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The Mike Church Show PREVIEW-Demoncrats Turned Trump’s Trial Into A Me Too Trial

micMike Churchtoday05/10/2024 13

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    The Mike Church Show PREVIEW-Demoncrats Turned Trump's Trial Into A Me Too Trial Mike Church

Office of White House Legal Counsel

John Yoo – 

  • They are going to do it folks.
  • They are going to convict Trump and they are going to use this Harlett to do it.
  • John Yoo said when the Judge allowed Stephanie Gregory Clifford aka Stormy Daniels, that was the play.
  • They didn’t care about Pecker, they didn’t care about the dude in prison they only cared about the testimony of the porn star.
  • The judge is allowing this even though it has nothing to do w/ the hush money, she is there for one reason and one reason only.
  • Why was this allowed?
  • Because the case is now about #MeToo.
  • There isn’t even an attempt to make this trial about the legal case.
  • Some of you may not care b/c it is Trump and I get that but we should always care about miscarriages of justice b/c they could happen to us or to someone we love.
  • I’m looking at the excerpts of the testimonies and I am still asking what this has to do w/ the actual trial.
  • This jury is hearing all of this about the ‘Playboy’ Trump and they are going to convict him.
  • They don’t seem to care they are doing this to a former president.
  • The Democrat party is making this woman out to be the a sexual saint.
  • As if she was fine until Orange Man Bad came into her life.
  • A grave in-justice is being done.
  • Judge Merchan has allowed all of this. 
  • I feel for the family, I feel for Trump and this testimony from Stephanie Gregory Clifford was salacious. 
  • At the end of the day I still think Biden loses. 
  • Trump knows what impact this is having on his campaign. 
  • Trump knows the value of the televised world.
  • The last time he spoke was 2 days ago.
  • I just watched an episode of Supernatural – this is taken right out of Penthouse Forum.
  • Complete and total fiction but it doesn’t matter.

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