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The Mike Church Show PREVIEW-FISA Spy Act Passes! If At First You Don’t Secede, Try, Try Again!

today04/15/2024 22

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    The Mike Church Show PREVIEW-FISA Spy Act Passes! If At First You Don’t Secede, Try, Try Again! [email protected]

PREVIEW-FISA Spy Act Passes! If At First You Don’t Secede, Try, Try Again!

HEADLINE: Johnson Defends Vote to Kill FISA Warrant Requirement by Joseph Lord

  • Final vote on Friday was 212 – 212.
  • In most cases the Speaker of the House of Representatives, does not normally vote.
  • So the Speaker just adjourns, reads votes and does procedural things.
  • He rode in on his black horse to cast the deciding vote.
  • He casts the tying vote. 
  • 233 year history this has never happened.
  • The House passed a reauthorization of the controversial spying program for two years by a vote of 273–147.
  • That final passage came after an amendment by Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) to require a warrant to query Americans’ communications and other data failed in a rare tie vote. Mr. Johnson, who, as speaker, doesn’t always vote, cast the decisive vote that killed the proposal, prompting outrage and condemnation from some conservatives.
  • “Remember, that’s how we killed terrorists. That’s how we stopped terrorist plots on US soil. That’s why we haven’t had another 9/11 since that terrible tragedy.” – Speaker Mike Johnson
  • There were 86 Republicans that voted AGAINST this amendment.
  • Steve Scalise from Louisiana is among that number.
  • Stefanik is also among that number.
  • You can call your member of the House, and ask them to add this amendment to FISA.
  • Rep Andy Biggs, AZ on FISA – 3.4 million warrantless searches of American’s private communications. In just one year the FISA court reported there were 278,000 improper searches on American citizens, 19,000 improper searches of donors to a congressional candidate. There is no shortage of spying authority abuses by the weaponized FBI.

HEADLINE: FISA Reform Failed Because The Whole Point Of Section 702 Is To Spy On Americans by John Daniel Davidson

  • As it stands now, the law, which is set to expire April 19, allows U.S. intelligence agencies to spy on foreign nationals based overseas, but it also lets the FBI comb through the massive amounts of data the intelligence community collects and gather information about American citizens. These are known as “backdoor searches,” and an unlikely coalition of conservative Republicans and left-wing Democrats want to change how these searches are conducted.
  • Specifically, they want to require that the FBI obtain a warrant before searching Section 702 data for information about Americans — a reasonable reform. The intelligence community, and the members of the House Intelligence Committee over whom they have influence, oppose this.
  • The most straightforward answer is that the main purpose of the intelligence community’s surveillance programs isn’t to spy on terrorists or foreign adversaries overseas, it’s to spy on American citizens. So of course the intelligence community opposes FISA reforms that would make it harder to spy on Americans.

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