Willie Horton, immigration, border crisis, Donald Tump, Joe Biden, Governor Kristi Noem, North Dakota, Indian Reservation, Mexican cartels, Warner Brothers, Michael Katz, Nicholas Kerr, Abby Cruz, Ayesha Ali, Nikki Haley, Dr Drew, Robert Kennedy Jr, COVID,  Dr Fauci, AOC, Boston, Tom Ozimek, Speaker Mike Johnson, naturalized citizen, Amendment 14, ICE, Al Shabaab, MAGA, South Carolina, Governor Ron DeSantis, Amazon, Stephen Turley, Savannah Hulsey Pointer

The Mike Church Show