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The Mike Church Show PREVIEW-Harris Will Be The Most Anti-Catholic Bigot Ever Nominated

micMike Churchtoday08/05/2024 7

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    The Mike Church Show PREVIEW-Harris Will Be The Most Anti-Catholic Bigot Ever Nominated Mike Church

AUDIO/VIDEO: EWTN News Reporter Erik Rosales – Kamala Harris Anti-Catholic Bigotry – Senator Kamala Harris has twice sponsored the Do No Harm Act, which aims to prevent religious freedom protections from causing harm to third parties. Critics of the bill say its real goal is to stop people from exercising their faith in public and cite the measure as an example of how Harris goes after religious freedom. 

  • My fellow Protestants, you should fear this too.
  • If she is brazen enough to come after the Catholic Church, they will come after you next.
  • Don’t take this lightly.
  • They will come for you too.
  • The convergence of events, remember what they did to Kennedy in 1960.
  • They said he was going to serve the Pope and couldn’t be trusted b/c of his Catholic faith.
  • He went to a Methodist Church after that and gave a speech.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Matt Schlapp – Kamala Harris Calling the Knights of Columbus a Hate Group – Priests and Nuns shouldn’t pay for other peoples abortions. Someone that says that shouldn’t be in the White House. This is anti-Catholic bigotry. 

  • Do not worry yourself w/ Natural Born Citizenship or whether or not she is black or Indian.
  • Go strictly agains her own record.
  • That is how you will keep her out of the White House.
  • If they succeed in this, lots of people will die prematurely. 
  • The Soviets were asked to sell out their fellow neighbors for loafs of bread.
  • This is happening here in the United States.
  • In the state of Michigan they are calling on people to rat their friends out that are using ‘misinformation’ on their social media pages.
  • This is what the Soviets and Nazi’s did!

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