She definitely didn’t do herself any favors yesterday.
So just why did she bum rush into the courtroom and demand to testify?
Was the testimony of Mr Wade that bad for her?
At the end of the day is there enough there to make the opinion of the public to turn on her?
This is who prosecutes the criminal element in Georgia?
This is who is running things?
Mr Wade was very respectful, he answered every single question honestly.
If I lived in Atlanta Georgia I would demand she be removed and replaced.
The appearance of public officials carrying around thousands upon thousands of dollars in CASH at all times and having more stashed in a safe in her home, just isn’t a good look.
She claimed to have around $15,000 in cash in her safe in her home at all times.
Why did ‘most of her clients’ pay her in cash?
You are now voiding your own petition to squash your own testimony?
She ducked and dodged being served for months.
She should have been asked “why are you here after dodging for months”?
Judge Judy would have had a field day w/ Fani yesterday.