
LIVE Show Podcasts

The Mike Church Show-Pederast Sean “P Diddy” Combs Pizzagate Alum, Busted!

micMike Churchtoday03/26/2024 25

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    The Mike Church Show-Pederast Sean “P Diddy” Combs Pizzagate Alum, Busted! Mike Church



WE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst. 

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13mBridge Collapse – Francis Scott Key Bridge

HEADLINE: Rescuers scramble to save dozens including 20 construction workers after Baltimore’s colossal Key Bridge collapsed when container ship crashed into it flinging ‘multiple’ cars and a semi-truck into the river amid fears of mass casualties by Paul Farrell 

  • 185 ft from bridge to water
  • 2 people have been rescued and they know of 7 still missing thus far.
  • They have vessels out there attempting rescue.
  • They have identified cars on the bottom of the river.
  • A similar incident happened here at the Port of New Orleans in 1996.
  • Even the Navy had to use River Pilots!
  • You have these River Pilots that know these rivers like the back of their hands.
  • Unless you know all the issues this pilot was facing you are just stirring the pot. – River Pilot
  • The video shows at 1:10am this tanker ship, which is loaded down w/ cargo containers, you can see it makes the turn out of the harbor into the river then you see the lights go out.
  • You can see smoke coming out of the starboard side of the ship.
  • There is clearly smoke coming out of the ship.
  • PORT = Left Side of the ship
  • STARBOARD = Right Side of the ship
  • The water is 50ft deep below the bridge.
  • It is an open investigation.
42mBridge Collapse – Francis Scott Key Bridge

  • There was an 18 wheeler that just BARELY made it off that bridge before the ship it it.
  • Baltimore has major issues even when it comes to police.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Baltimore Facing Apocalyptic Levels of Police ShortagesLast week THREE police officers patrolled a whole district of 61,000 residents. Police are now unable to respond to calls, including for child assault. The department is now post-poing police training in an attempt to solve shortages. 

  • There were more than 10 calls into the police department put on HOLD because there were no police officers on duty to handle them.
  • Congratulations Democrats, this police shortage is because of you guys.
  • What is going to happen during this time of ‘fixing’ this bridge?
  • Why in the world would you call Pete Buttigieg?
  • He didn’t handle the train derailments well.
  • Who is left to handle building a bridge like this?
  • Do we have any engineers that have the knowledge to build something like this now?
  • Who is going to do the bridge repair?
  • Who is going to get all the debris out of the river?
  • How long will all of this take?


P Diddy – Sex Trafficking

  • Kat Williams called out P Diddy months and years ago.
  • P Diddy posted a video a few years ago of him boasting and bragging about adopting this little white girl.
  • To Maggie she looked scared, anxious and not comfortable at all.
 Donald Trump Bond Reduction
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
 Do business with those that do business with us. BullDog Kia have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Get your Kia today from the fine folks at BullDog Kia in Atlanta Georgia.
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.


UPDATES on Bridge Collapse 

  • There were workman on the bridge.
  • The bridge is 185ft above the river.
  • That is quite a fall.
  • They have rescued 2.
  • There are confirmed fatalities but no names have been released.
  • I can hear the conspiracy theories gearing up now.
  • If you are just joining us, HD video is out and shows the actual collision of the shipping container to the bridge. 
  • If any of you know anything about River Pilots, please give us a call so we can get a grasp of what could have happened here.
 Mike Church Show Band – Puff the Nasty Rapper

Available on the Anthology Collection




Richard Barrett

AUDIO/VIDEO: Katt Williams Predicts the Raid on Diddy Back in JanuaryAll of these big d*ck deviants is all catching hell in 2024. It’s up for all of them. It don’t matter if you Diddy, or whoever you is. All lies will be exposed in 30 years. I’ve done nothing but collect information, knowledge and your secrets. I know so many things I shouldn’t know, and they all know it.

  • He professes all of this – 
  • He basically states they all sold their souls for fame and fortune.
  • Like Trump or hate him, he started this back in 2016 too.
  • The veil has been carefully crafted on public servants. 
  • He also pointed out that in order to ‘make it’ these ‘big names’ needed to embrace perversion.

HEADLINE: Diddy is stopped at Miami airport just hours after feds raided his LA and Miami mansions amid sex trafficking probe – as neighbor reveals how SUVs packed with ‘girls in bikinis’ arrive at rapper’s pad for wild after parties by Marjorie Hernandez 


AUDIO/VIDEO: P Diddy Introduces A Young Girl He ‘Adopts’Here is footage I’m resurfacing of Diddy on April 12, 2020, where he introduced his kids on Instagram  his alleged adopted young  White daughter Ava Baroni made an appearance. 

  • Combs made it sound like she had poor parents maybe with issues living on the streets and he helped them and then offered to adopt her. I have been unable to find any additional information on her. 
  • The amount of shuffling this young girl tries to do during this video is very noticable. 
  • But if you want to subscribe to the PizzaGate things, you have to show it off.
  • You keep what you kill right?!
  • P Diddy came up with the VOTE OR DIE campaign.
  • He did that for John Rambo Kerry if you remember.
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 CRUSADER CONGRESS DATES – April 5-7th in Covington, Louisiana
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Candace Owens on Israel’s Power Real power hiding behind the veneer of victimhood. In this case I’m refusing to allow my voice to be controlled. Every single political commentator in America knows this…if you are too quiet on Israel or you aren’t radical about Israel you will be silenced and kicked out. That mob will assemble and write piece after piece and if you don’t subjugate, the bounty grows larger. 
1h53mAUDIO/VIDEO: Joy Reid Two Days Ago  on COLD HARD FACTSTrump is broke, begging for money, can’t pay his bond and Letitia James is about to seize his assets. His lawyers paid for by the RNC is telling us he doesn’t have the money. Trump has lied many times about his wealth and that is why no one will post this bond. 

  • The bank President was called to testify.
  • He clearly stated under oath, the loan was fine and there was NOTHING wrong w/ the repayments.
  • They do their own due diligence when considering to invest w/ a person or company and give a loan to.
  • The largest banks on Earth said he was good for the loan, he paid them back on time and they would do business with them again.
  • It is all about the children.
  • They are horrified because Trump cares about the children and sex trafficking of children.
 Hostile Work Environment 

Ronna McDaniels

AUDIO/VIDEO: Joe Scarborough on NBC News Discussing the Hiring of Ronna McDaniel We weren’t asked our opinion of the hiring, but if we were, we would have strongly objected to it.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump After Bond Reduction 

Reporter – What’s your collateral on the bond?

Trump – CASH!

 You should all be getting the Premium Stream now, exclusively. If you ever lost it, and believe me you will notice that, that means you’re logged out. So, just login and all will be right with Earth.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Attorney General Race in ChicagoAnnounced the existence of an additional 10k mail-in ballots that were mistakenly not mentioned until now. Many of them were from drop boxes meaning postmarks are NOT required. Just 4,000 votes total now separate the 2 candidates.

  • Buckle in folks because you are going to hear this same thing in other  

















Brother Andre Marie

Follow Brother on Gab and Twitter – @Brother_Andre

Host of ReConquest heard only on the Crusade Channel

AUDIO/VIDEO: Daily Wire host Andrew Klavanon ‘Christ is King’ being shouted or spoken to Jewish people. 

  • He would lose his position “in this world”.
  • The idea that there is something wrong w/ saying that is anti-semitic is ridiculous.
  • It isn’t that you have insulted my ‘tribe’ of Catholics, you have insulted OUR LORD!
  • Hosanna to the Son of David.
  • That is why the Priest got particularly offended b/c they called Jesus the Son of David.
  • 5th Joyful Mystery of the Rosary
  • When He said “did you not know I would be about my Fathers business?”
  • They had all the ingredients that they needed to know.
  • They all knew.
  • Our Lord says – 
  • This prophecy was fulfilled – Of His kingdom there shall be no end!
  • Jews that refuse to accept Jesus Christ as their King, it is offensive.
  • You are either for Him or against Him!
  • The Son of David, the King of Israel – 
  • If we don’t give Him His title, then shame on us and if they are offended then shame on them!
  • This is a profession of faith.
  • If you read the Passion narrative from this past Sunday – 
  • We need a Saint Paul – 
  • When he converted he used all the same energy he has as when he was a Jew and turned it to the good of the Gospel.
  • He was the greatest missionary in history!
  • That was a Jew who was a persecutor of the church to ultimately dying a martyr in Rome.
  • Ben Shapiro publicly mocks Jesus Christ!
  • He might just think it is funny but it is mockery. 
  • He mocks Our Lord and he then expects he will have Christians as his fan base?
  • Why should any Christian get any information from a man that mocks what they firmly believe?
  • I think every Christian should profess their love of Christ and that He is King!
  • When you get people like us that want to evangelize Jews, we do this out of love not because we hate you!
 UPDATE on Bridge Collapse 

  • There was smoke visible before the actual crash.
  • This wasn’t rush hour traffic.
  • Could this be a cyber attack?
  • Have you ever been stuck on this bridge in traffic?
  • So do you guys think this was deliberate? 
  • You can clearly see smoke – 
2h47mAUDIO/VIDEO: Chanel Rion OAN – Big Media Has No Access to Trump – I’m talking about team Trump. For the 1st time in history no one knows what is happening in this camp. The media is writing off his camp as ‘chaotic’ because they have no sources.

  • The MSM is flying blind and they don’t know how to react to it.
  • They don’t have an ‘inside man’ any longer.






AUDIO/VIDEO: Frank Luntz on CNN – Remember this day, if they start taking Donald Trumps assets, you will be responsible for his reelection. Just like he goes up in the polls after each indictment, you take his homes and buildings and things, you will see the American people rebel. They will come to his defense.

  • Trump is turning Red America into one giant RED FAMILY.
  • They want this country to be the big shiny city it used to be.
  • They want clean streets.
  • They want their children safe.
  • They don’t want illegals committing crimes in their small towns.
  • They don’t want the Democrat version of America. 
  • They don’t want homeless camps.
  • They don’t want their beautiful daughters murdered and raped by illegals.
  • They don’t want what Biden and the left is selling as the American dream. 
  • The average leftist hate families, they hate children and they stand for everything the right doens’t. 
Meta-tags for showFrank Luntz, CNN, Chanel Rion, OAN, MSM, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, illegal immigration, Francis Scott Key bridge, Paul Farrell, Baltimore, police shortages, Brother Andre Marie, Catholicism, Judaism, Israel, Candace Owens, Ben Shapiro, Andrew Klavan, Christ is King, voter fraud, mail-in ballots, Saint Paul, Ronna McDaniels, Joe Scarborough, Morning Joe, Joy Reid, Katt Williams, pedophilia, sex-trafficking, P Diddy, DailyWire, Marjorie Hernandez, Richard Barrett, Vote or Die campaign, Barrack Obama, Jeffrey Epstein

LIVE Show PodcastsThe Mike Church Show