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The Mike Church Show-If American Society Crumbles, Prepare For Violence And Chaos

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    The Mike Church Show-If American Society Crumbles, Prepare For Violence And Chaos Mike Church


Time 6:03am cstWE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst. 

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First Presidential Debate

HEADLINE: America On The Brink of a Cataclysm? July 11th Potential for Violence & Chaos Looms Large by David Thomas Roberts

  • There are dates that live in infamy in American history that have forever altered the political, economic, cultural and spiritual lives of Americans then – and in the future. December 7th, 1941, and September 11th, 2001, are two such dates. 
  • Will July 11th, 2024, be another transformational day in American history? 
  • Americans should be very concerned about the convergence of unique and corrupt forces that threaten our Republic like dark clouds that are forming for that “perfect storm”. Although these developing circumstances are unique to the USA, we have seen these Banana Republic scenarios played out in other countries throughout history – and they don’t end well. The signs are all there, hiding in plain sight, yet most of American media is purposely ignoring them and the public has yet to grasp the potential severity of the calamity that may beset us all on July 11th.
  • How do you protect the public from a supposed law breaking predator?
  • That is what the left is calling Trump.
  • You would have to take him out right?
  • Take him off the streets so he can do no more harm.
  • I don’t think Roberts is wrong here and I don’t think the left has thought this all the way through.
  • The left is hoping one of us lead some sort of rebellion. 
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Tulsi Gabbard – Martial Law & No Elections During Wartime – Ukraine’s “democracy” in action. Since our government is taking billions from our pockets to “protect democracy,” shouldn’t the country we are supposedly protecting (while destroying it) actually be a democracy?
28mWho Is Running The County?

  • It is beyond comprehension that one man can be behind all this deceit. 
  • They took Biden out of play last Thursday, Friday morning he left for Camp David.
  • He has been missing from the White House since then.
  • He is going to be gone for 8 days.
  • How is he serving the people when he isn’t running the country for 8 days?
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2
40mBack To Joe Biden

  • If Biden can be away for 8 days, what do they need him for?
  • He can’t be indispensable then can he?
  • He can’t be running things if you don’t even miss him for 8 days.
  • He has left his duties to prepare for one 90 minute encounter.
  • Imagine if he would do this will all of the other issues this country faces.
  • The goons running the new world order have gotten their way.
  • They gave us COVID, they tested millions w/ untested serum in the form of a ‘vaccine’. 
  • What about the Amish?
  • Why don’t the Amish communities that don’t vaccinate their children have Autism or ADHD?
  • So many questions that need to be asked and addressed on these vaccines.


Illegal Alien Violence

  • Murder of Jocelyn Nungaray
  • How do you get rid of all these illegals?
  • Laken Reily’s murderer in Georgia.
  • The illegal that killed the mom of 5 last month.
  • Children being physically removed by the illegal trespasser monsters, this won’t be tolerated. 
  • it is only a matter of time for a political class person to reach out to Alexis Nungaray. 
  • Why isn’t the LEGAL path to immigration good enough?
  • Why don’t these people have to use the legal channels? 
 HEADLINE: Take Your Democracy and Shove It! We Live in a Representative Republic… by Mike Church 



HEADLINE: Taylor Swift Lyrics Enrage Social Media, But Are People Overreacting? by David Hookstead

  • Where does this end?
  • You get rid of the patriarchy then civilization stops existing.

HEADLINE: The Diabolic Civilization by Rod Dreher 

  • To ‘Queer’ Is To Invert; To Invert All Is To Dismantle All — That Is, To Destroy All
  • The institution that all of human history testifies is necessary to the building and maintenance of civilization — the family — has been queered now. The only significant particular variation of family form in history is the monogamy vs. polygamy one, but in general, the fact of the family has held across cultures. As you regular readers know, I often refer to Carle C. Zimmerman’s 1947 book Family And Civilization, in which the Harvard sociologist talks about how the form of the family relates to broader civilization structures. Zimmerman identifies three basic family forms in the West, from Greco-Roman times till now: the trustee family (clans), the domestic family (nuclear family + a close family network), and the atomized family (the nuclear family alone). Societies typically evolve from trustee (which usually proves too restrictive for society to advance), to domestic (a good balance), to atomized, which proves incapable of resisting the strong forces of dissolution within society.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at or Candace her personal email
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7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.


AUDIO/VIDEO: Greg Gutfeld Fox The Five – Preparing at Camp David – This guy needs to leave his job for a week. What does that tell you? That he won’t be missed b/c it’s no different whether he’s there or not. Are they printing a body double? Couldn’t they do this in an empty auditorium around the corner? They are investing more time w/ this 90 minute debate than anything in their administration. If they had the same energy for their REAL job, they wouldn’t have to look at Trump then. They are in a panic.

  • Yes what is actually going on?
  • How does he not have the company line already committed to memory?
  • At this point he has lived his entire life in this political atmosphere. 
  • How does he still need this much attention for a single debate?
 New York’s Fat Beach Day gives plus-size people a space to be themselves. 

  • What the hell is going on here?
  • I’ll tell you what is going on here, demons.
  • Demons don’t like humans.
  • They can help you deny yourself a blessed eternity.
  • We used to boast and brag about our life expectancy was rising.
  • Not anymore, we are officially in decline.


  • You have heard culture warriors from the Left talking about their desire to “queer” this or that. You might have thought it referred strictly to homosexuality. No, in critical theory, to “queer” something (that is, to use “queer” as a verb) is to invert it. Fat Beach Day is an example of queering the beach, by manifesting the opposite of the standard conception of “beach”. I don’t think queer theorists would disagree with Rufo at all: they intend the queering project as subverting the dominant paradigms such that they collapse, and a new, more just order can be constructed out of the ruins. That’s their theory, anyway.




AUDIO/VIDEO: Helen Joyce w/ Peter Boghossian – Transgender Children & Their Parents – There is a lot of parents that will have to fight forever. This is the worst social contagion ever. You have harmed your children irrevocably forever. They will have to fight forever to make themselves think they did the right thing to their child. You as a parent have caused like a human rights abuse level of awful thing to your child and it cannot be fixed. Those people will do whatever they can for the rest of their lives b/c they can’t reconcile what they themselves have done to their own children. 

  • I told you folks years ago what was going to happen here.
  • They didn’t choose Charlotte NC to start the war by accident.
  • It was specifically chosen b/c it was the Heart of Dixie and it wasn’t supposed to happen in the South right?
  • It brought the hell and fury of the sex cult of death down upon everyone in NC.
  • Then it spread to Indiana where Mike Pence was still the Governor.
  • Religious Freedom Restoration Act
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at






















David Thomas Roberts 

Texas Author – State of Treason, Purge on the Potomac, Patriots of Treason, The Death of Liberty and many more.

Follow David on X – @TexasAuthor

  • You publish stuff that isn’t supposed to be published.
  • The publishing industry is run by Communist liberals.
  • Simon and Schuster are so Communist I decided to do something different and publish books that they refused to publish. 
  • We call COVID the China Virus, you will see things at Defiance Daily that you won’t see anywhere else.
  • The TikTok ban is completely unconstitutional by the way. 
  • They refused to publish my article on that and that is when Defiance Daily was born.
  • I can remember the days when they wouldn’t consider a President that had a divorce.
  • Now we have someone that is running who is a convicted felon and his numbers have soared.
  • It completely backfired on him.
  • This is all entirely possible, when the date comes for him to accept the nomination, what if he is in prison? 
  • SCOTUS can they intervene in a state case like that?
  • People need to wake up, the MSM had you believing that this was going to be a hung jury and he wouldn’t get convicted.
  • Now the same thing is happening w/ the MSM, they are leading you down the primrose path that he won’t go to prison.
  • All bets are off, we need to prepare for the worst.
  • Look at all the old time old school Democrats, they know Biden is toast.
  • They are backed into a corner.
  • The BEST way for Biden to win is to put Trump in prison right?!
  • SCOTUS case already decided 10 years ago or so on unanimous convictions.
  • When the Judge told the jury about the 4-4-4 the plan was to put him in prison all along.
  • Three times a day when Trump arrived at that courthouse, Trump was unmercifully destroying that judge so don’t tell me that judge isn’t going to take that personally.
  • This went on for 4 weeks so don’t think that didn’t register too.
  • Jocelyn – 12 year old killed – Her mother is Hispanic and she is a legal immigrant.
  • How many will it take?
  • Illegals are systematically taking out American citizens one at a time.
  • My lovely wife is Hispanic and they are right on board w/ this.
  • The Hispanics that have come here legally hate this open border policy of the Biden Regime.
  • The ability to get ITC numbers, the way they can file tax income, now that has all changed.
  • What this started under Trump is a modern day Gold Rush.
  • You get free stuff here, you get tax credits for children still living in Mexico and so on…it will not stop until it becomes fully illegal.
  • Texas Nationalist Movement – 
  • It passed by like 69% and despite the established Republicans fighting against it.
  • I think all that feeds into it.
  • There are many others that believe each state has the right to secede. 
  • They have the right to independence!
  • You will see content written in a way you won’t find anywhere else on Defiance Daily!
  • Someone please give a Civics lesson here!
  • We have NEVER been a Democracy!
  • It is like the North and South – 
  • There is still a rift b/w the Mexican nationals and such.
  • Christian Civilization – 




AUDIO/VIDEO: Karine Jean-Pierre on MSNBC – 1st Presidential Debate – The data shows the economy is strengthening and growing. We came out of a pandemic. All of these historic pieces of legislation done by President Biden is why prices have gone down since 2022. The reason why we have chaos right now after the Dobbs decision is b/c of Donald Trump and now IVF is on the line. There are some of us w/ young children. We had more rights growing up than my children do now.

  • Everything she said in this 2 minute clip is a lie.
  • A bold-faced lie.
  • Inflation is NOT down and you are still paying $5/dz eggs.
  • I paid $5.95 for a fake ball of mozzarella cheese yesterday!

AUDIO/VIDEO: Biden Campaign Spokesman Adrienne Elrod – 1st Presidential Debate – First you have to take a step back and look at his ‘Biden’s’ accomplishments. You will hear Biden talk about his accomplishments and what he is going to do to continue to drop prices for the American people. 

  • No one cares about Biden’s ‘accomplishments’ they are his, not mine!
  • He mandated Federal COVID vaccines.
  • His inflation is ruining families each and every day.
  • He has allowed millions of illegals into our country.
  • They are taking our jobs, they are taking our benefits and they are taking our lives!
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Sean Hannity w/ Speaker Mike Johnson – Amicus Brief – The House is working on filing an Amicus Brief, we think the work done by the January 6th Committee was wrongly constituted and their work was tainted. We have been investigating the committee itself, we think it violated House rules.

  • There is no way the Republican party came up with this on their own.
2h45mAUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Thomas Massie w/ Tucker Carlson – AIPAC – I may be the only Republican in Congress that hasn’t done this for AIPAC. What it is, is conditioning. They don’t really care what you wrote in the paper they just want the paper to know you will work w/ them. They got into my campaign late. It was more of a whisper campaign against me at that point. Christians United for Israel, people think it’s a grassroots movement but it isn’t.  It is a separate state that funds abortions but no one seems to care about that or they simply forget that point.

  • The Hyde Amendment
  • The Mexico City Policy
  • If you support both of those you should not be a fan of the state of Israel.
  • The highest % of people in any civilized state, of all of those nations, the nation that has the highest % of adults that admit to being a homosexual is in Israel. 
  • The sex trafficking and homosexuality is among the highest of any county.
  • They aren’t the Jews you think they are.







AUDIO/VIDEO: Sean Hannity w/ Alexis Nungaray (Mom of Jocelyn) – She was my child, she was a preteen that was becoming a beautiful young lady. She had goals, she wanted to do things and these men, these illegal men took that opportunity from my family and my daughter. Now w/ her voice being ripped away from her, I will be her voice.

  • This must come to an end.
  • We must stop allowing these illegals in w/o any vetting whatsoever. 
  • How many of you remember a guy named Willie Horton?
  • He was a recidivist criminal.
  • He was an American convicted murderer who was the subject of a major issue in the 1988 presidential election. Horton had committed violent crimes while on furlough from prison, where he was serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole for murder. 
  • This was all b/c of Democratic nominee Michael Dukakis. 
  • He went from leading Bush to trailing and he NEVER recovered from this.
  • Americans, when they think rationally about this, allowing criminals free reign, they will rebel and they will side w/ law and order.
  • Dukakis was rejected by the American people b/c of Willie Horton.
  • It made the point, he would have been a Biden-like disaster.
  • Why aren’t there editorials being written about Biden on this.
  • This is HIS disaster!
  • This is all HIS doing.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at or Candace her personal email or

LIVE Show PodcastsThe Mike Church Show
