
The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-If At First You Don’t Wreck Murica, Try, Try And Lie Again

micMike Churchtoday02/05/2024 55

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    The Mike Church Show-If At First You Don’t Wreck Murica, Try, Try And Lie Again Mike Church

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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 HEADLINE: ‘Extremely dangerous situation’ unfolding in Hollywood Hills area as storm hits L.A. by Rong-Gong Lin II, Howard Blume, Hayley Smith 
17mSenate Border Bill “Immigration Reform Act”

HEADLINE: Senate negotiators unveil long-sought border deal by Al Weaver 

  • So who benefits from this Border Bill?
  • It isn’t the citizens of America.
  • It isn’t the citizens actually being hurt by illegal immigration.
  • Ukraine benefits.
  • Israel benefits.
  • Gaza gets a slice of American money too.
  • $60.06 billion to support Ukraine
  • $14.1 billion for Israel
  • $10 billion to Gaza
  • This government is now so big, it can’t get out of its own way.
  • It can’t even properly identify what NEEDS to be fixed.
  • Human Scale – 
  • Things that get out of scale don’t work properly.
  • Mordor has been out of scale for over half a century now.
  • We have always talked about the size and scope of these government entities. 
  • I agree with Tom Woods – when I asked him if he ever thought he would see a state stand up to the Federal Government he said NO.
  • Then he added – maybe we didn’t do such a bad job. 
  • For a long time we spoke about how bad and out of scale these things were and we tried to educate people that we outnumber the government and educate them on how to solve some of these things – maybe some of what we were preaching has sunk in!

HEADLINE: Schumer And McConnell Want Senators To Pass Their $106B Border Bill Without Reading It? Hell No by Senator Mike Lee 

34mUnited States on Friday Strike Iraq and Syria

  • You are not supposed to hear that fellow American.
  • You are supposed to not know that Putin isn’t the vile, evil Dictator that just wants to take over the world.
  • Why don’t you know that fair citizen?
  • Because our MSM refuse to even interview him.
  • Tucker Carlson is in Moscow right now getting ready to interview Putin.
  • I think he is going to tell Tucker exactly what the Biden Regime has been doing to keep this going.
  • I would not be surprised if sometime today, before that interview airs Elon Musk who is primary own of Tuckers platform is going to be put under tremendous pressure to stop this broadcast.
  • What kind of rocks do you have in your forehead?
  • Why wouldn’t you want to discuss this?
  • This is a MAJOR interview at an important time in history.
  • Musk has to continue his relationship w/ the IRS, Dept of Transportation etc to keep the tax breaks coming – what if they threaten to end all of that is he broadcasts Tucker/Putin on X?
  • We will be keeping a close eye on the situation for you.
 Southern Border Checkpoints 

  • 60 Minutes discusses how a group of Chinese immigrants found a precise location at the Southern border in California to enter.
  • They are using TikTok!
  • Yes you heard that right. 
  • TikTok is telling people where to enter, how to purchase a mule to get to to said location and what to tell the Border Patrol once apprehended. 
  • How large of an effort would it be for our intelligence officers to cancel these videos?
  • FBI Director Christopher Wray said our FBI cyber crime unites were outnumbered 10 to 1. 
  • Remember this gem from President Barrack Obama?
  • “ What is true is … that our lead will erode if we don’t make some good choices now,” the president said. “We’ve got to have our kids in math and science, and it can’t just be a handful of kids. It’s got to be everybody. Everybody’s got to learn how to code early.” – President Obama


The Immigrants That Assaulted the NYC Cops

HEADLINE: Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg DEFENDS releasing migrants accused of attacking cops in Times Square – as Supreme Court Judge slams him for prosecuting COVID-19 vaccine card dodgers while letting violent perps walk by Joe Hutchison

 HEADLINE: As GOP Field Narrows, Trump’s Legal Battles Intensify by Sam Dorman 

  • The court could rule that Congress needs to weigh in before the courts can act. If it does, it will likely set up a scenario that the highly polarized, often gridlocked legislative branch can’t resolve before November.
  • President Trump has asked the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit to reconsider his argument that presidential immunity should result in the dismissal of special counsel Jack Smith’s prosecution of him. Observers, however, have speculated after oral argument on Jan. 9 that he’s unlikely to succeed with the panel of three judges who heard the case.
58mHEADLINE: Pope Francis Rebellion Grows as 90 Catholic Figures Sign Scathing Letter by James Bickerton 

  • In the letter, the Catholic conservatives say that Fiducia Supplicans, a Vatican doctrine released on December 18 and signed by the Pope, would lead to the blessing of “objectively sinful” relationships. They add that the cardinals and bishops should “forbid immediately the application of this document in your diocese” and “ask directly the Pope to urgently withdraw this unfortunate document, which is in contradiction with both Scripture and the universal and uninterrupted Tradition of the Church.”
  • Our current regime leader claims to be a devout Catholic.
  • The enemy of my enemy – 
  • Our very own Vatican doesn’t like us and the American government doesn’t like us.
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 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
1h18mHEADLINE: Pope Francis Rebellion Grows as 90 Catholic Figures Sign Scathing Letter by James Bickerton 

  • The letter was published by, a media outlet dedicated to promoting “the great importance to society of traditional Judeo-Christian moral principles,” and signed by its editor-in-chief John-Henry Westen. The website also hosts a public petition signed urging bishops to “prohibit the ‘blessing’ of sinful unions in your diocese,” which has received over 21,000 signatories.
  • This is what the enemy does folks.
  • Confusion!
  • They do this masterfully by nominalism. 
  • Take for example the word GAY.
  • This is NOT doctrine. 
  • Nothing of what the Catholic Church teaches has changed.
  • This is GUIDANCE that a Priest could use.
  • The letter adds: “The threat does not become smaller but more serious, since the error comes from the Roman See, and is destined to scandalize all the faithful, and above all the little ones, the simple faithful who have no way of orienting and defending themselves in this confusion.”
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Greg Gutfeld on The Five Soldiers in Syria & Iran – Why is it that we only have consequences for action not in the US? If you harm Americans there will be payback. Well, there are American being harmed in the US every damn day. We don’t anything s*** about the border. We don’t do anything about crime. When will we send a message to the illegal immigrants or the fentanyl suppliers? Or the smash and grabbers? Oh hell, why don’t we send a message to the people who assault cops?

HEADLINE: To Bomb or Not to Bomb Iran: That Is the Question by Douglas MacGregor

  • Why do we have people over there to begin with?
  • I agree with Greg Guttfeld here.
  • You get a satellite over Korea and what do you see?
 AUDIO – Governor Jeff Landry on FOX – sending more help to Eagle Pass and other parts of Texas.
1h32mSIDE NOTE – Tracy Chapman on the Music Awards last night – schooled them. She gets up there in black pants, black shirt, no ear pieces nothing…and sings her little heart out. No reverb, no lip-syncing just her beautiful voice.
 America At War All The Time

  • When was the last time America was at peace?
  • The last time was most likely a small time during Trump’s presidency.
  • Why do we have LIVE BAIT in the Arabian Peninsula? 
 Suburban vs Cities

  • The Framers could never have anticipated that people would leave their farms and move to these things called cities.
  • In 1843 after the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo – 


Immigration Bill – 

HEADLINE: Schumer And McConnell Want Senators To Pass Their $106B Border Bill Without Reading It? Hell No by Senator Mike Lee

  • Who gets the money?
  • Who gets the bill?
  • So $14 billion to Israel to continue to bomb Gaza and also give Gaza $10 in humanitarian assistance?
  • The reporter immediately understood that my frustration was not directed at her. Rather, it was directed at the Law Firm of Schumer & McConnell (The Firm), which is perpetually trying to normalize a corrupt approach to legislating, in which The Firm:
  • 1. Spends months drafting legislation in complete secrecy
  • 2. Aggressively markets that legislation based not on its details and practical implications (good and bad), but only on its broadest, least-controversial objectives
  • 3. Lets members see bill text for the first time only a few days (sometimes a few hours) before an arbitrary deadline imposed by The Firm itself, always with a contrived sense of urgency
  • 4. Forces a vote on the legislation on or before that deadline, denying senators any real opportunity to read, digest, and debate the measure on its merits, much less introduce, consider, and vote on amendments to fix any perceived problems with the bill or otherwise improve it

HEADLINE: GOP Sen. Lankford’s ‘Border Security’ Bill Spends 3X More Dollars Securing Ukraine than the Actual U.S. Border by AG News Staff 

  • Illegal aliens not from Mexico or Canada won’t be counted toward total encounters.
  • This will not pass, it is dead on arrival.
  • Let me tell you one story for everyone that wants to mail it in and quit – 
  • John McCain in the Senate said he was going to pass another amnesty bill.
  • President Bush at the time boasted and bragged, I’ll see you at the signing ceremony.
  • Was there a signing ceremony? 
  • Something strange happened on the way to the signing ceremony, that turkey bill was killed.
  • Why was it killed?
  • People wrote letters, they called their Senators and Representatives and it WORKED!

AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump w/ Maria Bartiromo on Illegal ImmigrationIt’s just not sustainable. The Presidents, the Dictators…these are smart people. It’s not just South America. It’s from Africa, from Asia, from all over the world. From China there were 28,000 people in the last few months. That’s…what’s he doing building an army?

  • This isn’t rocket science.
  • These countries aren’t sending us their smartest and finest citizens.
  • They are sending their rejects!
  • There should be laws passed that make it illegal to hire illegals.
  • Make consequences if these companies do!
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 CRUSADER CONGRESS DATES – April 5-7th in Covington, Louisiana



AUDIO/VIDEO: 60 Minutes on Chinese Immigrants Using TikTok to Enter into the USTikTok is showing immigrants how to hire smugglers and exactly where they can cross. 

  • Stop calling them MIGRANTS!
  • The bill that came from Senator Schumer wasn’t called the Migrant Bill it was called the Immigration Bill.
  • They are immigrants, illegals and illegal aliens.
2h22mHEADLINE: Nikki Haley Called Out for Allegedly Sharing Fake Fan Mail on X/Twitter Addressed to Herself — Social Media Roasts Her by Jim Hoft 

  • GOP Presidential candidate Nikki Haley is facing intense criticism after allegedly sharing what appeared to be fake fan mail on Twitter. The incident has caused a wave of backlash on social media, with users accusing Haley of deception and raising questions about the authenticity of the messages.
  • No one in their right mind thinks anyone other than Donald Trump is going to be the GOP candidate.
  • 80 million voted for Trump last time.
  • I’ll be you there will be 85 million this time.
  • You haven’t read any history if you think this is the worst time we’ve ever had in American existence. 
  • You still have the freedom to get in you car and drive to purchase whatever your little heart desires.
  • Stop being a victim, surrendering means you are a victim and you lost.
  • Why all the shlep rocks? 
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Governor Abbott on Joe Biden & the borderThe president of the US has the power, there are laws that require the President to deny illegal entry into the US. He has a legal obligation to detain them. Joe Biden is failing at both of those duties and that’s exactly what gives TX the authority to make sure that we can step up and secure our own border. 

  • So while you were sleeping on Friday night, the United States bombed Syria and Iraq.
  • Do you know what a Houthi is?

HEADLINE: Who are the Houthis and why are they attacking Red Sea ships? via the BBC

  • Houthis are an Iranian-backed rebel group which considers Israel an enemy.
  • The Houthis say they are targeting ships which are Israeli-owned, flagged or operated, or which are heading to Israeli ports. However, many of the vessels which have been attacked have no connection with Israel.
2h40mMathew Crawford – 

HEADLINE: A Discussion With Mike Church About the Taylor Swift Psyop Theory by Mathew Crawford 

  • But radio “King Dude” Mike Church emailed me and asked me to come on this program this morning to talk about…Taylor Swift. So, I went with the weirdness of the moment.
  • I’m playing, really. This is a conversation that fits into a lot of the topics I write about, which Mike clearly recognized, even if I haven’t yet written about but a fraction of the psyops I’ve researched over the past few years. But tens of thousands of pages of prior reading made doing a day’s worth of research pretty easy. Understanding the recipe, and knowing what to look for helps.
  • When you talk with Mike, you instantly understand radio talent better. I felt like I learned five lessons in 46 minutes without asking for them.
 Vladimir Putin Tucker Carlson and Liz Crokin 
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Marjorie Taylor Green on Robert Kennedy JrA lot of Republicans have been fooled by RFK Jr. He is very much a Democrat and some of his policies are far far-left. Some like his COVID positions and CIA accountable but I could care less about him. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump w/ Maria Bartiromo on Gavin NewsomHe’s so much bullshit. I think Gavin’s easy b/c California’s a disaster. He has been a horrible governor.



HEADLINE: House Judiciary Committee Subpoenas Fani Willis Over Alleged Misuse Of Federal Grant Funds by Jordan Boyd

  • House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan subpoenaed Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis over documents detailing her office’s alleged misuse of federal grant funds. 
  • The House Judiciary Committee sent three letters in August, September, and December 2023 to Willis demanding documents outlining how her office spent federal funds. Willis openly flouted the committee’s request and accused Jordan of trying “to obstruct a Georgia criminal proceeding and to advance outrageous partisan misrepresentations.”
 HEADLINE: Conservative Credo by Barbara J Elliott 

  • States rights, secession and abortion.
  • Remember the North thought that slavery was so bad they were willing to kill Southerners over.
  • This is 2024 – we kicked God to the curb years ago.
  • The enemy will always take to the field, they will never take their ball and go home.
  • Just because you retreat, you give up your ground, the evil will not stop.
  • You will never get perfect. 
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Meta-tags for showBarbara J Elliott, Jordan Boyd, House Judiciary Committee, Fani Willis, Georgia, Donald Trump, Governor Gavin Newsom, COVID, Rep Marjorie Taylor Green, Robert F Kennedy Jr, CIA, Joe Biden, Senator Chuck Schumer, Speaker Mike Johnson, Taylor Swift, Mathew Crawford, BBC, Liz Crokin, Tucker Carlson, Vladimir Putin, Red Sea, Houthis, Governor Abbott, border crisis, Jim Hoft, Nikki Haley, GOP, TikTok, illegal immigrants, Rong-Gong Lin II, Howard Blume, Hayley Smith, Al Weaver, Gaza, Ukraine, Israel, Senator Mike Lee, Mitch McConnell, Iraq, Syria, Tom Woods, nullification, secession, Maria Bartiromo, Sen Lankford, Tracy Chapman, James Bickerton, Greg Guttfeld, Douglas MacGregor, Pope Francis

The Mike Church Show